New Unit - Omega Crab - June 11-2020


Dedicated to Excellence
Nov 14, 2001
Want a Faster Advanced Giant Crab with more Attack Strength?
The Omega Crab is for you.
The Omega Crab is Recolored from my Giant Crab unit.
Can be used as an Upgrade for the Giant Crab or alone as you prefer.
Intended to be Faster, Stronger, Poisonous or Radioactive and more deadly than the Giant Crab

Preview Images

Omega Crab Animations Preview
The Animations in this .gif preview had to all be the same speeds and are better in Game.

Omega Crab Run
shows a more correct Run Speed

Included Files:
Civilopedia OmegaCrabLarge.pcx, OmegaCrabSmall.pcx, OmegaCrab_units_32.pcx

Alternate and Extra Images:
Alt_OmegaCrabLarge.pcx has a White Background
Alt_OmegaCrabSmall.pcx has a Colored Background
Preview Images

Adjusted .ini file

Animations (flcs): OmegaCrabDefault.flc, OmegaCrabRun.flc, OmegaCrabFortify.flc, OmegaCrabFidget.flc, OmegaCrabAttackA.flc, OmegaCrabAttackB.flc, OmegaCrabDeath.flc, OmegaCrabVictory.flc

Sounds: OmegaCrabRun.wav, OmegaCrabFortify.wav, OmegaCrabFidget.wav, OmegaCrabAttackA.wav, OmegaCrabAttackB.wav, OmegaCrabDeath.wav, OmegaCrabVictory.wav

Remade the Default Flc to use Offsets so the Unit is seen inside the Bottom Right Game Unit Window Box with a better position.

You can Download the Zip File Here

Looks good in the game, I've added it as the ultimate monster for my sea people, in two colours too. It is truly huge: it covers an entire city. How easy is a size shrink? If you've tried or thought of that I would love to see.
modmyciv... Yes, Both Crab Units are Huge.

Making Units smaller is not difficult... just minor procedures.
You first decide what size you want by resizing one frame, look at it on a screen shot of your game and when happy you generate single frames for all Animations and all directions.
Place the frames for each animation in Direction folders the same as making a new Unit and change the Frames to .bmp. The Frames must have the same names for each animation. Only the Numbers of the frames are different usually starting with 000.
Use SBB to Resize to what you decided and generate the Storyboards.
Load the same palette to the Storyboards then generate the New Flcs in Flicster...same flc speeds and settings except the Frame Size.
The same .ini file and sounds are used.

Keep in mind, When resizing a Unit, the Attacks can be either not close enough or too far because the Unit was made to Hit an enemy from the original Size when created.
I don't know how I missed this, but miss it I did. Are you going to do a Monsters scenario one of these days? (separate from EFZI, I mean).
I don't know how I missed this, but miss it I did. Are you going to do a Monsters scenario one of these days? (separate from EFZI, I mean).

Well, it is possible to make a "Monster Scenario" with all of the Monster Units available, however, I am not sure many players would be interested.
EFZI is a Scenario that allows almost anything desired within the "Plausible Reality" of the situation going on.

I have been recuperating from Cataract and Cornea Surgeries and the problems it has caused me... just basically fooling around and distracting myself... Although I am considering making a Zombie Witch (based on the "Left 4 Dead" game Witch).

I will be 69 years old next month and after these past two years, it feels more like 89 :lol: but seriously, like most people now, I am tired of the COVID-19 + Variants along with all it has caused... not to mention the vast World disasters and problems now.

Just not OK to see your Friends and Family members get COVID_19 or any Variant, suffer and some die. It all Vexes me Greatly, although I remain confident that extremes will subside enough to allow at least the feeling that we are back to "Normal" in the near future.

... But back to your question... No I am not considering making a Monster Scenario at this time. I am sure someone could make a simple Scenario with just a few Units such as the Xenomorph and other Alien Units.

The Omega Giant Crabs are scary but fortunately, in EFZI2 Elite, you will have plenty of power to deal with them :thumbsup:
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