Screenshot of the Day #46: Soldier for Life


Oct 25, 2000
This is kinda funny. The life expectancy is 20 years, however people serve in the military for an average of 27 years. Either they feed the people in the military better, or I have an army of ghosts.

It would be great if Firaxians can reveal how those stats on the F11 screen are calculated. Thanks to Texta for the screenshot.
Or... those that are soldiers actively kill those who are not.
alright, so what exaclty is the military sevice based on? b/c i always have something low like 1-3 years.
Originally posted by Furry Spatula
alright, so what exaclty is the military sevice based on? b/c i always have something low like 1-3 years.
Do you play more like a warmonger? 1-3 years, that sounds like your military force doesn't live long... In this game, I guess there is no such thing as retirement.
military is based on your units to city ratio or summin like that so he must either have a huge military or a tiny number of cities
This might look strange but in the real world life expectancy is the average of all ages at death, this includes child deaths. Which can lead to this simplified example.

Two male twins are born, one leaves home at 15 and serves in the army until 55 and then later dies aged 60. The other twin dies just hours after being born. Thus the life expectancy of the twins is 30 years, and military service is 40 years (the second twin never entered the army so doesn't count).

(Well this is my take on it any way :) )

On the contrary. I have an average to large military and I try not to get into wars. The wars i get into are when i want to wipe another civ off the map. My military is usualy at peace and thus they dont die often. But anyhow.
Originally posted by Thunderfall
It would be great if Firaxians can reveal how those stats on the F11 screen are calculated.

Yeah, I've always wondered how those numbers are crunched too.:crazyeye:

Maybe Mike B will pop in here...
The Spartan model taken to the extreme and crossbred with a communistic wet dream?

The women work as baby machines probably dying at an early age in childbed and the men trained as warriors from the moment they can lift a spear...

Man, what kind of a civilization are you building there?!? :)
Originally posted by Vincent
Thus the life expectancy of the twins is 30 years, and military service is 40 years (the second twin never entered the army so doesn't count).

(Well this is my take on it any way :) )


Well, that's a very eloquent way to explain it. :) It just shows that averages aren't always the best way to represent trends in data!
Family size virtually never leaves 1 child....which would mean a shrinking population -something that rarely happens, usually war being the only cause!

Well as they say there are lies, damn lies and statistics...

If you really wanna work out how good something is follow my simple rules...

Can I kill it?

Can it kill me?

Can I shag it?

Simplicity itself...
Originally posted by Furry Spatula
On the contrary. I have an average to large military and I try not to get into wars. The wars i get into are when i want to wipe another civ off the map. My military is usualy at peace and thus they dont die often. But anyhow.

I think military service is based on ratio of units to pop. So a large military requires citizens to take longer turns at service. Later in game when you are democracy, have big cities, and have only one unit/city except on borders, militay service should go down to a more realistic number of years.

At least, this is how I always interpreted this stat in civ2, haven't really watched demographics that closely in my civ3 games.
My military service is 0 years. I like to throw everything I have at the AI during a war. I guess those kamikaze charges bring my service level down. Of course, I've been disbanding a lot to rush build the cities in the boonies. So, maybe this stat really means nothing.
I think:
Military service is based on ratio of units and population (as stated before). Normally I have a small military and a huge population: military service one year.
Family size indicates wheter or not your population is growing, which depends on how much food your city gets. Much food > ig growth > big families.
I normally get a big amount of data out of the demograpics, about your own civ and the position of your civ against others.
Originally posted by billindenver
This must mean that the few soldiers who actually survive their 20 year life expectancy end up soldiering til they are about 300.

Actually more... Ever built a warrior in 3750 BC and saw it alive and kicking in 2050 AD? ;)
I actually don't see any logical problem with those two figures. Military service can be 27 years even though the live expectancy is only 20 years. After all the live expectancy is the age at which an average member of the population dies - I don't quite see how finishing you period of military service would be a prerequisite for dying - I'd actually suspect the opposite ;)
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