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What needs fixing before we release V34

Jul 5, 2004
Canberra, Australia
What must we fix before release v34? These are the things we need fixing before we do the freeze testing.

Must Fix
Volcanoes (rightfuture and Dancing Hoskuld)
Super Forts (Koshling and Dancing Hoskuld)
  • when an empty fort or watch tower are entered by an enemy unit ownership does not change (may only be the new ones this is not occurring - this may only be happening with the new forts and towers. No one has reported it happening with forts)
  • we have lost the ability to build canals
  • when you remove a watch tower in your territory (on the border) with an improvement the plot may become unowned
  • automatic and ai workers are now leaving cultural borders unescorted to build the super forts
Wonders and National Wonders can be built multiple times. I have seen this happen when you try in the same turn ie assign a city to build a wonder then go to another city and you can still build it. This is probably a caching issue but it needs fixing. If a city is set to build a wonder no other city should see it available in their queue. Also if it is removed from a queue it should show up as available to other cities. You should not have to wait for the next turn.

Fill in the "empty" techs. I have a few for Heritage and Taxonomy.

Naval Blockade is not working.

Workers can't build routes (this must be very new as I am not experiencing it)

Pedia Route page. (Dancing Hoskuld & Thunderbrd)

City Screen specialists (Dancing Hoskuld)

Research discrepancies? (Thunderbrd)

Signs not saved with game.

AI for automated boats needs to get them to not stay next to enemy archers when healing as it just results in them being sunk!

Moved from must fix to fix for v35 because they are less important or too much work to do.

Just for your information some big and small team projects that we have on our list
Figure out a way of getting the animal spawns to work on maps that don't have the default longitude so that we don't have to set up a different set for every map.

Create a modmod for experimental work on the evolving your civs.
Step 1.
a. Create a civilization for each cultural group and a few leaders. done
b. Make all the other civs non-playable.
c. make available it for trial​

Step 2. Figure out how to extent the BtS Culture mechanism to a second level containing the C2C cultures

Step 3. Figure out how the ai and players change their culture into nations.​

Great Hunters and Great Admirals.
Great Hunter art work (done)
Experience now given to units by settles Great people base on class (done)
Great Admiral artwork needed
Great Air Marshal - is it needed
GG points from combat to go to GG, GH or GA
Interface to show points towards new ones just like the GG now.​

Nomadic Start - I think we need a new screen similar to a city screen but showing the nomadic yields and so on.

Multiple Maps - mostly earth-Moon, solar system and galactic and above but there is some interest in tactical. This has stalled can someone post what it is we need to do next?

1a. When a unit fights its way into a fort, the ownership of the fort doesn't change. Ownership only changes when another combat unit joins it. Defensive units - explorers, monks, watchmen, and (even)ships - are still unable to enter until ownership is changed by a(nother) combat unit.

1b. When a HN unit is selected, you are unable to get mouseover odds for units in a "non-enemy" fort. But unlike a city, HN units cannot enter someone else's fort - talking about in peacetime obviously - without a fight.

2. On volcanoes, the main problem I have with them is that they spawn on top of cities, including capitals. To be absolutely unambiguous, I mean on the city tile itself. Is this one of the problems with them that you're working on? Or is this fixed already? Or does no-one else have this problem?
Before the release it is a MUST to have KOSHLING do a VERY VERY VERY through and COMPLETE go though game to see what the heck is causing all these darn little CTD's and making sure the other stuff is not wrong also.
c2c units slated to apply the technique of legend of revolution so that the units have different appearance according to the countries. For example the German infantry would have to look like the Wehrmacht, which itself is present in the LOR
c2c units slated to apply the technique of legend of revolution so that the units have different appearance according to the countries. For example the German infantry would have to look like the Wehrmacht, which itself is present in the LOR

We have something similar planned but it's not going to be all together by the end of this version. Such a project may take a couple versions to complete.
I have added a small list of team projects which we have going on in the background so people can see where we are going and what we are experimenting with over multiple versions. I have not added personal projects just those that require more than one person because they involve more than "just" the dll or python or XML but a mixture. I figure if we list them here and every time people may see where we are going.
Im helping now SO with adding Ethinic units and they should be ready in early january (all eras except Modern/Transhuman/Galactic).
I just want to clear thing: We do skins project until V34 :)
The Techtree looks a bit messed up(missing lines...) this comes from MrAzure's Expanded Techtree which can't be disabled because some buildings require some new techs. I think those new techs sould go into the core and the additional Techtree removed.

