Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation


E pluribus unum
Jun 19, 2003
Currently, “Heartland of America."
NOV 25, 2003 Update Version 2.0:

Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation v 2.0
*Contains 24x60 (1440 slot) Icon Resource Sheet with over 930 different resource variables, from which to choose!
*Over 300 Large & Small Resource Icon pcx files,
*6x11 (66 Resource Icon) exportable game replacement files,
*AND MS Word Template documents to assist with creating appropriately sized definitions and organizing modified units.
*Content Lists and Installation Instructions in the README files!

Version 2.0 is backward compatible with version 1.02.
All previous versions have been replaced with NOV 03, version 2.0

I have been made aware of a "Resource Overload Bug."
embryodead wrote: "This bug appears only in some cases, but after some time it's unavoidable. It happens only if you have more than 32 resources in game...."
Evidently this problem exists with the current version of "Conquests" as well as previous versions of "PTW" and "Civ 3." I'm told that Firaxis has been made aware of this bug, but has yet to remedy it. So, although there is a plethora of Resource Icons acccruing, at this time there are some potential hazards that can arise when using more than 32 in a game or MOD.
Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation v 2.0

I have organized a PCX of all of the Civ resource icons that I could find (over 930, without duplicates).

Unlike previous lists, it is organized by respective resource themes, and new resources can easily be added into existing rows as they become available.

Seldom would anyone incorporate all of the existing resource icons into a single scenario or mod. For this reason, the themed organization allows for quicker access and comparison of the various icons, so the individual creator can more easily find and choose those which are most appropriate and copy them into his, or her, individual icon sheet/s.

This list was compiled and edited from the following sources:

* Sid Mier's "Civ 2," "Civ 3," "PTW," and "Conquests" Resource Icons.

* Various MODs:
"TETurkhan Test of Time" version 1.70,
"Double Your Pleasure" version 1.04x, by Kal-El,
"Ancient Mediterranean" version 1.5b, by Jan van der Crabben & thamis, et al,
"Medieval Europe" version 6, by Yoda Power,
"British Isles circa 400AD" version 1.29 by Shaitan,
(PTW expansion Beta version 0.9b by abbamouse)
"Colonization" version 2.1, by iamjason,
"Balancer" version 1.3, By Monkspider,
"Great Lost Civilizations" Beta version 1, by LBPB,
"Pentagenesis" version 1, by Neomega,
"Fantasy Empires" version 2.5, by Balrog,

* Various Resource Compilations:
"GI Dustin's version 6 Resource Compilation,"
"mrtns resources,"
"Standard Multi-Figure (MF) Resources versions 1 & 2" by CCJ39,

* Various resources by:
Ukas, SuperBeaverInc, DarkAngel75, Sa~Craig, Arne, Dom Pedro II, and many, many more (as yet) anonymous creators.

My thanks for the hard work of all these people who have so generously submitted their original resource artwork to the public domain of the forum.

I have modified some of these resource icons (leaving the original work intact) and added a few more of my own creation. I believe that this is the most comprehensive resource list available (at this time) for Civ3, PTW & Conquests scenarios,

I am very grateful to all of the contributors to the Civ forum, and hope to join my small efforts with the rest of you.
Thank you, and if you find my labor and this type of resource organization useful, or have suggestions for improvement, please let me know.

This Resource List is arranged in the following order:

Rows 1-2: The original Civ3, PTW & Conquests sequence of 26 resource icons: Beginning with the horse and ending with Tobacco.

Rows 2-4: Vacant slots for pasting up to 70 additional sequential icons (as desired).

Row 5: Equidae [draft, military, trade & meat] (22 icons): horses, ponies, mustangs, wild asses, donkeys/burros, mules, zebras, etc.

