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Rhye's of Civilization: the fastest loading mod

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's and Fall creator
May 23, 2001
Japan / Italy / Germany

This modpack tries to make a Civ3 game based on Earth map as most realistic and historically correct as possible.
The purpose is to obtain this with no scenario (just civs beginning in 4000 B.C in their starting locations),
and without adding wonders, techs or resources.

It features:
1. An improvement of Kal-El's 140x140 Earth map
2. Speed improvement: loading times are reduced up to 96%. Yes, it's not a joke. :cool:
3. Inca civ complete with leaderhead, Unique Unit and (PTW only) King unit
4. An innovative set of rules made on purpose for this map
5. A new terrain set based on Sn00py's 4.1 greener version
6. Compatibility with both regular Civ3 (BIC) and Play The World (BIX)

Conquests version here

Now, let me demonstrate the speed improvement.
The reasons of these results are a long matter and are fully explained in the readme, so I won't say anything about it now.

(Kal-El's, Arne's and Teturkhan's Earth map were used in the following test)


First of all, backup the following files:
...\art\terrain\*.* (the whole art\terrain folder)
Then download all the files you need and extract them to your Civ3 folder (for example C:\Civ3, or C:\Program Files\Civilization III).


Download all the files you need and extract them to your \Civ3PTW\Scenarios folder (for example C:\Civ3\Civ3PTW\Scenarios)

The readme.doc is in the attachment at the bottom of the reply, below the other files.
It is not included in the files below, so download it before any other file.
Please read it carefully, to understand how it works,
and perhaps add your contribute to the effort of making this modpack with some suggestions.

With Thunderfall's help I posted the entire files, not splitted into many zips.
You have to download the file belonging to your civ3 version (regular or PTW).
If you have a slow connection and you want to avoid downloading 8MB you can
download the "static" version instead. It contains a static leaderhead instead of animated.

Regular Civ3: (12.9MB)
Regular Civ3 static version: (5MB)
PTW: (13.4MB)
PTW static version: (5.5MB)


EDIT: removed.

I am a long-timer Civ fanatic but had to wait until a few weeks ago before playing Civ3 (how frustrating since Nov.2001...!).
I mostly enjoy my Civ games on earth, or part of the earth, maps; the more detailed the map, the better.

Your v2.6 of Kal-El 180x180 is brilliant and increased multiplefolds my gaming pleasure.
I was looking forward to your 140x140 adaptation... I already love the map, I have tons of comments on your readme but... when loading the game (PTW), I get: "cannot find Art/Units/Settler/Settler.ini file". Have you forgotten to include it in your zips or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for your help. I don't want to forward my comments before playing, but I concur with most of your rules changes.

Neither of the static downloads work. Plz get this fixed quick cause this looks like a really good mod and i want to play it NOW but i have to wait cause i'm only on a 56k :( I am downloading the other leaderhead at the moment though.
looks good i might even download this. (which is a compliment since i have only downloaded 3-4 mods)
Yoda Power -> Thanks for the compliment. I hope you'll try it
(which is a compliment since i have only downloaded 3-4 mods)
Instead I download everything, and then try only 3-4 of them :)

Uglyboy -> Just fixed the links

Xupinazo -> I didn't edit anything about settler.ini. In fact I don't get any error message. So I tried to remove it (it's located in \art\units\settler\ folder) and I got the same error. And I think that the same would happen in any game you start (probably you have moved it).
So the first thing that comes in my mind is to post the settler.ini here. Place it in the right folder and let me know (so that you can post your comments :) )

EDIT: file removed
So, did it work? I instealled it on my friend's PC and it worked.

By the way, maybe someone will notice a change in the post structure. I must thank Thunderfall for this. Soon he'll change the link of the multiple files in only 2 files per version, too.
It's working good on mine it's very in depth and some great changes. Your changes to desert and jungle severy hamper some civs though and encourages me to play european civs. It's loads of fun and in some ways better than the original.
The thing hampered civs suffer more is lack of food. If a crippled civ like Incas were given many wheats of cattles it would conquer the whole South America, leaving nothing to explorations. European civs have this advantage, but suffer lack of space (in some games Japan and Rome tend to be a bit "shy").

But I'm happy to see that there's people appreciating this work. Hoping to receive inputs to improve it. And perhaps some good ratings :) (only 2 votes, 4.5/5 until now)
3 votes:
4+5+1=3.33 average.

