TSG37 After Action Report

leif erikson

Game of the Month Fanatic
GOTM Staff
Feb 2, 2003
Plymouth, MA
Hi everyone and welcome to the TSG37 After Action Report thread. In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state victory date and score (preferably in the post title), as recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the most important: your path to glory!

STOP - Please do not continue reading this thread until you have completed and submitted your game.

Please use the Civ5 game submission page to submit your final, first play through, .Civ5Save file, saved AFTER the victory ceremony if you were not conquered (using the "Lemme play one more turn" feature.).

Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game. Some players like to replay the game, and although we will not record the results from a replay, you can still post your new experiences (please state if the game is a replay).

Would be interested to hear any thoughts on game setup. :)
Game: Civ5 GOTM 37
Date submitted: 2012-06-01
Your name: einkaufen
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1836AD
Turns played: 289
Base score: 871
Final score: 1528
Time played: 7:52:00
Submitted save: TSG37_Wu Zetian_0289 AD-1838.Civ5Save

I built 4 cities, took Tokyo and Osaka from Japan and assisted Harun in conquering Damascus and Tokyo. Hiawatha wiped out Darius and was very thankful for my "help" in form of 2 pillaging Triremes.
After Japan and Persia were taken care of Harun and Hiawatha agreed to DoF/defense pacts and there was peace for the rest of the game on our continent, leaving me with only 3 great generals to use for golden ages.

I think I neglected culture buildings (and CS) too much and was too slow to hit the renaissance, I ended up taking the Tradition opener after finishing Liberty. Later on I stupidly took Freedom instead of going for Rationalism first. I never even got to the 2 free techs policy, I used Oxford and the 8 GS I had saved up to unlock the techs for the space ship.
Ghengis Khan finished the Manhatten Project in the 1770s but never went to war, Siam had really deep pockets and hit the modern age earlier than me but did not bother building the UN.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 37
Your name: Derfel_82
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1705AD
Turns played: 251
Base score: 1142
Final score: 2284
Time played: 4:28:00

Not an easy win but a win.

DoWed by Japan in early game. Japan DoWed every one. I kill Japan with some Cho-Ku-No and take some cities (capitol too) from Darius, Harum and Hiwatha. They all declare war on me. Do some RAs with Ramy, Genghis and Liz unfortunally Russia had been killed before a meet them.

Allied with some CS to take luxuries, culture and food. Allied with Belgrade in early game and helps me a loot in the War with Japan, Arabia, Hiawatha and Darius.

Build only 2 cities.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 37
Date submitted: 2012-06-03
Reference number: 26385
Your name: Thresian
Game status: Conquest Loss
Game date: 2800BC
Turns played: 30
Base score: 49
Final score: 49
Time played: NA
Submitted save: AutoSave_0030 BC-2800.Civ5Save
Renamed file: Thresian_C503701.Civ5Save

Warrior rushed by Japan:(. I'm going to try replaying the board.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 37
Date submitted: 2012-06-03
Your name: Tabarnak
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1510AD
Turns played: 212
Base score: 615
Final score: 1464
Time played: 3:47:00

Write up :

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Sub 200 is possible. But you need luck with that early war against Japan(because EVERYONE will be DoWed). For some reason their units didn't show up. Probably busy with other civs, he DoWed almost everyone around before turn 40 :crazyeye:. I made a great decision to move my capital close to that riversided spot with 2 sugars.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 37
Date submitted: 2012-06-03
Reference number: 26392
Your name: LTJG Perry
Game status: Diplomacy Loss
Game date: 1898AD
Turns played: 319
Base score: 840
Final score: 840
Time played: 7:51:00

Wasnt going too badly until I got in a 500 year war with Siam, and he had 3x as many CS as me. Researching last tech and building first parts when UN built, so I emptied my continent of military for an invasion to capture it, but it arrived too little and too late to pull it off.

Home continent ended split evenly between me, Arabia, and Iroquois, with 1 Persian city.
Genghis and Elizabeth faithful friends all game.

I am switching to immortal fractal now, this was tense but I can feel it in my grasp. I definitely could have had a Diplo win (had I been aiming for it) and might even have launched in this one with a few changes. Like invading earlier, or picking off his allies.

Siam eliminated Russia in Medieval era.
I kept my first General (Sun Tzu) all game, the rest went for GAs.

Wonders Hanging Gardens, and Brandenburg Gate.
SP Honor filled, most of Tradition, left of Rationalism, opened Patronage
I think there will be a lot of folks who suffer the same fate.

But I'm pretty happy about this game. I did a lot better than usual at Immortal level.

I built 2 cities early - capitol next to mountain and second city on north coast.

I was ready for the inevitable DOW (and yes, Oda did dow 3 other civs at the same time, crazy guy). That ensured some friendly relations with therest.

I almost took Kyoto with a sword... the odds showed "costly victory" with zero left in Kyoto, but the result was 1 strength left in Kyoto. Unfortunately, that meant my Sword lost to counterattack and I had not enough units left to finish it. I took peace at that point... with the plan to return with CKN's. If I had better luck in the first war, and took Kyoto, I think I would have won this game.

