New Unit: Su27 Flanker

Bebro, you are the best "fightermaker" in history. It is a very nice unit and my russian friends will thank you gratefully.

Another thing is that your Eurofighter is a little big to your F16 for example. Could you change that ?

And could you make a russian bomber for us (Tu22 against the B52 or a SU25 against the A10)

Thank you very much
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D
This unit really does look fantastic.:D When I'm done with my fantasy mod I'm looking forward to adding all the modern units to a regular civ game.
Awesome as always! :worship:

Bebro, your units are so good that I have to find ways of putting them in my mod even if I hadn't planed on them.
I think this ones actually better than civ quality. Your death animations are fun to just look at. I hope you fill in the gaps with an F-35 and a BeBro quality F-22.

Has anyone done a Rafale or Mirage?
Thanks for the nice words everyone :)

John Falkner: I can put the things you mentioned on my (not really existing ;)) to-do-list, but don´t expect too much, since I have much stuff to do, and unfortunately not that much time. So I can´t promise anything at this stage, but chances are good that I´m coming back to these ideas (as well as Steph´s request for the Rafale) once I have some more free time again ;)
I want an su-37 Terminator, it is similar to the su-27 Flanker but is yellow camo color and has high tech canards. Its speed and agility surpass even the f-22.
Oh can you also make a Lockheed Joint Strike Fighter. It could be an upgrade of the F-16, F/A-18, and the Harrier.
BeBro, if you have any time, can you make an SR-71 blackbird or the newer top secret Aurora mach 8 scramjet reconnaissance plane, it would open new possibilities in Civ3!
sorry, i was just trying to make a very realistic fighter jet mod and I needed lots of modern planes.
Nice work, could you do a Joint Strike Fighter, BeBro, it would be the answer to all of the futue aircraft problems in my mod, the JSF that has already been done isn't really a JSF, but the Verotech Robot without legs. Oh and a BeBro quality F-22 is a popular request as well. This is all that is needed to complete my mod. The joint Strike Fighter has to be one of the most anticipated units in civ3.
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