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Game examples (save games)


Mar 15, 2002
I thought i'd start a thread where people can post saves of there games.

Saves just before you won;
Saves where you found yourself in a very interesting/challenging situation.
Progressive saves showing how you came back and dug yourself out of a hole.

Feel free to give a little bit of a background story to your save if you feel like it.

These games will serve to help new players get a feel of how things are done (by experienced players).
It will also serve for fun/challenging situations or scenario's that we can share with each other to try out.

Personally i'd prefer games on emperor & above but doesn't really matter.
I thought i'd start a thread where people can post saves of there games.

Saves just before you won;
Saves where you found yourself in a very interesting/challenging situation.
Progressive saves showing how you came back and dug yourself out of a hole.

Feel free to give a little bit of a background story to your save if you feel like it.

These games will serve to help new players get a feel of how things are done (by experienced players).
It will also serve for fun/challenging situations or scenario's that we can share with each other to try out.

Personally i'd prefer games on emperor & above but doesn't really matter.

They will also serve to tweak the AI to counter the posted techniques. MWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA
This game is gearing up quite nicely;
Deity- Giant- 22 civs, 8 snaky continents (from memory). Beginning/middle of ancient (epic speed but i slowed it down quite alot in xml, obviously you can just use your own settings - it'll be applied when u load).

Here is the same game - I've caught up alot thanks to the religion wonder that allowed me to use all religion civics (atheism) and great lighthouse so im in the mix with the tech lead which is nice but my army is still virtually non existent and I want to kill carthage at some stage.
Epic game speed, Noble level, Huge Islands Map (extra islands, low sea level), 7 AI.
Playing as Israel, David as leader. All other Civs are those found around Israel or were major opponents/powers.

1st save is just after I research Sed Life 1st.
2nd is setting up to beeline Monotheism to get Judaism. (Tengri already founded)
3rd is current save. Egypt isn't happy that I have 4 cities on his island. 1 captured barb city Zhou, rest I settled. Troop build ups on both sides.

Curious how you play- gonna have a look.
One thing I think you should really consider is building nearly ALL the building that only take 1 turn, especially all those +1 hammer +1 gold buildings like the bone huts etc, they are your bread and butter man!! Also 10% espionage seems a bit of a waste, its nice and all and doesn't really matter all that much since you are clearly in the lead, but I find you are better off waiting until you have some meeting halls and/or castles b4 you start spending your commerce on espionage.
Another thing is you have tonnes of troops idling in your cities, its obviously your preference to do this, but imagine just keeping 2 units in each city on your main island and all the rest on the egypt border, you would be able to crush him if this was the case. I don't like going to war unless its prehistoric and they only have 1 city (maybe 2) - until I have catapults coz its too cost inefficient, like I won't trade units effectively enough. Trading 1 unit for 1 for example is a horrible trade mid game. Seems you could do just about anything you want this game tho and still win, I think you should just bite the bullet and play a harder difficulty joseph.. I don't know why you bother :)
Epic game speed, Noble level, Huge Islands Map (extra islands, low sea level), 7 AI.
Playing as Israel, David as leader. All other Civs are those found around Israel or were major opponents/powers.

1st save is just after I research Sed Life 1st.
2nd is setting up to beeline Monotheism to get Judaism. (Tengri already founded)
3rd is current save. Egypt isn't happy that I have 4 cities on his island. 1 captured barb city Zhou, rest I settled. Troop build ups on both sides.


Thanks for this, now I can see what your playstyle is and how your progression is much better. I would like it if someone could post some developed games from Snail or Eternity, as I haven't been getting much feedback on those two speeds.
The SVN version used is in the savegame title, if you all didn't notice. ;)

I think you should just bite the bullet and play a harder difficulty joseph.. I don't know why you bother

I can play at a higher level, but like DH I test on Noble. A level playing field to see How and What the AI does with the changes to the Mod.

The SVN version used is in the savegame title, if you all didn't notice. ;)

I can play at a higher level, but like DH I test on Noble. A level playing field to see How and What the AI does with the changes to the Mod.


I still don't really understand the point of it. Whats the difference if you play on emperor or immortal for example? Its not like the AI will 'act' any different, they just receive bonuses and you a handicap. At least this way it'll be an actual game. Like playing tennis vs a 6 year old kinda isn't really a game is it? :)
I just think u'll have alot more fun mate.
Only use if you have my Advanced Civics modmod installed!
How about his one, pretty early ancient era...not too much worries right? Wrong! I got to simultaneously deal with a MASSIVE Mexican army to my west, a MASSIVE Malinese army to my east, and the occasional barbarian and French raider to the north. If it weren't for my dog soilders, I'd have been LONG dead, check out this picture! :eek:


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Thanks for this, now I can see what your playstyle is and how your progression is much better. I would like it if someone could post some developed games from Snail or Eternity, as I haven't been getting much feedback on those two speeds.

