UNIT: Woad Raider


Nov 20, 2001
This unit comes with, Attack, Default, Run, Death and Fidget anims.

It uses the sounds from the current warrior.

Here is the civlopedia icons:

And the civlopedia text:
^Celtic Woad Raiders replace $LINK <Warriors=PRTO_Warrior>.
^Before battle, Celtic warriors painted their bodies using the Woad plant to strike fear into their enemies. Since ancient times, these warriors continuingly raided Britain and parts of Europe. This would lead to the creation of the Scots, who were Irish raiders living on land they had won from the Picts. During the Middle Ages, England sought to conquer the Celtic land. The Celts, who were at an enormous disadvantage, did whatever they could to protect their land. This included ambushing and guerilla tactics. The most famous of Woad Raiders was William Wallace, who fought for Scotland’s freedom under English occupation.

Thanks to sween32 for helping out in getting that.

Here's a preview pic of the attack anim:



  • woad raider.zip
    217.5 KB · Views: 756
I love it. We just need some scottish accented sounds for it!

I could try and get some of the sounds from AoK. I'm not sure how it's formatted or where they're stored though.

This is a nice flavor unit for the Scottish civ that me and thomson_2001 are working on. He's making a Kilted Clansman for the UU, which will replace the Knight. Now, we just need the Gallic Swordsman from PtW to replace the not-so-scottish swordsman.
another killer unit!
This is great.

No doubt he's suffering from woad wage
(The wascal!).
that unit looks great! Itll go well with my Clansman/Highlander in the Scotish mod thing Sween and I are working on. Great work :)
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