Row 6: Camelidae [draft, military, trade, wool, meat & dairy] (13 icons): dromedary camels, Llamas,

Row 7-9: Bovidae Bos (Cattle) [meat (beef), hides, dairy, draft & trade] (57 icons): bulls, cows, calves, longhorns, oxen, aurochs, water buffalo, bison, musk oxen (wool), herds, stockyards, etc.

Row 10: Bos Ovis (Sheep) & Capra (Goats) [meat (mutton), hides, wool, dairy & trade] (21 icons): rams, ewes, lambs, wooly sheep, mountain sheep, dairy goats, mountain goats, flocks, etc.

Row 11: Suidae [meat (pork) & lard] (14 icons): pigs, wild boar, wart hogs, peccary, etc.

Row 12: Aves (Fowl) [game & poultry & exotic plumage] (25 icons): turkeys, roosters, ducks, pheasant, grouse, hawk, penguins, Toucan (exotic birds), and rookeries, etc.

Rows 13-14: Cervidae (Deer) [game: meat (venison) & hides] (28 icons): does, bucks, deer, moose, elk, caribou/reindeer, antelope, giraffe, etc.

Rows 15-16: Furbearers [hides & meat] (34 icons): raccoon, marten (sable), beaver, sea otter, fur farm, hare, Guineapig, arctic fox, wolves, bears, lions, Great Cats, etc.

Row 17: Proboscidea [draft, military, ivory trade & meat] (14 icons): African & Asian elephants, plus Rhino.

Row 18: Phocidae (Seals) [fur, blubber, meat & ivory trade] (16 icons): sea lion, fur seal, elephant seal, walrus, etc.

Row 19: Cetacea [meat & blubber] (17 icons): baleen & toothed whales, whale pods, orca (killer whale), dolphin, porpoise, etc.

Row 19-20: Fish & Exotic fish [food] (26 icons): fresh & saltwater salmon' trout, perch, cod, bass, tuna, swordfish, sturgeon, caviar, octopus, squid, shoals, etc.

Row 21: Shellfish [food & pearl trade] (21 icons): shrimp, lobster, crab, tube worms, abalone, clams, oysters (natural & cultured pearl), etc.

Row 22-23: Grain crops, & Potatoes [food, grain oil & alcohol trade] (37 icons): wheat, oats, barley, rye, (beer & whiskey), millet, alfalfa, (fodder) etc.;
wild & cultivated rice, (rice wine), paddies, etc.;
Indian corn, maize, white & yellow corn, (corn liquer), etc.;
Potatoes: white, red, russet, yams, etc.

Row 24-25: Vegetable & Herb Crops [food & vegetable oil trade] (26 icons): tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, brocoli, cabbage, radishes, turnips, Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, soybean), mushrooms, etc.

Row 25: vacant slots

Row 26: Fruit & Berries [food & alcohol] (17 icons): oranges, lemons, limes, (citrus), apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, strawberries, watermelon, etc.

Row 27: Tropical Fruit [food] (19 icons): bananas, plantain, papaya, guava, kiwi, coconut, pineapple, breadfruit, figs, dates, etc.

Row 27-28: Grapes [food, alcohol beverage & trade] (26 icons): wild grapes, vineyards, wine & winery, etc.;

Row 29: Olives [food & trade] (7 icons): olives, olive oil, (virgin & extra virgin), etc.

Row 30: Coffee, Tea, Tobacco [food, beverage, stimulants, & trade] (21 icons): native & refined coffees; black, green, & herbal teas; native & refined tobacco & cigars, etc.

Row 31: Spices & Cocoa [food, flavor enhancers & trade] (30 icons): pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa (chocolate),

Row 32: Sugar [food, flavor enhancers, alcohol & trade] (15 icons): raw cane sugar, refined sugar, candy, molasses, rum, etc.

Row 33: Salt & Saltpeter, [food preservation, flavor enhancers, trade & explosives] (15 icons): salt, saltpeter, black powder (a black mixture of potassium nitrate (salt peter), charcoal, and sulfur: AKA "gun powder"), nitroglycerin (dynamite), etc.