Here's my early classical eternity game on emperor. Not going to comment much, but if you have questions, just ask away.


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I still don't really understand the point of it. Whats the difference if you play on emperor or immortal for example? Its not like the AI will 'act' any different, they just receive bonuses and you a handicap. At least this way it'll be an actual game. Like playing tennis vs a 6 year old kinda isn't really a game is it? :)
I just think u'll have alot more fun mate.

Quite frankly I have not "Played" a real game with this mod for sometime. I just see what the AI does (so I can report and argue ;) )and try to get to the Ren Era before the next version. I'm finding using the SVN is Not conducive to playing a complete game with the same set of rules you started out with. Even on the speedster setting of Epic.

Plus New stuff is constantly added in and sometimes that just plain breaks a game even though we have Max Compat saves. The addition of Crime was a recent and Prime example. Just plain made the game I was playing back then no long playable. Abandonware by SVN. :p

Plus having "more" Fun is really subjective and a matter of preference now isn't it?

JosEPh :)
Current savegame after the SVN 2834 update.


I'm not that far techwise from the Medieval Era and I still have not reached 3000BC. I'm now the Tech leader as well as # of cities. I have met all other AI by now and Rome has 25 cities to my 27. Egypt has calmed down and we now have OB treaty. I'm also twice Ramses size in cities (he only has 11 as I boxed him in) and Military strength. Another reason he's backed the troops off the border.

@ The Team,
Whomever put the Original Dido back into the LH and Mod, Thank You! She's so much easier on the eyes than the last incarnation. :D Now if only her animated version was back in place too. :mischief:

If anyone has a modern/transhuman era game, could you please post it? Thanks! :D
Made Med Era by 2795BC. Looks to me that the # of years/turn for classical is to narrow.

Current savegame attached. Rome had gotten ahead of me in city building but I've caught back up and should soon pass him. Just got Cogs and Dromons. The "World" didn't like it when I went to Republic Gov't. I had several Pleased AI and they are all now Cautious.

Had updated to SVN version 2873 on the 13th. So starting to see some of those changes coming into play. The SVN version I started this game with was 2692. Just noticed I flipped the 6 and 9 in the save game's name. :p

Made Med Era by 2795BC. Looks to me that the # of years/turn for classical is to narrow.

Current savegame attached. Rome had gotten ahead of me in city building but I've caught back up and should soon pass him. Just got Cogs and Dromons. The "World" didn't like it when I went to Republic Gov't. I had several Pleased AI and they are all now Cautious.

Had updated to SVN version 2873 on the 13th. So starting to see some of those changes coming into play. The SVN version I started this game with was 2692. Just noticed I flipped the 6 and 9 in the save game's name. :p


Thanks for all of this feedback. By chance, do you know how many turns you are into the game? I have been looking at this and other games and feedback, and I think I have a set of new changes. I'm going to hold off on those though until I test them myself, so I'll add them right before the freeze.

530 turns for current date.

Mobutu is so badass with his glasses and I don't give a fck attitude ;)

7 civs deity just finishing off France who is on my continent, Israel is ahead of me with 39 cities but we got similar tech. Could be an interesting late game, im in renaissance I think.
Bumping this thread since I like the idea of sharing our games
And most of all, because for the first time ever I reached the modern era in a still competitive game

A little briefing
see attachment fo the settings
The map is divided in 3 main continents, each one dominated by a main civilization: one is owned by Rome (me) and the rests of the holy roma and greek empire; southern of Rome there's the continent of Portugal (not very big, but almost at the same tech level) which has also some other civs that are not so strong. The third continent is owned by Philippines and its vassal Japan (military leader, more or less the same tech level).

Actually, Philippines has declared war on me after the short peace that has followed a war which has lasted for AGES and has driven us to... nothing, exactly nothing.
The main challenging part of this game was the middle age and renaissance, when I had to conquer the holy roman and greek empire to expand myself; after that, the real challenge was the management of the revolts in these areas and the war weariness that was blocking my whole empire because of the war with Philippines. I had to beeline to fascism to get a compromise between low war weariness and low instability; after getting fascism, I got peace, so I could switch to repr. democracy. But after that, Marcos declared war on me again.

Anyway, if you want to play, feel free to do it and tell me what you think of my playstyle; I still have got some saves of the whole game, if you want to do a full playthrough


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In my game (Prince,20 civs, 10 contents & small islands, huge map) Babylonians destroying one civ after another. Right now they have 45 cities!!! (the second civ Romans has 25 and me -Persians- 20, the rest around 15). I guess most civs are at Medieval and Renaissance eras. I wonder why they don't have (Babylonians) revolutions to break them apart...
Anyway great game thx to the mod;)
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