Ended up puppeting Kyoto + Satsuma some 30t later using CKN's. Unfortunately, Kyoto was Japan's last city, so my best friend Hiawatha now thinks I'm a warmongering maniac (even though I only entered the war at his request -- these AI diplomacy are still insane). I did manage to not get DOW'd the whole rest of the game, though. Probably due to substantial military presence that I kept upgraded to latest technology. Never underestimate the need for military strength -- if you want peace, be prepared for war.:crazyeye:

Settled a late city way down south to get 3 oil... but ended up using a culture bomb to take oil from neighboring CS anyhow. I had quite the little cartel going. :)

I had Apollo built before the UN was built, but not by much. Siam had 16000 gold and was making 700gpt, while I had only a thousand and was making 350gpt during golden ages. If I was clever and saved my money to bribe his CS's away at the last turn before the vote, I might have gotten another 10 turns before the inevitable defeat. But I probably was 40 turns from completing a spaceship, so it was futile once the UN was built.

I tried bribing a few of his CS's away, most of them he'd take back the next turn. I ended up with 5 votes to his 15. I got England to DOW Siam, and that seemed to tax their cash reserves some, but not enough.

Perhaps I should have explored better and maybe I could have met Russia before they were eliminated. Having Siam be so huge and monstrous before I even met them meant I was going to either beat the UN with my spaceship or I was going to lose. So I lost. :p I think it was around the middle 1800's. If Siam had been closer I think I would have done something stupid like attack them.:lol:

Fun game for me because the challenge level was about right for me to develop my skills, but not so hard to discourage me from playing this level again.:goodjob:

I finally managed to pop 2 great people on the same turn. That is a milestone for me. :D
Your name: StrideColossus
Game status: Diplomacy Loss
Game date: 1892AD
Turns played: 316
Base score: 851
Final score: 851
Time played: 4:19:00

Lost to a diplomatic victory by Siam, looks like that happened to a few people. Shame because I was TWO turns from launching :cry:, but am generally happy with the game as I've not played much on immortal so this was quite a challenge for me.

Essentially played an OCC start after settling in place even though there were no sea resources. Bee-lined writing and went for the Great Library as I was sure it's still possible to build it on immortal. Got the GL but had also built a couple of warriors as well as a scout and monument ready for the inevitable attack from Japan, and I wasn't disappointed. Repulsed the attack with the help of an archer and signed peace.

But by this point I realised that there was no space for more cities nearby, Japan was practically on my borders and the city states covered the rest of the land. Eventually did settle a crappy city to the west for the iron then went on the offensive once we had Machinery for our UU. Japan again declared and we took all his cities except for one he's taken from Arabia on an peninsula to the north.

After that concentrated on generating Great Scientists. Persia declared but it was only a phoney war and he was largely wiped out by the Iroquois. In retrospect I should have tried to take some of his cities as we still had slightly better technology than he had.

Bought a lot of cultural buildings to speed social policies to drill down to Scientific Revolution, used great scientists to bulb the dependant technologies and used the 2 free ones for the last two. I had annexed Kyoto and set it up as another production city. Had generally done pretty well I thought in getting the spaceship parts synchronised, was only 2 turns away from launching when Siam won the first UN vote. Had sold absolutely everything (including most of our buildings) to try and bribe some of his CS allies but he still had 17 (!) votes. He had 32K gold at the end ffs :eek:
... not the fastest but highest score so far ...

Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1695AD
Base score: 987
Final score: 2014

around T225 Hiawatha eliminated Darius, and Rammy killed off Catherine.

At the end of the game I kept worrying that everyone would DoW me, but I guess they were scared of my Tank, Infantry, and Artillery .. and everybody DoWed Hiawatha instead ... go figure. I guess because I was near the top of the scoreboard, and Hiawatha was at the bottom (now that Oda, Darius, and Catherine were gone).

Fun game Leif!
I'm actually starting to enjoy Immortal.
It's kinda fun not knowing if you can survive the start and then go on to win. :)
Your name: omurice
Game status: Diplo Loss (Siam)
Game date: 1894AD
Turns played: 317

Feel like I'm in good company here, and not ashamed of losing on Immortal level, only done it a couple of times.
Oda DOWed me before turn 35, I sort of ignored his 6 warriors and 3 archers (in 30 turns he builds 2 settlers and at least 7 additional fighting units? umm-kay!). He went away, waited for white peace after 20 or so turns. He DOW me again but by then Hiawatha and Harun were beating up on him, so he did not send a carpet of units this time (probably an attempt for free gold which I did not give). I settled 2 more cities, one north by ocean, and one to south by a lux. Not many city choices squeezed in this corner of the map, but I rarely build more than 4 cities so this was fine. I decided not to retaliate vs Oda when I got Cho-ku-no, building more than a handful of military units would distract from Science buildings etc. I missed GL (wonders were gone usually), but after a few necessary low level techs to decide city placement or to tap luxuries, did the bee-line for Philosophy then Education, in hopes of the Oracle or PT. Missed Oracle by a lot, but finished Liberty tree in time to use GE on Porcelain Tower, my sole wonder! So by Renaissance could choose Rationalism opener and with PT double the RA power (not bad despite missing GL) so by this era my literacy was going from 5th to 2nd. Had RA with all on continent save Oda. Even spawned a few GS from PT and Unis, saving 3 for near the end. (Culture was moving too slow to go for the 2 free science policy).

