new unit: Scout Sniper (25th of December 2010)


Outside the box
Jun 17, 2007
Unit is game tested

UPDATE (29th of december 2010): Made the civ colored version! its in the second download below
UPDATE (30th of december, 2010):made a big error with the run flc not working correctly on the civ specific colored one :p it is working now.
UPDATE (2nd of januari, 2011):noticed a big error with the fortify flc after some more testing.... its gone now >.>

a Steampunk Scout Sniper unit wich was requested for the Steampunk mod


(default - fidget - fortify - attack (x2) - victory - fortify - attack - death - run)
eh shouldnt rly need to say it but, better speeds ingame obviously:

this version is called the ALT version, it has NO civ color, I will be rendering the civ colored one after this one. if you want to change the name of the folder, make sure you also change the name of the .ini file inside :p

I hope its good enough, I tried... I found it funny to put a fidget with binoculars in there, since it is a scout after all..

theres 2 civ pics, so you can choose wichever one you like best.


download the non civ-specific colored one HERE

Updated with the civ specific colored one!

Download the civ specific colored one HERE
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Thank you so much, Ruby, for a great scout unit. I love the fidget, it's perfect. An excellent addition to our growing pantheon of steampunk characters. This little guy and Tom's Steampunk Scout make quite the pair, I think - Mr. & Mrs. Smith, circa 1890....

As for the gun's recoil: everyone should be reminded that the Steampunk Mod takes place in the 1800's and that large guns like the one he's using had quite a kick back then.

Edit: 33 downloads in less than a day! Looks like we've got a winner...
As for the gun's recoil: everyone should be reminded that the Steampunk Mod takes place in the 1800's and that large guns like the one he's using had quite a kick back then.

yea when you said in the unit discussion topic that the rifle would be quite loud and strong, I decided to make the recoil a slight bit... "worse" to make it stand out more on civ scale :p
This guy is very versatile, I think so. Would also work in say, a post-apocalyptic/Fallout setting, sci-fi, or even modern day! Did you enter him in the unit competition, emerald_gravy? You should.
This guy is very versatile, I think so. Would also work in say, a post-apocalyptic/Fallout setting, sci-fi, or even modern day! Did you enter him in the unit competition, emerald_gravy? You should.

I already entered the Spy, because 2 of my friends said I should >.>

oh well, not like Id win with either one of them :p
very nice unit indeed

BTW I just want to let you know there is a mistake in civ colored version. Run flc looks like the default one.
very nice unit indeed

BTW I just want to let you know there is a mistake in civ colored version. Run flc looks like the default one.

wow O.O

thats a pretty big mistake.. lol...

I corrected it :p it was kinda late when I finished it up, guess I was TOO tired ..
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