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Discussion: Government Type


Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
It's time to start thinking about the government type we want to move into to escape the chains of despotism. This decision will be influenced by strategic concerns such as war or peace, and possibly by availability of the government techs and their predecessors. It drives other aspects of the game, such as which tech to start on once Literature is discovered, and is a predictor of productivity in the outer reaches of the empire.

I tend to go for Monarchy in my games, mainly because whenever I choose Republic when playing a non-religious civ, someone declares war on me and a ways into the offensive phase of the war, the people turn against me, presumably due to war weariness.

Since it drives the next tech decision, we'll need to get this resolved before Literature is complete, in about 11 turns, or as soon as possible thereafter. :hammer:
If I'm planning on an overall campaign of agression I'll also go for Monarchy. If I'm going for a builder goal I'll go for Republic. Republic is fine for a war or two, it just doesn't stand up to constant conflict.
We have to consider whether we'll be in war soon. If we choose Republic, we can't really afford a war. If we choose Monarchy, we'll loose commerce, but are prepared for war. I fear we don't have the luury of a long peace-time ahead of us. There will not be enough room left by the time we'd have Republic, so I say Monarchy.
Hear, hear. Monarchy - Long live the King.
I think we need to get to a higher form of government as soon as possible, preferably Republic. However, I think we should go Monarch -> Democracy since I fear the war wariness from a war with Abe and Cleo would likely cause us to get peace short of eliminating them. (assuming that's the goal we go for ;) )
If we go to Monarchy during the War time phase. I would certanly like to see that we at least go to the Republic once the war is over
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