New Unit: Beholder


Conan the Librarian
Apr 18, 2002
I'm home, where are you?


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Woohoo, My favourite fantasy unit! I didn't think Any one would ever make this little guy.. :D

I'm not much of a fantasy fan these days, but I'll definately play any scenario with this guy in..
Ive always wanted to play civ as an evil necromancer. :D
What is a beholder? :confused:
Originally posted by Boba Fett
What is a beholder? :confused:

It is a fantasy monster from Dungeons & Dragons. I believe the name comes from the phrase "Eye of the beholder", because it has ten eyes. In D&D each eye has a different special ability--they are nasty monsters to fight.

Great job Kinboat. :)
Originally posted by Ed O'War

It is a fantasy monster from Dungeons & Dragons. I believe the name comes from the phrase "Eye of the beholder", because it has ten eyes. In D&D each eye has a different special ability--they are nasty monsters to fight.

Great job Kinboat. :)

Thanx for the info :)
This looks amazing Kinboat. Thank-you for making this unit.:)
Originally posted by Ed O'War

It is a fantasy monster from Dungeons & Dragons. I believe the name comes from the phrase "Eye of the beholder", because it has ten eyes. In D&D each eye has a different special ability--they are nasty monsters to fight.

Great job Kinboat. :)

nasty doesn't describe the things enough, i lost 110 followers in the game to a group 7. I was royally pissed cause my leadership rating was too low for me to get anymore followers :cry: AD&D owns

[they died because me and my party were trying to distract a Tarrasque and escape but they got trapped in a room with the Beholders. I know the DM didnt like me having a army but 7 beholders killing them off made me feel a little... helpless, just goes to show you shouldn't put all your faith and trust into something because you will lose it.]
Has anyone seen the Futurama episode, where Hermes has to retrieve benders brain from the central Beuracracy?

The bit with the beholder...They all sneak past this thing...bender walks through the door, He wakes up, spraying all these crazy laser beams..."What ? What? Please dont tell my supervisor I was sleeping"
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