Kept upgrading my few military units to keep up w/ the times and keep from getting attacked (don't want to be last in soldiers at this level, everyone piles on DOW). Nobody but Oda DOWed me, which was puzzling. My army was barely 8 land units, but it was up to date. Hiawatha was not too aggressive, but was the major power on my cont, surprised me usually that would be Mr. double-lux Harun, this game he was the weakest.

I explored after Astronomy the other continents/islands. Met all the others save one extinct civ. Liz was her usual self, Hostile until attacked by another. Siam was very strong, wiped out another civ before I met. Others had huge armies but didn't use them across the ocean mostly. Mongols had a scary carpet of keshiks when I met but he didn't use on anyone that I could see but one CS. He could have waded over to my continent and taken us all out by 1800, had strongest army from early on I believe. But Genghis sat city-spamming on or near his home island, generally friendly with his unused carpet army. Formed RAs with all but Oda after exploring the sea, so was in running for #1 literacy by Industrial age vs. Siam.
But Siam had nearly all CS so he sprinted for UN. I built Apollo around 1880s, had RAs that propelled me to particle physics and then nanotech by 1890s, but my 3 cities were not building parts fast enough. Had the tech, didn't have production lined up early enough, and not enough gold to rush buy 2 spaceship factory. RAs were finishing fast near the end!
UN vote in 1894 and my dreams of glory, asunder!

So I'm not at the level of Immortal play yet. Only ever won Immortal on a Small map (just to snag achievement) or a Duel map, but standard or large map at this level, some AI will overpower me. The AI bonuses (happiness and gold) are so inflated at this level, it annoys me beyond having fun, which is why I stay at King, sometimes Emperor playing civs with a "killer" UA (Harun/Ramses).

But this was a fun ride - THANK YOU for this interesting game, and unusual (small cont/archipelago?) map - an educational trip Leif!

Makes me want to aim for higher :goodjob:
So I'm not at the level of Immortal play yet. Only ever won Immortal on a Small map (just to snag achievement) or a Duel map, but standard or large map at this level, some AI will overpower me. The AI bonuses (happiness and gold) are so inflated at this level, it annoys me beyond having fun, which is why I stay at King, sometimes Emperor playing civs with a "killer" UA (Harun/Ramses).

But this was a fun ride - THANK YOU for this interesting game, and unusual (small cont/archipelago?) map - an educational trip Leif!

Makes me want to aim for higher :goodjob:
Welcome to CivFanatics and GOTM. :salute:

:thanx: Glad you enjoyed the experience. Please keep reading and playing and it won't be long before you are in the thick of things. Good Luck. :)
I'm pleased with my game all things considered; not an award winning entry but a decent time & win on immortal is fine by me.

Japan DoW'd early and took my second city, but I managed to get it back pretty quickly and went on to take his cap. Later with Arabia's help Japan was wiped out & Arabia had a DoF with me right up to the last few uneasy turns when he turned Guarded. Persia was a nuisance of course but I ended up with several of his cities puppet-ed (incl. his cap). Persia took out Hiawatha and Siam put an end to Catherine. Siam was the runaway civ but luckily wanted to be friends so we had a DoF right to the end.

Tried to ally with some CS on my continent for strategic defense but Siam with his buckets of gold just bought up the whole world so I gave up on CS early. Kept RA's going with everyone but Persia (and lost one when Cath was wiped out) and managed to get good medians, though Siam was never far behind in tech. Kept a decent size up-to-date military to prevent dog-piling.

Launched on T269, no one else had completed Apollo or UN (though I'm sure Siam was close to UN).

I think this is first game where I never once got labelled a warmonger by anyone even though I did a CS worker steal early and ended up with a bunch of puppets including 2 caps and a DoW by me on Japan. In the end I had built 4 cities, had about 8 puppets and annexed Persia's cap.
Game: Civ5 GOTM 37
Date submitted: 2012-06-06
Reference number: 26410
Your name: Halcyan2
Game status: (Waiting to be corrected)
Game date: 1978AD
Turns played: 398
Base score: 4964
Final score: 6283
Time played: 12:54:00

Decided to have fun with this one, so I played this out to have simultaneous victories on all 4 winning conditions on the same turn. (The quirks of the system meant I didn't get the Culture Win Trophy though, more on that later).

[Game Summary]

Settled in place. Nice selection of resources nearby, close to Marble (for Wonders) and coastal.

