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Are right-wingers seen as scum?

salty mud

Feb 21, 2006
die Schweiz
Just curious. This forum in particular seems to have a lot of left-wing members but I see a real lack of right-wing. Maybe they are too scared to say so?
Answering the thread title. No. But some love to act as if they are.

There are quite a few vocal right wingers around. Start a thread about taxes and wait.
Yeah, we have a few. Our forum demographics are going to skew heavily towards leftists, with having so many students and all...but we have some rightys.

If they get a bad reputation, that be because of a few specific posters....
Same with left-wingers or most demographics really. Reputation needs loud exposure. And those of the loud exposy disposition are usually not the most nuanced posters.
Yes, right-wingers on this forum have to deal daily with false, casual accusations of racism, homophobia, xenophobia and islamophobia. It's unfair and many posters have been scared away after a few posts in OT. I mean in the past two weeks i can recall Luiz getting...bullied by several posters in one thread. Real mean stuff too and it took a while for it to get locked. There are a few nutters on the right here who seem to go on and on and do not debate but they shouldn't be taken as a representitive example. We know the left have a few useless posters too ;)
Some of my best friends are right-wingers. :D In fact, my best friend is one. A rabid one even. But how could I hold his poor understanding of the economy against him when he's such a nice guy? :)

And it makes for interesting and fierce drunken discussions.

Anyway, anyone sporting a Kermit avatar cannot be scum since he's clearly just looking for hugs.
Yes, right-wingers on this forum have to deal daily with false, casual accusations of racism, homophobia, xenophobia and islamophobia.

Sadly, these false accusations often happen to be true.

I mean in the past two weeks i can recall Luiz getting...bullied by several posters in one thread.

Oh yeah, the chop suey thread. That was mean. A little flak was probably deserved, but some people just went overboard with it.

There are a few nutters on the right here who seem to go on and on and do not debate but they shouldn't be taken as a representitive example.

It's the "vocal minority" problem. Say, if The Right stop taking the Extremes of other ideologies as representative examples, that might help.
Sadly, these false accusations often happen to be true.

Of course. However, I would say that the majority of these accusations are meant to smear and are intended as a substitute to an actual debate: ad hominem. Anyway its an extremely difficult to prove one way or another and it frequently runs into rotten misunderstandings. Take the word "multicultural" for some people that automatically implies multi-race. For others it means many cultures. So when a poster who holds the latter position critisises multiculturalism, to the another poster who takes the former view it looks BAD.

Oh yeah, the chop suey thread. That was mean. A little flak was probably deserved, but some people just went overboard with it.

There is a fine line between playful humor where two adults can make fun of one another because they don't take themselves too seriously and can laugh at themselves.
Chop-suey gate was just nasty.

It's the "vocal minority" problem. Say, if The Right stop taking the Extremes of other ideologies as representative examples, that might help.

I disagree. There isn't really a way to be louder then other posters on this forum. It's just easier if one side of the debate can just get a stereotypical view of the opposition and base his arguments off that, rather then consider the complicated nuances of the other debator. Amusingly, when two posters who have a good knowledge of the subject, have a well-meaning debate it seems like they both agree with one another but just differ on their motivations and reasons.
Just curious. This forum in particular seems to have a lot of left-wing members but I see a real lack of right-wing. Maybe they are too scared to say so?

No, the average "right-winger," by which I assume you mean conservatives, is merely a defender of scum and villainy. Many of them are good and decent people, who simply have an incorrect conception of things.

Yes, right-wingers on this forum have to deal daily with false, casual accusations of racism, homophobia, xenophobia and islamophobia. It's unfair and many posters have been scared away after a few posts in OT. I mean in the past two weeks i can recall Luiz getting...bullied by several posters in one thread. Real mean stuff too and it took a while for it to get locked. There are a few nutters on the right here who seem to go on and on and do not debate but they shouldn't be taken as a representitive example. We know the left have a few useless posters too ;)

Meh, y'all think we want to enslave and/or kill everyone and smear blood on a white Bronco.
Most "left-wingers" here are liberal-bourgeois anti-working class ideologues :mad:
Yeah, we have a few. Our forum demographics are going to skew heavily towards leftists, with having so many students and all...but we have some rightys.

If they get a bad reputation, that be because of a few specific posters....

I've never understood why students are so strongly left-wing. As a student myself it seems even more baffling.

The right-wingers on this forum seem to be to be a more extreme rather than moderate, maybe explaining why they get the bad rep as a whole.

Maybe they aren't that extreme; it's the left-wingers who are extreme and the right wingers are seen as extreme in contrast?

Sadly, these false accusations often happen to be true.

I hope this is a joke.

No, the average "right-winger," by which I assume you mean conservatives, is merely a defender of scum and villainy. Many of them are good and decent people, who simply have an incorrect conception of things.

Meh, y'all think we want to enslave and/or kill everyone and smear blood on a white Bronco.

See above.

Only extreme right-wingers (like a certain poster who I'm fairly confident is a troll) are seen as scum. However, liberals are seen as moderates and moderates are seen as conservatives.

Could you PM me this user's identity?
Maybe they aren't that extreme; it's the left-wingers who are extreme and the right wingers are seen as extreme in contrast?

A significant majority of the political positions held by the self-professed conservatives on this board are considered extreme by me because as a European born Canadian I'm used to far more moderate conservative positions.

When I look at conservative American politicians and their positions, I have no choice but to draw the same conclusion.
I've never understood why students are so strongly left-wing. As a student myself it seems even more baffling.
That is because it is largely a myth. While younger people are generally a bit more liberal than the elderly, the demographics in colleges reflect the same as those who are educated and intelligent enough to attend. It just seems "liberal" to most ultraconservatives who represent a fairly large portion of the population in the US.

A major reason why this forum hasn't become yet another predominately right-wing one like most others in the US is due to the number of non-Americans who frequently post here.
The right wingers on this board have a pretty good reputation, engage in serious discussion for the most part, generally don't go personnel.This is surprising because as has already been said it is despite a constant sea of personal insults ranging anywhere from being racist all the way to fascists. The lefties here tend to go into group think dog pile mode a lot, self congratulating each other to drown out dissension.

The most rabid posters here are pretty much universally lefty, though I would say they are that way because they are young rather than lefty (with some notable exceptions).
The right wingers on this board have a pretty good reputation, engage in serious discussion for the most part, generally don't go personnel.

Really? I haven't seen any particular correlation between emotional versus logical processes, nor the ability to stay on topic or make personal attacks, with either side of the political spectrum.

I will note, however, that whenever Obama does something particularly hated by conservatives, there does seem to be a flood of conservatives from other parts of the forum who do not frequent OT, posting their angry and apocalyptic threads in what I can only describe as a mental short-circuit freak-out. I have not observed similar behavior from "leftists," of either the American type (i.e. liberals) or actual political leftists.
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