I'd like to hear the reasons from the one who voted 1/5, as no reason was given. Rating a SO BAD mark without giving reasons isn't much serious and respectful. Probably he didn't even try it :rolleyes:
Great mod.

I am stuck with a P2 333 so (according to the back of the box) shouldn't even be able to run PTW.

Oddly enough it runs better/smoother/less crashes than vanilla.

Inter-turn times are a major issue for me and while I had tried the original map by the time I get to about 1500-1600ish I have a 20 min wait. As for Marla's map - nice to look at but unplayable.

This works a treat maybe 1-2 mins and I've got to early 1900ish so far. I can cope with that.

Also, it always did p*** me off that the AI filled the Gobi/Sahara/Siberia/Greenland/north Canada/even Antartica with cities by 600-1000AD.

Very good work, may never play anything else (at least for a while)!

You will notice that this is my first post! ;) I logged in simply to commend you on this excellent map. Whoever gave it a 1 doesnt deserve a vote! :goodjob:

I downloaded it yesterday for my pII350 and I am now just starting colonising America. I played as Rome and with a bit of challenge from Greece and the Vikings I have managed to snatch all of Europe except half of Britain and Scandinavia. The AI Civ's have time and again tested the mettle of the Roman Empire with really sneak mutual agression pacts, and safe, remote Japan seemed to be at the route of all of them!

As I reached the shores of America first, I offered Philosophy to all the tribes for their maps...... this felt quite realistic in the sense that the native tribes first seeing the Europeans sailing over must've challenged their view of the world. This in turn has led them to suddenly expand which means that I will probably be the only non-American nation to get a significant foothold over there. Japan has one city on the west coast but doesnt look like he is going to follow it up.

All in all it has been one of the most strategic games of Civ I've played..... a solid 10 hour game of it last night is proof of it's worth in my opinion! The different model of expansion the AI's are faced with really creates an additional edge to any of the World Maps I've played before and all the additional mods have made playing a joy!

I give it 11/10, if only to make up for the joker who voted a 1!! :rolleyes:

Next I will be playing it LAN'ed with my flatmate, so I'll let you know how it pans out!

Thanks a lot mate, excellent map and lots of attention to detail!


Spearthrower, thrower of spears.
Forgot to ask if you'll be working on any further projects?
Thanks, people.

I think that 1/5 was rated by someone who hates me :) And I suspect something, having had an argument with a guy on a thread of this forum the day before.
I hope to earn some other 6 or 7 5/5 ratings, to bring the overall rating back to 5. (It would be 5 without that 1/5)

To spearthrower -> I recommend you for trying to play the modern civs scenario. In my opinion it is more realistic.

In future I'd like to apply this mod to 180x180 map, but for now it isn't worth the effort.
Right now I'm working on a Risk! modpack. You'll find it posted in this forum in a few days.
Originally posted by Rhye

To spearthrower -> I recommend you for trying to play the modern civs scenario. In my opinion it is more realistic.

This has actually been the most realistic game I've played yet! I'm much more a fan of the ancient world, although I promise to try the Modern one next - perhaps in the Lan game with my flatmates!

Mmmmmm risk! My favourite board game, I'll look out for that! :)
Hi there, Rhye!

I've just been searching the boards for many hours looking for a decent AND playable world map, and I have been led to you...it looks very promising. I'm just downloading it at the moment (9% only; 1 hr left!), but then I will give it the full treatment.....!

Just to say so far, well done...I'm sure I am going to be up into the wee small hosurs playing this one!

I'll keep you informed of my progress! :crazyeye:


Lord Peter:)
I really like the idea of removing the unit animations - or at least some of them - to improve load times. One question tho: Does this also affect the overall game speed too, or just load times?
Originally posted by cavemanf16
I really like the idea of removing the unit animations - or at least some of them - to improve load times. One question tho: Does this also affect the overall game speed too, or just load times?

No, no! You didn't understand :)

Loading times between turns, and saving and loading, were reduced up to 96% as you can see above. But this has nothing to do with unit animations!!
I only mentioned them because when I tested with the chronometer I disabled units animation both in my mod and in the other people's. The reason is clear: sometimes you have many units moving, sometimes no unit: so I disabled them for fairness. The focus on my mod wasn't on this: it cuts the time when AI "thinks"
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