Production: Scout, Monument, Granary, Great Library
Science: Pottery, Writing, Calendar, Archery?, Philosophy, beeline to Iron Working, beeline to Mathematics
Social Policies: All of Tradition, then All of Liberty

With Science as the Designated VC and on Immortal, I wanted to hit the Great Library early, ideally netting me Theology, the free Library (Paper Maker), and the beakers every turn.

I met Japan *very* early on. Knowing how close he was (since I just met him) and how aggressive he tends to be, I changed my strategy slightly. I ditched one of the Scouts in my queue build (normally I build two Scouts) - this worked out well since the continent was so small. I also moved up Archery in my list of priorities.

I sent my warrior south, where he found a pop increase ruins. He did a tiny bit of exploring before running back to potentially defend me. My single scout never found any ruins but did meet the nearby civs (Iroquois, Arabia, Persia).

I kept my Warrior on alert. I read that other players got rushed very early so maybe having that Warrior nearby delayed Japan's attack. In addition to being able to see when Japan was going to attack me, it would also mean that I could trade for all of his gold right before he did that. Plus, I also managed to block his settler for several turns by moving around across the river.

Eventually he did DoW me (apparently later than most players). He settled in a sweet spot (hills/river) which I had been eyeing myself - but that was fine because I would just take the city myself! I finished Archery and bought an Archer to fend off his first wave.

After finishing the Great Library, I then devoted myself towards the war efforts. With a force of 3 Warriors and 2 Archers, I took the hills/river city. I took another city he had just built in the direction of Arabia, but it took awhile for me to take his capital, Kyoto. I did lose my Scout in the process, which was annoying later on when I needed to explore across water. At this point, he only had one city left (Susa taken from the Persians). The Persians soon took the city back, which saved me from the genocide penalty.

Ancient Era: Being Immortal difficulty and fighting off Japan meant I was at a disadvantage in the Wonder/Tech race. Although I got the Great Library, most of the other ancient wonders were built in far away lands. England built the Great Lighthouse, Mongolia had Stonehenge, and Russia got The Colossus. There wasn't that much interest in the Pyramids, so I went for that and was surprised when I got it. I was looking forward to the Great Engineer point (which didn't really end up helping), so I wonder if I shouldn't have bothered with the hammers, though the 2 workers were helpful in improving the Japanese land.

Classical: Went by quickly. I got the Oracle, but Mongolia got the Hanging Gardens and Iroquois the Great Wall. After discovering Optics, I sent one of my Archers to search for the other civs (my Scout had been killed by the Japanese).

MISTAKE #1: After finishing Tradition, I then did all of Liberty, but I think it was a mistake. I would have been better off going straight to Patronage instead (I was in Medieval Era due to GL). I wanted the free settler to try and build my second city in a spot before Arabia could get there (he had a pair of Settlers who were itching to get near me, but I refused Open Borders to delay him). However, I felt that the Liberty benefits were largely unhelpful. The free Great Person came late enough to not matter much (when I complete Liberty first, the GE grabs me a key wonder but this game it was so late that I just got a Scientist instead).

Medieval: I met Mongolia and England (due to Liz's fast Trimeres) early on, but it took a *while* to find Siam and Russia. After my initial clash with Japan, I was largely peaceful with everyone. Maintained friendships with both Arabia and Iroquois to deter war (and allow lasting RA's). Medieval Era was exciting. I grabbed Hagia Sophia, used the free GP for Porcelein Tower, and built Notre Dame. Meanwhile Genghis got Macchu Picchu and eventually Himeji. I was surprised by how quickly England built both Chichen Itza and Angkor Wat (maybe she used a GE?).

Around this time, Persia turned on me. He had built Ectabana very close to me so that proximity probably contributed to his hostility. After taking that one city I didn't really fight him much. He was also fighting the Iroquois and lost Susa to them. I marched my troops south and he sued for peace, offering me Pasargadae in the frigid south (but it had pearls). After that Persia was stuck with only his capital for a long while.

Was Friendly with everyone else and did lots of trading and RA's (with all 7 remaining players, including Persia).

Renaissance: I had a nice tech advantage going in (with lots of RA's, PT, and Rationalism soon after) but was losing in terms of points and resources. Mongolia seemed the runaway civ, with Siam close behind. First I built the Sistine Chapel and Kremlin in my two cities while Genghis completed the Forbidden Palace. I was surprised when my capital still managed to build the Taj Mahal (figured someone would beat me to it). My plan was to then do Big Ben, followed by Brandenburg. I did get Big Ben, but was surprised to see Genghis build Brandenburg. It makes sense that he would prioritize Military Science (given his UU) but I was surprised by how quickly he built the Gate. Ah well, I still managed to get the Louvre.

Catherine was suicidal. She had two cities and a much smaller army than Siam but attacked nonetheless. She quickly got stomped, losing Moscow and then St. Petersburg.

