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Fascist Governement for Civ3:PTW


Nov 25, 2002
Québec City

News: Version1.4 OuT


Here the new stats:(V1.4)

Unit Support

Town: 2 (old:3)
City: 4 (old:5)
Metropolis: 10 (old:10)

Assimilation chance : 4%(old 6%)

Here my Fascism Mod for Civ3:pTW

Welcome to =CroNOS_QC Fascist Mod=
Origins of Fascism

Totalitarian philosophy of government that glorifies the state and nation and assigns to the state control
over every aspect of national life. The name was first used by the party started by Benito Mussolini ,
who ruled Italy from 1922 until the Italian defeat in World War II. However, it has also been applied to
similar ideologies in other countries, e.g., to National Socialism in Germany and to the regime of Francisco
Franco in Spain. The term is derived from the Latin "fasces".

(* Copyright http://www.encyclopedia.com/) )

Here the information about my Fascist Mod:

Prerequisite: Corporatism

Corrupion: Problematic

Unit Support

Town: 2
City: 4
Metropolis: 10

Worker rate : 2(Normal) In democrary this is (3)

Draft limit: 2

Millitary Police : 4

Assimilation Chance : 4% ( Communism : 4% Democracy : 6%)

Paid Labor

War Weariness : 0

Diplomats are Veteran

Propaghanda Vs:

Democracy: 15 (Spain and Germany see the raising of Fascism in Democracy)
Republic: 15
Communism: 5
Monarchy: 10 ( In Italy, Fascism born in a Liberal Monarchy)
Despotism: 5 (Despotism got some Nationalism and they got some fascism thing, so it's harder to "propag" people )
Anarchy: 25

Ruler Title
1- Chancellor
2- Kaiser
3- Duce
4- Fürher

This is my Fascism mod!!!
Great in modern world when you're at War!!!!

here the link!!
CrONoS_QC + Fascism Mod+

Nice Evening!!!
Not bad. I think Paid Labor is arguable, but aside from that, it doesn't seem to be too far off of reality.
Althouw I'm against the fashists and all but I must say that it should be the "best" goverment from all.

By the way- fashism is suposed to be like- national social and not fashism. Or just they are suposed to be both types...

In the German national socialism the productiviti should be very high, the army units should be produced in a triple speed...
There is suposed to be no said people at all....
I think there is also suposed to be special buildings like the ministry of propoganda and some overs....
Also there is suposed to be "the gestapo" wonder...that grant's bonuses like- killing the resisting people in captured sityes...

There should be no corruption if building military buildings...

After all Germany fas Fashist for only 12 years and it took them only 6-7 to build the strongest army in the world...
Maybe after you chanhe the goverment to fashist the sityes should losse 10% of it's population...and also the disorder in the sityes should countinue for some turns...
But it can't be done now in the redactor luckily or sadly....
I don't know....

However i think that now it is not doible...
The goverment is good for cloze scenarious( like ww2) and the country should'nt be able to change it...( only in them)

Screw the Nazi party!!!!

:D :mad:
Originally posted by Tofflus
whats with the corruption?? fascism wasent that corrupted

Not so much corrupt (from an economic POV) as grossly inefficient: the different branches of the military squabbling and arm-wrestling over the same, very limited resources (example of the extreme nature of this: Admiral Raeder promised Hitler the German Navy would be ready for war ... in 1946!). Plus Hitler's direct intervention in weapons programs (demanding the ME262 be configured as a fighter-bomber); etc. ...

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