CubaMod 3.0 (MUCH better then the last version)


The Worthless
Nov 27, 2001
Cape Cod
This is the final of my flurry of updates for awhile until I can get a Che Guevara leaderhead to add Argentina to the mod.

Download 3.03 (2/10/02)

Leader: El Presidente Fidel Castro
Bonuses: Militaristic, Religious
Free Techs: Warrior Code, Ceremonial Burial
Fav. Gov: Communism, Shunned Gov: Democracy
Aggression Level: All the way to the right

Available only to Cuba
Cost: 10
Pre: Radio
A/D/M: 6/6/2
S/R/F: 12/2/2
Abilites: Draft, Bombard, Clear Jungle, Automate, Join City

- SAM 2
Available only to Cuba and Russia
Cruise Missile with 1 extra movement

Sacraficing themselves to strike fear in the hearts of millions.
Available to Eqypt, Greece, Cuba, Russia, China, India, Persia, Aztecs, Zululand
Cost: 15, Pop Cost: 1
Pre: Computers
A/D/M: 0/0/1
S/R/F: 16/2/3
Abilities: Cruise Missile, Bombard, HIDDEN NATIONALITY

Sacraficing themselves for the love of their country.
Available to Rome, Germany, America, Japan, France, Iroquois, England
Cost: 15, Pop Cost: 1
Pre: Computers
A/D/M: 4/1/2
S/R/F: 16/3/3
Abilities: Cruise Missile, Bombard

Pre: Communism
Rate Cap: 10
Worker Rate: 3
Assimulation Chance: 4%
Draft Limit: 2
Military Police Limit: 4
Hurry Production: Forced Labor
War Weariness: None
Corruption/Waste: Nuisence


Do you think this Fascist government is too good because of the free units? or does that mean something else (like the whole "stealth" issue)?
Originally posted by sween32
Available to Eqypt, Greece, Cuba, Russia, China, India, Persia, Aztecs, Zululand

Available to Rome, Germany, America, Japan, France, Iroquois, England
ooh, how I like the sound of that... *shudder*
you make me sick... :vomit:
wow... i didn't mean anything by it. i figured since terrorist was such a popular mod unit, i'd add it in to make this more interesting.
Terrorism is very real and has had a huge impact on our lives, thus I see no problem in adding them to a mod.

I've seen people proud of making Kamakazi units, and honestly this is no different except in OUR lifetime instead of our fabled grandfathers.

I added Martyr of Justice to even out the civs without a Terrorist. Special Operations will replace it, and less civs will be able to make a Terrorist.
I'm also thinking of replacing the Aztecs with Argentina, so if anybody has a leaderhead of Che Guevara, please let me know... but it's not like anybody's interested in this mod anyways so i'll just be quiet now.
Originally posted by sween32
Terrorism is very real and has had a huge impact on our lives, thus I see no problem in adding them to a mod.

I've seen people proud of making Kamakazi units, and honestly this is no different except in OUR lifetime instead of our fabled grandfathers.

I added Martyr of Justice to even out the civs without a Terrorist. Special Operations will replace it, and less civs will be able to make a Terrorist.
I don't see any problem with the terrorist unit neither, the problem is that "martyr of justice" is almost the same, and it just seems ridiculously racistic to set moral values to certain civs in such blatant ways...
why not make the terrorist available to all instead?
it's just too bad that one cannot set some government as the requirement to some units... (so that only fe. facist govt. could build that terrorist)
Well, that's what I wanted to do but i thought that people would get upset about teh Americans and other civs having terrorists, so i made another unit that moved two spaces instead of one, actually had an attack and small defence but didn't have Hidden Nationality. Sounds good to me, and at first it was called Fearless Patriot, but I changed it to Martyr of Justice.

I really don't like the Special Ops unit and I want to bring the Martyr of Justice back. Does anybody have a better name?

I'm still looking for Che Guevara leaderheadsn for Argentina, and I'm going to use another version of Fascism in the next version.
Originally posted by sween32
I really don't like the Special Ops unit and I want to bring the Martyr of Justice back. Does anybody have a better name?
well, some neutral name for both parties would be fine... Freedomfighter? Fanatic? Suicide bommer?
Or, you could make it so, that there were freedomfighters for all nations with hidden nationality, and separate suicide bommers (also with hidden nationality)...
Those names are quite neutral, and it would work quite the same. I'm thinking that those freedomfighters could represent some locals of the enemy nation that the builder nation supports, and the suicide bommers would be sort of fanatic freedomfighters.
Could that work?
Oh, and sorry for the initial burst of rage...:)
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