CLEVER SOLUTION #1: I was annoyed when Russia attacked Siam, because I knew Russia would get destroyed and I wanted the trade (and RA) partner. Learning from prior games, as soon as Russia declared, I had Shanghai build a Settler, who I sent to a distant island. When Russia was about to lose its final city, I created a tiny city and gave it to Russia, keeping her in the game. This let me have an additional trade partner for quite some time (though I needed to front most of the RA cash). Though if I had let her die, I could have liberated her later on (more on that later)

Industrial: I was very much in the tech lead. Built the Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, and Cristo Redeemer. By the end of this era, Mongolia was getting to be a problem. He had killed Sidon early on (before I met them). My solution was to bribe him to alternately fight Siam and/or England. However, Siam was also starting to become a problem by buying up lots of city states. (Reading about other people's games, it does look like the Siamese diplomatic engine was the biggest hurdle).

Around this time, Hiawatha finished off Persia by taking their final city, Persepolis. I considered bribing him to stop, but it wasn't worth it at this point. My RA had already completed, so it wasn't worth it for me to interfere. Plus, I was far enough in techs that it didn't matter and I was entering the "no more RA's needed" phase anyway.

CLEVER SOLUTION #2: In order to curtail Siam's influence, my plan was to have Mongolia attack Siam and a bunch of city states. By later attacking Mongolia, I could gain influence with city states who were attacked and/or liberate city states.

I decided on this strategy when I saw a Mongol army heading in my direction. At first I was worried that he was going to attack me, but instead he declared on Helsinki (allied with Iroquois). Helsinki was getting stomped, so I actually decided to *save* Helsinki by blockading the city with 2 workers, an Archer, two Swordsmen, and a Great General. Each of them took one of the 6 sides of the city (a few were embarked). Though Genghis easily beat down the city, he couldn't actually take it since I was in his way. Of course, soon after, Siam allied with Helsinki, so I told Helsinki that if that's the way they wanted it, they could fend for themselves. The city fell the next turn.

With Siam gobbling up the city states diplomatically, I bribed Genghis to attack Siam, and so began the conquest of the city states.

Before this Genghis had already taken Sidon and now Helsinki. He soon took Dublin, Hanoi, Monaco, Rio de Janeiro, and Sydney. After I declared on him, he did take my two allies Bucharest and Warsaw.

(Much later, when England was fighting off Mongolia they took Rio de Janeiro and puppeted it. And when I bribed Siam and his allies to fight all the other players, Elizabeth took Tyre and Hiawatha took Belgrade).

Modern: Back to the Mongolian War. I quickly liberated Helsinki, Dublin, and Hanoi, but had to wait a bit to get enough naval support (Submarines which went Nuclear, along with Destroyers and Battleships).

MISTAKE #2: I went upgrade crazy (changing my Swordsmen, Pikemen, and Archers into Mechanized Infantry) very quickly, but I probably should have waited 10-15 turns to finish the Pentagon. Would have saved a lot of cash.

MISTAKE #3: Another mistake I made was annexing Kyoto without realizing it didn't have Barracks. I was building the Heroic Epic in my capital at the time and thought it was completed when in fact, it stopped building because I didn't meet the requirements. As a result, I bought a whole bunch of units which I thought had the Morale promotion but they really didn't. This type of thing has happened to me a lot in prior games (stupid National Wonders!).

When I laid siege to the Mongolian continent, I quickly took Beshbalik (with Stonehenge, HG, Macchu, and Forbidden Palace). Defending it was hard though. I lost many a Tank and Mechanized Infantry to the relentless blasts of Artillery. Eventually, my Rocket Artillery and Battleships won the day and I took the whole continent (liberating Sidon). Moving eastwards towards the isles was challenging and slow, especially since I had to be careful enemy ships did not snipe my embarked units. I gradually liberated Bucharest, Warsaw, Monaco, and Sydney. I took a bunch of Mongolian cities. By this time I had built up a fleet of Stealth Bombers, which made things a lot easier. Meanwhile England was having success against Mongolia, taking Rio de Janeiro and doing well against Mongolia's final two cities. I took one of them, and let England have the honors of committing the coup de grace.

England wasn't happy with me and quickly became Hostile. However, Elizabeth wasn't my next target. I was still worried about Siam. In addition to his diplomatic potential, he was also the furthest along culturally. I bribed England to attack Siam (and she became friendly to me again). I convinced Siam to attack everyone else (Iroquois and Arabia). I allied with the remaining city states loyal to Siam, and DoW'ed him.

I attacked from the west, with Florence providing some cover fire. I took his first city easily enough with Stealth Bombers, but once I relocated my squadron there, it was a tense couple of turns holding the city. It was being bombarded down to 0 HP, but I threw my units in the way to prevent Siam from actually taking the city. At one point I even made a movement mistake which left a flank open, but I used my Paratrooper to fill in that gap (first time I used the Paratrooper to good effect). I got the unit from a Militaristic CS BTW - I didn't build it.

Once that city was secure, I quickly took the rest of the continent (including Siam-occupied Moscow and St Petersberg). Siam was left with just one wayward city, which I would get eventually.

Next up was England. I had one army coming from the east which would attack London and the northern city. And a separate army attacking an English city near Rio de Janeiro. It started off a disaster. My army landed on the English shore but I quickly lost a couple of Rocket Artillery to Tanks (which fight well even with the 50% resource penalty). I was 1 HP away from taking the English city on the island, resulting in the loss of 3 embarked units to speedy English ships (this slowed me down on this front since I only had one unit left that could take cities).

