New Unit Big gun cruiser

WoW! Your units are amazing! I can't wait for that sovremeniy destroyer you'v started!
Yeh, nice, but looks a bit out of place compared to civ3 units.

Sure, the models nice, nice attention to detail and scale.
but how does it show up in civ3?

Look at the normal civ3 destroyer, It is fairly short, stubby. with
Accentuated features. The guns are big, the tower is big.
Same with a lot of civ units, chunky, not nessercerily right, but go for look over accuracy.

Im not saying your model isn't good, I like it, just a bit out of place.
well I for one like the realistic look of akula's ships more than the cartoonish civ3 models. If he would make a complete set, eg battleship, destroyer, carrier, and he already made a soviet aegisesc type ship, I would replace the civ3 models, and use them as flavor units or something.
I really like this one, but leave the deck how it is, brown. If it were made grey, then that would mean it has a steel deck, which was not very common in ww2, it was a little easier to repair bomb/kamikaze damage with a wooden deck.
I can make a version having grey deck but not right now im having a lot of things to do
If somebody wants to do it's really simple its just extracting the files changing one or two colours on the palette and exporting them again
Your unit is great, they always are but I agree it needs bigger guns and a grey deck. Nothing in the game looks that realistic and to scale even if you replace all the naval units. The size of units is just too small not to exagerate anything. But thats just my opinion. I will use it anyways.
well I for one would like to say 'thankyou akula,' I like this unit a lot, and hope you will make more like it!
I must say though, is the death flic supposed to be static?
The files won't for some reason work in FLICster but they seem to work fine in game
Please note that the small number in the bottom left corner is missing I have tried to remake the file 5 times whitout ane result but it dosen't seem to affect the game in any way
I think the unit itself looks pretty good but I have a doubt now that I saw it in a game. Is the size of this cruiser, compared to other built-in units, historically accurate? Somehow I was thinking that a cruiser will be a slimmer version of the destroyer. I am not an expert so if you tell me a cruiser is typically bigger than a destroyer, I will believe you. But should it be bigger than a battleship?

Sorry about the nitpicking.
A cruiser should be bigger and more powerful than a destroyer, but not as large as a battleship.
In the real world it ain't larger than a battleship
The reason for the size is that it allows more details to be added
On the other hand the Civ 3 naval units is not scaled against each other
The destroyer compared to the battleship should be half as long as it and one third of the lenght of the carrier
Originally posted by Schizo_Angel
Yeh, nice, but looks a bit out of place compared to civ3 units.

Sure, the models nice, nice attention to detail and scale.
but how does it show up in civ3?

Look at the normal civ3 destroyer, It is fairly short, stubby. with
Accentuated features. The guns are big, the tower is big.
Same with a lot of civ units, chunky, not nessercerily right, but go for look over accuracy.

Im not saying your model isn't good, I like it, just a bit out of place.

I must say I like units that do fit with the provided ones (not that any I have created ever do) however that is just the point of user created units. They don't, or atleast not always. I think Akula has created a unit that is greatly needed and I intend to use it.

The AI always keeps lots of Ironclads in its fleet and they look very diferent from the destroyer or battle ship. I now use the Early battleship by Smoking mirror as an upgrade for the Ironclad so that the AI dosent have such out of date looking ships in later years. This new ship that Akula has made fits in very well with that time as a bridge between WW1 era and WW2 so I am using it to be made when you develop Replaceable Parts. Akula's ship (in combonation with Smoking Mirror's Modern Transport and Early Battleship) creates a smoother transition between early and late industrial.

So in short Good job Akula, your hard work shows. :goodjob:
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