Leader translation mod


Jul 20, 2013

I'm working on a mod to add the actual translations of the leader sayings (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=398606) to the diplomacy screen. So far I have only added the intro sayings which works fine. I want to also add the dialog in the leader's actual language in parentheses, but for the ones that have non-latin characters this doesn't work. For example in my xml file I have:

			<Where Type="en_US"/>
				<FontName>Segoe UI</FontName>
			<Text>Greetings, I am Empress Wu Zetian. China desires peace and independent development. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. (N&#464;h&#462;o, w&#466; shì n&#474;huángdì w&#468;zéti&#257;n. Zh&#333;ngguó zhu&#299;qiú hépíng y&#464; móuqiú zìsh&#275;nf&#257;zh&#462;n. Rén bú fàn w&#466;, W&#466; bú fàn rén.)</Text>

Does someone know how to get the non-latin characters working?

Another problem is for speeches where the text is not specific to the leader but is generic. For example, in Civ5Diplomacy_Responses.xml:

<Row LeaderType="GENERIC">

I want to remove the ResponseType attribute of the LeaderType="GENERIC" row but not delete the entire row because it is still useful for dialogues with no leader-specific audio. I've searched around and can only figure out how to delete the row. Then I plan to add the following. If I add this now, the generic response still seems to get used.

<Row LeaderType="LEADER_WU_ZETIAN">
I don't think you can. Correct me if I'm wrong

Which do you mean, non-latin characters or deleting one child element of a row? (I got child elements and attributes mixed up in the last post.)

I tried changing the font, both Segoe UI and Gill Sans don't seem to actually change the font. I know non-latin characters can show up in custom non-English localizations, as stated here: http://wiki.2kgames.com/civ5/index.php/Mods:AddingNewLanguage. Maybe updating the en_US language child elements isn't the way to do it?
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