With my stealth bombers, I quickly took London and its northern neighbor. Also took some English islands and liberated Rio de Janeiro. What happened next was hilarious:

Previously England had completed the Manhattan Project. She had 4 Uranium (on the English island which I had first attacked). She had previously nuked a southern Siamese city and a Western Iroquois city. I tried to keep her busy by trading for her suppl (before the war)y, and then taking that city ASAP.

HILARIOUS MOMENT OF THE GAME: Right after I took London (and the northern English city), I guess Lizzy decided to try the "scorched earth" strategy of "if I can't have London then you can't have it either." She nuked her own capital (London). I really, really wish I had taken a snapshot, but I was so surprised (and amazed) that all I could do was watch. I didn't expect this, especially since I had now taken away her Uranium, but apparently nukes work just fine anyway. However, it didn't actually kill any of my units, which makes me wonder if the Nuke had the 50% strategic resource penalty.

After this, I quickly mopped up all of the English cities (first civ I officially killed), and liberated Tyre. Amusingly enough, I also took that city which had been Mongolia's last city and liberated Genghis Khan. I finished off the last Siamese city. Also, because I wanted to experiment with liberation, I took out Catherine (think of it as "loaning" her that city and taking it back).

Now it was just me, Arabia and the Iroquois, and Hiawatha was next. I wanted to have some fun with liberation, so I gave Hiawatha several free cities. I then DoW'ed him and took those cities back.


I learned this from prior games, but a city remembers which civilization originally built it. If a city has passed hands multiple times, it only cares about who originally built it (for liberation purposes).

From what I learned this game, you can only liberate a civilization that you did *not* kill. I was able to liberate Darius, by gifting Pasargadae to Hiawatha and taking it back. (Susa and Persepolis were nice enough for me to keep myself). I tried doing that with St. Petersberg, Oxford, and a Siamese city but was never given an option to liberate. Presumably because I was the one who killed them.

At first I thought it might be because those were particular cities I had previously owned (maybe similar to how you aren't offered the chance to Puppet a city that you had previously Annexed, if you lose it and get it back). However, Genoa had taken (and kept!) an English city (Norwich) that I had never possessed. So to test this hypothesis, I DoWed on my ally Genoa, took that second city, and was not given the option to liberate (meaning that prior city possession was not a factor). I then quickly made peace and gave them blood tribute to ally with me again.

By this time, I had an army of Giant Death Robots, which when combined with Stealth Bombers, made it a quick fight. I liberated Belgrade, took all of Hiawatha's cities but one (Brentford), and let Vienna take the final city (I provided tactical air support).

In order to to practice liberation more, I tried the same thing with Arabia. This time, I was allowed to liberate the Iroquois (but still not Russia, England, and Siam). Remember that Vienna had actually eliminated the Iroquois not me, which is how I figured out the liberation conditions.

Quickly took out all of Arabia's cities but his capital. A robot army sat outside his borders for a few decades until I could work on the Utopia Project.

MISTAKE #4: I wanted to have fun so I chose Autocracy as my 5th branch. The cheap units and extra strategic resources were nice. However, in hindsight, the happiness bonus wasn't really good for a Cultural Win (I should have chosen Order instead). Autocracy gives happiness bonuses with Courthouses, which requires annexations, which increases the cost of social policies. I wanted to conquer as much as possible so I never thought about razing (I only realized that "No Razing" was enabled after the game), but still, it probably wasn't a good policy choice given my attempt to complete 5 policy branches. It was fun though!

LESSON #2: After having achieved a double Victory trophy in TSG36, I wanted to try and do a quadruple Victory in TSG37. I was able to get everything to line up so that I could achieve everything in a single turn. However, due to the quirks of the system, you aren't able to get all four Victory trophies. Here's the explanation:


Cultural needs to be completed in between turns by finishing the Utopia Project, so it will be the first thing to trigger.

Domination (take the last capital), Science (move the last SS part to your capital and click), and Diplomacy (after waiting 10 turns you can click any time to vote) can be done during any part of your turn


Completing some of the victories will pre-empt you from completing the others on the same turn:

1. If you do Cultural, it has to go first. Once you win Cultural, there is no U.N. vote at all (so you can't win Diplomatically). You are no longer able to add pieces to your spaceship (so no Science win). But you can still take out the remaining capitals. So if you do Cultural first, your only possible remaining trophies are Domination.

(All the other possibilities preclude Cultural, since that would have to go first)

2. If you do Science first, then you can still do both Domination and/or Diplomacy (in any order). This is the only way to get 3 trophies (which is what I did).

3. If you do Domination or Diplomacy first, you can still do the other (Diplomacy or Domination). However, if you do any of them first, you *can't* do Science any more (no more button to add a space ship part).