Blockades are not working right. Only pirate ships then not at war can blockade trade routes and ressources aren't blocked.
We should probably address the research discrepancies I saw a little while back in a posted savegame. That might take a while to pin down and I've been working on another project that I desperately want to complete in time for the release. It's a fairly complex one.
The Techtree looks a bit messed up(missing lines...) this comes from MrAzure's Expanded Techtree witch can't be disabled because some buildings require some new techs. I think those new techs sould go into the core and the additional Techtree removed.

I don't see why. If MrAzure did it modularly there should be no problem. Even if, on the other hand, he just copied the core tech tree into his module and made changes there it would still not make any difference. like all the other XML the techs are preprocessed by the WoC stuff into a single form before they get to be displayed in the tree or pedia.

BTW it is "which" not "witch" the latter usually refers to a woman who flies around on a broomstick:D
I don't see why. If MrAzure did it modularly there should be no problem. Even if, on the other hand, he just copied the core tech tree into his module and made changes there it would still not make any difference. like all the other XML the techs are preprocessed by the WoC stuff into a single form before they get to be displayed in the tree or pedia.

BTW it is "which" not "witch" the latter usually refers to a woman who flies around on a broomstick:D

But it still needs to be fixed because ingame the Techtree is missing connection lines.

I just think we don't need two complete Techtrees as xml files because with the modular loading only the modified tags need to be in that module and all the unchanged techs don't have to be there too.

And again i am sorry for my bad english.:(
If it does make a difference then there is something wrong with the way the XML is being read and processed.

I still think it is bad to have another techtree because if i want to e.g. add a new tech where should i do that?
In the core or if my own module is loaded first the necessary PreReqs for the techs after the new tech are overwritten by MrAzures module and normally you can't change another modders files.
I think there is a reason why all techs are in the core. Techs are different from other things like e.g. units because because of things like PreReqs in the following techs, units don't have that problem. You can just add them without the need to add them into a tree structure.

If you add a new unit you don't copy the unitinfos xml from the core into your module, add the new units to that file and keep the existing units in it.
But with techs you have to keep them or just some of them because you have to a add PreReqs in the following techs and possibly adjust their Grid positions.

But if you say there are no errors in that file or having techs in modules is ok i take another look at the xml reading code.
The problem is that MrAzure did not do a mod. He just copied the whole file and made a few changes.

edit exactly where do you think lines are missing? The lines between techs only appear from the or prerequisite techs. The and prerequisite techs are shown in each tech box in the top right.
The problem is that MrAzure did not do a mod. He just copied the whole file and made a few changes.

edit exactly where do you think lines are missing? The lines between techs only appear from the or prerequisite techs. The and prerequisite techs are shown in each tech box in the top right.

If there are no lines for the and prerequisites it is ok, i just never noticed it before.
MrAzure had to use the whole file because of the tree structure you can't just add some techs you have to edit alot more. That is the reason that i think it is bad to have techs in modules and it can't just be me because no one else has techs in his module.
I have a tech in my module see Canaanism. In fact I would prefer it if all the optional religion and Alt-Timeline techs to be in modules. That way if you turn the module off the now useless tech does not show up in the tech tree.

edit BTW is it about time we merged into core some of the modules eg Praetyre or are we keeping them as modules to give credit to the originator like we do for the modules we import from other sources?
edit BTW is it about time we merged into core some of the modules eg Praetyre or are we keeping them as modules to give credit to the originator like we do for the modules we import from other sources?

Actually i'd like everything in the core. Now with the re-skins even the alt timeline are part of the core now. All but the Fantasy that is.
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