How To Add Improvements And Wonders In Civ3.
With these step-by-step instructions you shouldn't fail. If you do somehow and can't get civ3 to work or it appears as corrupted use your back up files to resurrect it. You can try to do it again - if you are doing this for the first time it's possible you've done something wrong. But I tried to write this for the first timers, since people experienced with civ3 modding probably just get bored reading this as they already know the procedure, some may have developed better techniques or even programs to help. This is how I do it. It may be confusing at first but after couple of times you'll probably learn to do it in two minutes.
Sorry about possible typos and grammatic errors. My English is not always as good as is might be.
Anyway if you somehow ruin your files or/and blow up your computer with my graphics I will NOT take any responsibility. Remember to back up.
1.Add the building in Civ3Edit
2.Copy images to folders
3.Add the Wonder Splash to PediaIcons.txt
4.Add the building icons to PediaIcons.txt
5.Difference between Era specific building and Single building
6.Add the Civilopedia entry
7.Copy and paste the buildings.pcx's
Civ3\Art\City Screen\Buildings-large.pcx
Civ3\Art\City Screen\Buildings-small.pcx
I've used the Ziggurat wonder as an example, you can download it from Civ Fanatics Forum Graphics Modpacks thread:
1.Add the building in Civ3Edit
Add a building in Civ3edit Improvements and Wonders tab, name it Ziggurat, in civilopedia entry type BLDG_Ziggurat. Give the Ziggurat wonder charasteristics of your choice. If you are unsure how to do it study the way the original Civ3 buildings are marked.
2.Copy images to folders
Copy Zigguratlarge.pcx and Zigguratsmall.pcx found in the zip package into your Civ3\art\civilopedia\icons\buildings folder.
Copy Zigguratsplash.pcx into your Civ3\art\wonder splash\ -folder.
3.Add the Wonder Splash to PediaIcons.txt
In the zip package there's ziggurat.txt with lines:
art\wonder splash\Zigguratsplash.pcx
NOTE: xx is number of the wonder splash, last one of civ3's own wonder splashes is numbered 63; for battlefield medicine. Then there are slots for spacecraft parts (I think) and first available for you to use is 74 - so if Ziggurat is your first self added wonder the line should look like this:
art\wonder splash\Zigguratsplash.pcx
Add the lines to your Civilopedia.txt after lines battlefield medicine lines in #WONDER_SPLASH_ART begin -section. The battlefield medicine lines will look like this:
art\wonder splash\Battlefield Medicine.pcx
After the lines for Battlefield Medicine splash there is a long row of #'s. The Ziggurat part should be added in between.
So, the result should look like this:
art\wonder splash\Battlefield Medicine.pcx
art\wonder splash\Zigguratsplash.pcx
Wonder splash is the image Civ3 shows when you build a wonder therefore Zigguratsplash.pcx is the pic Civ3 shows when you build the Ziggurat wonder.
Your Civ3\art\wonder splash\ -folder is the place these images are located. By adding lines to PediaIcons.txt you will show Civ3 where it can find images for it's purposes.
_Now Civ3 is able to play the wonder splash during the game._
4.Add the building icons to PediaIcons.txt
Next locate line #Start buildings in your PediaIcons.txt file.First line after it is #ICON_BLDG_Airport for Airport improvement. The buildings are in alphapedical order so the last lines for buildings will be for wealth "improvement".
Again look at Ziggurat.txt file in the package, and add following lines after the last Wealth line and before #HomelessIcons line.
The result should look like this:
_Now you are able to see appropriate icons and images in science advisor screen and when viewing civilopedia._
5.Difference between Era specific building and Single building
In era specific building graphics may vary when changing the era. Then you must make it appear four times, once for every era. Let's imagine that the Brothel improvement is available from the industrial era. There's only one icon but you choose to do some art work and make it look different for modern ages. Then the lines should look like this:
Note that
My Gallows graphics are era specific. Different image and different name for the image for every era (gallows for ancient times, guillotine for middle ages, electric chair for industrial and firing squad for modern times. Gallows improvement needs following lines:
With improvements there are no need for Splashes. In my ---.txt file in the package there are always needed additions for both civilopedia.txt and pediaicons.txt - no need for more.
6.Add the Civilopedia entry
Civilopedia entries are not necessarily needed, since Civ3 works well without them. But if you want to add them for gameplay's sake I've taken the trouble to write the civilopedia entry for you. Or sometimes taken the trouble to copy parts of texts found in the internet ;-)
In Civilopedia.txt file found again in your Civ3\text\ folder there are sections for City Improvements, Spaceship Parts, Small and Great Wonders. Ziggurat is a Great wonder so find great wonders section. Last of the great wonders is the Seti Program. Looks like this:
^Doubles $LINK<scientific research=GCON_Research> in the city where it is built.