Science, Domination, Diplomatic, and Cultural (in principle) Victories on turn 398. Could have optimized things by:

- If I had gone straight for a Science or Diplomatic win, I probably could have won in the mid or late 200's. If I had gone for Domination, I could do it by early 300's. It took a LONG time to get to the point where I could do a cultural win too.

- Should have ignored Liberty and taken Patronage earlier. Eventually I would have gotten either Commerce (even cheaper units, and the extra movement would have been nice) or Honor (good happiness for domination).

- Should have ignored Autocracy and taken either Order (instant happiness) or Honor (more potential happiness with garrison + defensive fortifications).

- *Maybe* I could have gifted crappy cities to my liberated allies (and I should have let Genoa keep Norwich but I wanted to experiment) but I think the map is prettier when all the territory is MINE!

Spoiler :

I had a few minor technical glitches, but they all happened late in the game (when I was well past winning). My game crapped out around Turn 290 (black screen, I think it ran out of CPU resources) so I had to reload then. Around Turn 346 I was experimenting with liberation, so that was another reload. And finally right at the end game, I was so preoccupied with taking screenshots that I forgot to save so I had to reload to Turn 384(?). Once again, the game was already won (from a Science perspective) by those points so it shouldn't make a difference (other than increase my "sessions played" count).





Here's a screenshot of Turn 397, right before the U.N. vote. It shows that I have the Utopia Project, ready for completion on Turn 398:

Spoiler :

Here is my triple trophy shot (I should also get a fourth for culture, but due to game programming it is impossible):

Spoiler :

Social Policies: All of Tradition. All of Liberty. Rationalism Opener. Patronage Opener and Philanthropy. Rationalism through Scientific Revolution. Autocracy Opener, Militarism, and Police State. Gradually filled up the rest of Rationalism, Patronage, and/or Autocracy. Saved Total War for last (for kicks).

Wonder Count: Great Library, Oracle, Hagia Sophia, Porcelein Tower, Notre Dame, Sistine Chapel, Kremlin, Taj Mahal, Big Ben, Louvre, Statue of Liberty, Eiffel Tower, Cristo Redeemer, Sydney Opera House, Pentagon, United Nations. Conquered the rest. Completed Apollo, all SS, Manhattan, and Utopia Projects.

U.N. Vote Count: 25-0.

I was left along with 3 liberated civs (Mongolia, Persia, Iroquois). Of the 20 city states, 9 voted for me because we were allies, and 11 were liberated allies.

Not sure what the 2 self votes are. (Maybe a bug due to winning multiple victory conditions, or because I killed Arabia right before the vote).

Here are screenshots from the Vote screen. (The background shows my city instead of the map b/c I accidentally hit either Insert or Home instead of PrintScreen).

Spoiler :

Liberation count:

1. Persia (I helped slightly, but mostly killed by the Iroquois)
2. Mongolia (killed mostly by me, but Elizabeth did the dirty deed)
3. Iroquois (killed mostly by me, but I let Hiawatha have the humiliation of being eliminated by a city state, Vienna)
* Technically this means I could have liberated Japan (after giving a city away). However, all of the original Japanese cities were all quite nice, and I didn't want an ugly white spot in the middle of my continent!

1. Sidon (killed by Mongolia, likely without provocation?)
2. Helsinki (killed by Mongolia without provocation)
3. Dublin (killed by Mongolia in war with Siam)
4. Hanoi (killed by Mongolia in war with Siam)
5. Monaco (killed by Mongolia in war with Siam)
6. Sydney (killed by Mongolia in war with Siam)
7. Rio de Janeiro (killed by Mongolia in war with Siam, taken by England before liberated by me)
8. Bucharest (killed by Mongolia in war with me)
9. Warsaw (killed by Mongolia in war with me)
10. Tyre (killed by England in war with Siam)
11. Belgrade (killed by the Iroquois in war with Siam)

Spoiler :

Look at all that Future Tech!

Finally, to reward those who've bothered reading through this whole thing, here is one last hilarious screen shot of City State Domination. When I DoWed on the Iroquois, Vienna conquered Montreal by itself. I later provided air support which let them take Brantford. Later, when I DoWed Arabia, I gifted Mechanized Infantry (to Vienna) and a Tank (to Almaty) while I pounded Basra down to 0 HP. I wanted to see whether Vienna or Almaty would take the city and it looks like Almaty did. The nearby city of Pasargadae was liberated by me. Note that all of these cities are puppeted (no city razing). This is truly the ISLAND OF THE CITY STATES!

Spoiler :
As always, I couldn't resist the urge to replay a 2-3 time 1 turn to test AI behavior. No unit in jeopardy but that still cheating.

Got a turn 317 or 1894 Science Victory

Almost a turn 319 Diplomacy loss

Lost 15 turns at the end of the game for a lost RA. Got a RA with Mongols with 2 coals ressources. They seem like they lost thoses ressources 'cause RA was cancel. I'll remember not to do those deal again.

