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My 300 year war with Napolean


Sep 24, 2010
I hope everyone enjoys this. This is my first time telling a doing this.
Game Details
Inland Sea
City States reduced to 10

I just wanted to add some side notes. It was hard to defeat Napoleon he went down the Honor Policy Path and got "+15% combat bonus when another military unit is in an adjacent title" + terrain modifiers, and unit promotions made it really difficult to counter attack and invade France.I was defending most of the game till Persia joined the war against France and i was finally able to go on the offensive

It began on 1685 Napoleon and the French Empire declares war on American Empire attempts to take Houston

By 1710AD Napoleon invasion forces are crushed, driven back by the American forces. Washington prepares to counter attack Napoleon and attack Grenoble. He sends out a Knight to scout the French Defenses. And he runs into a strong wall of Pike man fortified along a ridge of hills. Washington abandons plan to assault and take Grenoble.

A 100 Years go by it is now 1822AD Napoleon again tries to take Houston from the American Empire.

4 years of intense fighting go by it is now 1826AD Washington bring up reinforcements of minutemen and cannons and sets up a defense line. The Napoleon is unable to break through the American Defenses.

2 Years of fierce and intense fighting it is now 1828AD ,Napoleons forces are finally crushed and defeated. But French Reinforcements arrive Napoleon set ups a strong defense of 2 musket men on hills reinforced by 2 cannons. Washington's troops are severely wounded and unable to attack.

Washington's troops are severely wounded they are forced to heal their wounds and wait for Napoleons next wave of troops. 2 Years go by it is now 1830AD. Napoleon again tries to take houston.

80 years go by. The war is fought to a stalemate. Washington sets up a strong defense of forts and rifleman.

On 1919-20AD England allies with the French and declares war on America. America is not fighting a 2 front war with the English attacking from the west and the French attacking from the east.
The English forces outnumber the American forces and the English navy is bombing Detroit. Will the American Cannons be able to hold of the English forces long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

With America now fighting a two front war. America sends a diplomat to King Darius of the Persian Empire. America convinces King Darius to declare war on Napoleon. And now the French are fighting a two front war with the Persian Empire attacking from the north and America from the west

With King Darius of the Persian attacking Napoleon from the north. The French Empire is unable to reinforce their western front. America is now deep into French Territory and is about to take the city of Tours
Jesus, that's madness
I guess emperor makes more of a difference when fighting the AI
this is why I am glad to see the back of teh Stack o' Doom, love all that army laid out and ready to go :)
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