^May trigger $LINK<Golden Age=GCON_Golden_Age> for Expansionist civilizations.
^The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) was officially initiated by the United States in the latter half of the 20th Century. The purpose of the program was to find some sort of conclusive evidence that intelligent life existed beyond the confines of our planet. Employing banks of radio telescopes and other detection equipment, SETI scans the skies hoping to find proof of extraterrestrial life in the form of radio transmissions and other activity. Although the program has yet to find such proof, the effort has produced many useful benefits to astronomy, telecommunications, and other high-tech fields.
NOTE: The #BLDG_SETI_Program part is for the screen when you click Seti Program icon to view it in civilopedia. #DESC_BLDG_SETI_program is viewed when you click the description button in that screen. So, we will give the Ziggurat wonder similar entry to just below Seti Program. In Ziggurat.txt you will find next lines:
^Doupless the happines of a temple in your every city on the continent.
^May trigger $LINK<Golden Age=GCON_Golden_Age> for Religious civilizations.
^Ziggurat is a Sumerian word given by the ancient Babylonians and Assyrians to their temples around 2200 until
500 BC. The word means "terraced pyramid," and ziggurats were precursors to the Egyptian pyramids. Found in
many ancient Mesopotamian cities, ziggurats were step-shaped, representing the ascent into the heavens where
the gods reigned. The outside was constructed of materials that were resistant to the elements, and the terraces
were often landscaped with shrubs and trees.
When giving charasteristics and effects for Ziggurat in Civ3edit I gave it the douples happiness of a temple Oracle effect and religious charasteristics. If you give it different effects, like 'adds one happy face in every city on the same continent' then change the following line:
^Doupless the happines of a temple in your every city on the continent.
to this one:
^Adds one happy face in every city on the same continent.
If you gave it militaristic characteristics for some reason then change:
^May trigger $LINK<Golden Age=GCON_Golden_Age> for Religious civilizations.
^May trigger $LINK<Golden Age=GCON_Golden_Age> for Militaristic civilizations.
If these were your choices then Ziggurat wonder entry would look like this:
^Adds one happy face in every city on the same continent.
^May trigger $LINK<Golden Age=GCON_Golden_Age> for Militaristic civilizations.
etc. etc.
NOTE: If you are adding an improvement or minor wonder instead of a great wonder then put it in correct place (although I've I've had no problems so far if I've had
improvements in wonder section etc.). If you are adding an improvement put it as the last improvement before spaceship components start line. In civilopedia.txt sections are divided with lines like these:
; City Improvements_____________________City Improvements
;GREAT WONDERS_________________________________ GREAT WONDERS
7.Copy and paste the buildings.pcx's
Ok, then the all important buildings-large.pcx and buildings-small.pcx. You will need some kind of image editor for the purpose - make sure the editor you use works with pcx-files. Paint program which comes with windows will not work, at least one with windows XP I'm using doesn't. I can't exactly tell you how to do it since different programs use different ways. But copying and pasting should be available in the simplest image editor and commands are often similar. Learn from a help file or something how to copy and paste in the program if you don't already know. This is how it can be done usually:
a. In the program open my buildings-large.pcx and then Civ3's buildings-large.pcx found in Civ3\Art\City Screen\ folder. In my file there is usually one building graphics or if era specific there will be four of them in a row. In Civ3's file there's the whole building list as images ment for game's city screen queue list and build button.
b. Select my single icon.
c. Copy it by pressing ctrl-c keyboard shortcut or with copy command in edit tab or something. My icon is now in the clipboard to be used soon.
d. Select civ3's building-large.pcx, zoom in until you see few icons appearing larger. Roll down until you seen empty slot under the last Spaceship Component icon.
e. Paste my icon in the first empty space immediately under the last Spaceship Component icon. Be sure that green lines are symmetrically joined in every corner and it looks to be in its right place compared to original Civ3 icons.
f. My icon may view as selected, so unselect it (learn how to from your program).
g. Save it as building-large.pcx into Civ3\Art\City Screen\ folder.
h. Repeat the procedure with buildings-small.pcx
NOTE: If the building you are adding is era specific (like most improvements), not a single building which will look the same in every era (like most wonders) and poor me have supplied you with only one icon you have to make a horizontal row of four icons in your buildings-large and -small.pcx's.
--------------------------- End of instructions ---------------------
So, now you are able to see the buildings and use them for your civ3 games, scenarios and mods. Note that you can't see added buildings in City View since it's hardcoded and people rarely use it anyways, I guess.
Have fun,