Row 34: Narcotic & medicinal plants & drugs [trade] (13 icons): poppies (opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine, etc.), Aloe, etc.

Row 35: Hemp, Cannabis, Papyrus, [naval canvas, rope, textiles, seed oil & trade] (19 icons): Paper, Scrolls & Books, etc.

Row 36: Silk, Linen Textiles & Seed Oil [trade] (21 icons): silk thread, silkworms, flax, flax seed oil, cotton, cotton seed oil, etc.

Row 37: vacant slots

Row 38: Dyes, Textiles & Incense [trade] (21 icons): Royal Purple, Royal Red, Indigo, India ink; homespun cloth, Clothing, industrial textiles & bolts of cloth; myrrh, frankincense, exotic perfumes, etc.

Row 39-40: Lumber & Oasis's [naval supply, food & trade] (26 icons): hardwoods, oak, iron wood, tropical wood, bamboo grass, etc.

Row 40: Clay & Pottery [trade] (21 icons): raw clay, bricks, pottery, porcelain (china), ceramics, glass (windows & optics), etc.

Row 41: Stone [weapons, walls & fortification, monuments & trade] (16 icons): granite, marble, obsidian, flint, quarries, etc.

Row 42-43: Precious Gems [jewelry & trade] (30 icons): diamonds, emeralds, rubies, jade, lapis lazuli, amber, treasure, etc.

Row 43: vacant slots

Row 43-44: Precious Metals [wealth & trade] (22 icons): silver ore, refined silver, silver bars, gold ore, refined gold, gold bouillon, coins, etc.

Row 45: vacant slots

Row 45-46: Industrial Metals (forged & cast) [weapons & trade] (25 icons): copper ore, refined copper, tin, bronze (copper+9% tin), iron ore, smelted iron, iron tools, iron bar, steel, steel plate, etc.

Row 47: Exotic Metals & Alloys [military & trade] (11 icons): titanium, zirconium, aluminum, metallic glass (liquid metals), etc.

Row 48: Coal, Peat, Uranium & Plutonium [energy, weapons & trade] (23 icons): peat bog,

Row 49: vacant slots

Row 49-50: Petroleum, Natural Gas & electricity [energy, military & trade] (25 icons): tar, oil, refined oil, synthetic oil, natural gas, propane, methane, hydrogen gas, etc.

Row 51: Rubber [military & trade] (10 icons): natural rubber, synthetic rubber, silicon, plastics, etc.

Row 52-53: Miscellaneous habitats & Goody Huts (32 icons): slaves, huts, igloos, villages, towns, castles, Kraals, walled villages, trading post, futuristic dwellings, etc.

Rows 54-55: Ancient Relics, Religious Shrines & Artifacts (26): Stonehenge, Sphinx, pyramids, totems, Holy Grail, Ark of the Covenant, crosses, giant heads & Buddha statues, shield, etc.

Row 56-57: Miscellaneous Artifacts (39 icons): bones, skulls, termite mounds, swamp, lava flow, water fall, lagoon, reef, ship wreck, abandoned wagon, Furniture, hydrogen fuel cell plant, munitions, flasks, vials (narcotics? Bio/Chem weapons?), anchors, crates & dunnage, etc.

Row 58-59: Extra-terrestrial, Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Future Relics (37 icons): saucer space craft, power structures, etc.

Row 60: vacant slots

938 different Resource Icons (not including the original sequence of 26 in rows 1-2), with room left for over 450 more!!!

NOTE: The identification and usefulness of most of these resources should be obvious, however, many can be subject to ambiguous interpretation.
Nothing is "written in stone," so let imagination be your guide.