Will do a replay to get PT as it might shave more turn than those 15. Thinking more about culture prevision and city placement. I'll go for 2 city + Kyoto or Mecca if war bring me up there.
Turn 323 Science Win - My first ever win on Immortal!
Completed the spaceship 1 turn before Siam would have won diplomatic victory!
Game: Civ5 GOTM 37
Date submitted: 2012-06-08
Reference number: 26417
Your name: godotnut
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1675AD
Turns played: 245
Base score: 980
Final score: 2000
Time played: 15:07:00

I predicted 230 in the other game thread, but sadly, I was off in the wrong direction by 15 turns. Still, this beats my other fastest game in tech for a GOTM by five turns, so at least I'm headed in the right direction! :crazyeye:
Game:	Civ5 GOTM 37
Date submitted:	2012-06-08
Your name:	gkreitz
Game status:	Science Victory
Game date:	1600AD
Turns played:	230
Base score:	1308
Final score:	2843
Time played:	13:11:00
Submitted save:	Wu Zetian_0230 AD-1600.Civ5Save
Renamed file:	gkreitz_C503701.Civ5Save

</lurking> (have submitted a few save games before, but this is the first time I do a write-up) This was a fun game! Settled in place (despite the low food), which allowed me to settle a wonderful gold city (4 sugar and lots of rivers) as 2nd. Settled 3rd city on southern coast, between two stones (also low food, but nice production). Fairly late (don't remember exactly when), I noted that HG was still available and was lucky enough to get it in the capital, resolving all food concerns.

Early DoW from Japan, but he didn't send too many troops my way (he was also fighting someone else - all AIs on my continent were basically in permanent war), so I had time to build an army, mainly archers (preparing for cho-ko-nu). Took his 3rd city which was my only source of (2) iron, allowing me to get 2 swordsmen. Got an early RA with Darius, who broke it by declaring. Was also backstabbed by Arabia at the same time, who didn't send much troops my way. I gave up on peaceful relations on my continent and went straight for Machinery. Cho-Ko-Nu came in handy grabbing Darius' coastal cities, and finally his capital. The battle for his capital was tight - I had a decent number of Cho-Ko-Nu, but lost my only source of iron due to Japan taking back their city. Happily, I won and Darius' capital had plenty of iron. Used my by now large cho-ko-nu army to steamroll Japan (grabbing capital and 2nd city, leaving him with his 3rd, surrounded by my territory) and Arabia (grabbing capital). Peace deals from these early wars were extremely lucrative, often giving 500-900 gold and/or 50gpt. Coupled wth my gold city and the (small) puppet empire I built, this is probably the game where I've had the best economy throughout.

Situation now was that Arabia and Japan were cornered by me, and had very limited resources. Hiawatha's lands were intact, but I had Darius as a buffer. The AIs kept declaring on each other, but didn't really make much progress.

Went for astronomy and built 2 caravels to discover the other AIs and all city states. Here, I made the mistake of looking at some post in the Game-in-Progress thread which was up to turn 150 (I was at ~125 at the time) which showed me where Russia was, speeding up my meeting her a few turns. Remainder was just RA with everyone off-continent (who were all very friendly) and wonder-spamming (I had such gold income I could use most hammers for wonders and buy everything needed in my 3 cities). Maybe I should have spent more of that gold towards city states, but Siam was massively rich and kept buying off the ones I allied.

At the end (while I was building Apollo), Hiawatha DoWed me (breaking an RA and pushing back my victory a few turns) and took a city from Darius (I've never seen the AIs be so happy to go into multiple simultaneous wars as in this game), so I grabbed that city and Hiawatha's capital. Not a real fight - he had cannons and musketeers, I had mobile artillery, and a ton of high-exp cho-ko-nu (range 3).

A bit before Apollo, I annexed Japan's capital to get a bit more hammer capacity for the spaceship. I also made the mistake of popping a late GE for Apollo/parts, forgetting that they can't be used for that. Him and my GGs kept me in golden age while building the spaceship.
Turn 323 Science Win - My first ever win on Immortal!
Completed the spaceship 1 turn before Siam would have won diplomatic victory!

Forgot to upload file before :blush:

Game: Civ5 GOTM 37
Date submitted: 2012-06-08
Reference number: 26425
Your name: yahzuk
Game status: Science Victory
Game date: 1902AD
Turns played: 322
Base score: 1548
Final score: 2418
Time played: 14:38:00
Having lost in 30 turns on my first attempt, I had another go. Since I was now excepting the Japanese warrior rush, I spammed a few units, and fought him off. Settled 4 cities. Full liberty. Missed HS, built PT. Left side of rationalism. Lost Nanjing once, and would have lost it again if Harun had bothered to bring any melee units. Captured Kyoto, Tokyo, two Persian cities, Mecca and one other Arabian city. Pretty much constant war from turn 20 to turn 220, which made it difficult to manage my tech properly. Allied Dublin early on, and got masses of rep with them by wiping out another CS and then building a road for them. Allied a cultural once I finally found one in order to get to Scientific Revolution in a reasonable time - I left it very late to acquire a caraval, because I needed land units for my wars. Usual 9 bulbs. 9 turns to build space-ship.
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