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3D Model & Motion Templates, for aspiring creators: Proposal


Nov 6, 2001
Washington DC
Hello Everybody,

Kinboat’s recent sabbatical from unit creation got me to thinking. Why are all the Unit Creators working separately? Wouldn’t it be easier if the animators worked together?

I suggested to Kinboat that he continue to produce models and allow others to animate them using there own 3D programs. This seems like a brilliant idea to me. :) We can’t all hope to model as well as others and the animation process seems to slow down the modelers. If somehow we could split up these tasks I think we could prevent burnout and thereby continue to see great units produced for the game at an even faster rate than we already are.

Of course a concern of the modeler is that his or her work will not be animated to his or her exacting standards and will end up not looking as well as hoped. This could be remedied by a basic understanding between the modeler and the animator that nothing will be released until the modeler gives his or her consent. I suggest also that the modeler only post a preview of the model and extend an invitation to prospective animators to contact the modeler to request permission to animate the model. This will give the modeler greater control over who has access to the model. Hopefully this system will eventually lead to solid modeler/animator teams.

I also think that it is silly that the artists are continuously required to reinvent the wheel. Why not have some basic human models available for any animator to use? This will ensure that proper proportions are used for all the human units and will establish a standard size for all future units. Granted I have never used a 3D program so I don’t know if this is possible, but my understanding is that one can import a model and work from that.

The second part of my proposal is that the CFC Community 3D artists post base models for other aspiring unit creators in the community to use as templates for their work. I envision three basic body types for male units and corresponding body types for female units. There are also fantasy units to consider so there may need to be base models for dwarfs and elves and other such creatures.

As well as standardized base figures, it would be great to have standardized motion as well. A lot of unit creators say that it's difficult to get human motion done properly. If example were posted of the motion of humans, horses, tanks, etc. this would certainly make things easier.

In summary:
1) Develop Unit Modeler/Animator teams
2) Post base models for others to use as templates for future work
3) Post example previews of correct bodies in motion

It’s just a thought, but I hope some of the Community artists will see the merit in these proposals.
just thought I'd add my two pence - you needn't post only 3DS or Moray models either. Creating the model in these programs, but saving as images for the cut 'n' pasters would also be great.
I have considered a paper doll project, you know, a male form, a female form, then various helmets, armor, shields, and weapons. All this would require would be essentially a unique attack animation, since various weapons are used differently.

As far as the 3d modeling goes, The way I do it, I must have the actual 3d model file to animate, so I gues I could post my models in the rhinoceros format for others to animate...... but.... creating the model is very, very, very fun. It's the animating that is the tedious tribulation of toil and travail. And believe me, anybody, if they have the patience to learn Rhinoceros (3hours, maybe 6 if you're slow) will not really need the artistic talent, since it's basically like making your own lego pieces then putting them together.

Creating unique shapes is a little difficult, and I know I can draw it out if I figured out how, (I see thetools available in the toolbar, I can't just figure out how) but in the mean time, I use boolean diffence to create odd geometric shapes... however curved geometric shapes are quite easy.
Sounds like a great idea for two reasons:

1) Units will be produced much faster and be available for download before civ 4 is released.

2) I saw the words "drawfs" and "elves" above. You should add goblins, merfolk, faeries, birds, minotaurs, . . . . :)

I am really thinking about getting into unit creation as I need about 250 (i toned it down a bit) units created before civ 4 is released, and no-one wants do them. If all I had to do was half the work, and then someone else did the other half, it would make it much easier.


BTW, anyone know where can I find a tutorial on how to make 3D animated units, and the program(s) that accompany them?
I just find this idea great !

I'm a huge civfanatic, and I go on playing, even when I spend 45mn/AI turn (on a XP 2100+, 512DDR ! that's making me crazy !), and I tryed several times to create units, unsuccessfully.

So I made my mind into learning a bit of 3D modeling.
And YES, what is really missing is some template ressources, where we could find standard human modeling, guns and so on.

Maybe there's a website, but I don't know it.

So If we could find a place to :

1) Find these examples in standard 3D file formats
2) Ask creation question about using these programs to the right people (for example :"How can I make a realistic camo or explosion ??")

...it woul dbe MUCH easier to beginners to make their gift to the civ community.
Originally posted by GIDustin
Sounds like a great idea for two reasons:

That's not already in the works is it???

Anyways yea sounds like a good idea also it would be nice to know what everyone uses also especially SM if we could get him to tell, what i use is milkshape3d i just told everyone about it in another thread but i thought i'd say that for those who didn't see that thread
I am proposing that this thread be turned into the 3D Model & Motion Templates thread

So if you have anything to add in the way of base models or anything else useful for the artists out there, add it here.
The 3D models may not work varry well, as we all have diferent programs and most of them are not compatible.

I like the idea of the Motion Templates, I can make blank units and animate them and then others can paint or cut and pase on to them.
Well this would maybe work, but there seem to be some trouble bribing soemone to do the animations, since its the hard part.
I´ve made some 3D models on tanks but I dont have no idea how to animate them. So instead of being pushed to learn another prg, it would be great if someone continue the work. In that way you can spend more time with the modelling and make them even better.
But as they all say, its the modelling that is fun.
Originally posted by OmniMower
But as they all say, its the modelling that is fun.
I'm not a very experienced modeller, nor am I very experienced with animating, but if given a choice between the two, I'd take animation any day. I doubt I am the only one in the world who feels like this (and if I am, I guess I'm gonna be busy soon ;) )

..but with my current workload, I wouldn't be able to animate so much as an eyebrow for at least a month - so I wouldn't be a good horse to bet on :)

But upload them anyway once you're done with them - I am quite confident I'm not the only one here who loves animating (and quite a lot of the other ones, would most likely also be much better than me :D )
Originally posted by Level
The 3D models may not work varry well, as we all have diferent programs and most of them are not compatible.

I like the idea of the Motion Templates, I can make blank units and animate them and then others can paint or cut and pase on to them.
This shouldn't be a problem as most 3D programs can save in .3DS or something like that. And that is a Universal file format, which can be opened in most 3D programs, if not all.

The file format might be called something different, though. Will look it up.
EDIT: Yes, .3DS is a file format which you can "export" and "import" in 3D Studio Max. The format is called 3D Studio, and it's the Mesh. Although I'm starting to think that's it not that universal. Although there are more formats you can export the file to. And I think threre are plugins out there for almost anything. Anyway, one of the other file formats you can export to is .ASC which a ASCII file of a static mesh object. It contains the vertex coordinates, and this seems like a file format that can be used in other programs. (Imported) Another format is .ASE, which means ASCII Scene Export, and contains the entire animation if you have one.

Hope this helps.

Anyway, I think it's a great Idea!

I will produce much more stuff if someone could help me with the animation or something else.

Be warned people, you might just have created a 3D model factory here! (most possible not though ;))
Originally posted by Grey Fox
This shouldn't be a problem as most 3D programs can save in .3DS or something like that. And that is a Universal file format, which can be opened in most 3D programs, if not all.

I use I 3D prg that doesnt export into 3DS format, but are well compability with, say 3D Studio Max, so I dont think that the format of the saved file should be any problem....
Originally posted by OmniMower

I use I 3D prg that doesnt export into 3DS format, but are well compability with, say 3D Studio Max, so I dont think that the format of the saved file should be any problem....
I just updated my post.
Originally posted by Incubus0223

That's not already in the works is it???

What? The MTG Mod? Of course it is in the works, almost 25% done too. Or were you talkaing about something else?

That would look incredible in my future scenario ;)
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