The most recent version/s can be downloaded at this address:

“Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation” version 2.0 (Updated Nov 03)
available here:

“” (1.67 MB Winzip file)

This will be my last contribution and update for many months. If someone would like to maintain this Resource Compilation while I’m away, your efforts will be appreciated.
Thank you. Casus

If you have any problems with ANY of this material, please let me (or whomever is caretaker) know. Otherwise, happy Civing!
Nice! :thumbsup:
In my sig I have a link to resources I've made that you haven't included.
I actually think this thread is in the wrong forum, it should be in the graphics forum. :) You can send a PM to Padma or Chieftess about moving it there.
Thank you Colonel Kraken, mrtn, and Ukas, for the positive feedback!
When I initially posted this site I was not sure if this was the best location so I sent an e-mail to Chieftess Padma asking her to discontinue a previously inappropriately placed thread that I had erroneously put in the Unit Graphics forum, and to relocate this thread to a place where it will be more appropriately accessible.
I believe that she did discontinue the first thread, since I can no longer locate it. But she must have thought that this was a good location for Resource Icons, as it's still here.
But I do agree with you. I think that if I were looking for a thread such as this, the first place that I'd check would be "graphics" of some sort.
By the way, I'd like to add yours, and anyone else’s resource icons as an update to this sheet, with your permission.
I am new to this forum and still haven't learned to best manipulate it to my advantage. When you refer to your "sig" that you have a link to your resources, I presume you mean your signature? This may sound ignorant (and it is) but I don't yet know how to access your "sig." I am sure that it is a simple process; I just haven't gotten there yet.
I will again e-mail Padma, and ask if she would consider relocating this thread to the Unit Graphics forum, as a better location.
Thank you, CB
Yes, my sig is my signature, the thing that's attached at the bottom of all my posts. It's full of links, one of them is called "My Resources". Click that. :)
Just to assure you: I don't equate ignorance with stupidity. Everything's cool. :cooool:
You're welcome to add my resources to the compilation, that's why I posted about them, after all. :D

Chieftess is female and Padma is male, btw. Try again, and give a link to this thread. :)
I have downloaded your resource sheet, and see where many of the ones I've found have come from.
You're right! There are a few that I've missed. I will add them to a new revision. Thank you, mrtn!
I have sent another e-mail to both Padma and Chieftess (I apologize for the gender error). Hopefully one of them will accomodate. By the way, how is Stockholm in the Summer?
Thanks again, CB
Reply to Padma
Thank you Padma, for moving this thread (Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation) for me. I have another request. When made my first post (a question) on July 8, I erroneously placed it in the Unit Graphics forum, under the header, “"RAR zip format." Would you please discontinue this thread for me.
Respectfully, Casus Belli
Thx, Casus_Belli. A nice organized resource sheet so I don't have to go and search for every resource. :goodjob:
It’s always nice to know that ones effort is useful and appreciated. I think that feeds a lot of us in this forum.
I am already working on a slight revision (1.01). To incorporate a few missing icons that I’ve been alerted to. I was also considering adding a generic bunch of definitions that can be added to the Civilopedia file for the non-standard resource icons. Just to save a little time for you guys (and gals). Of course the definitions can all be altered to fit whatever flavor your individual scenario or mod demands. Do you think that this is a good idea? Also, if there are anymore icons floating around out there that you’d like for me to incorporate into this sheet, please let me know.
Thanks again, for all the positive feedback, and I look forward to downloading all your neat scenarios and mods.
What's Rescource #558 meant to be? BNecause it looks like some bullets. Which is EXACTLY what I need for my Mod! You've even got a Grave Yard I can use for the Zombies! This is excellent!

You've done a hell of a good job compilling all of these because otherwise I would have never found the rescources I need!
Reply: to Warlord 101

There were some resources that didn’t quite seem to fit any category so I placed them near the end by themselves. The ones that you say look like bullets reminded me of someone’s rendition of lipstick tubes, but I like the munitions interpretation better. I will play with that one and see if I can make it look more ammo-ish!
Thank you for the feedback!
I received a private email from someone who wrote:

"I've downloaded your resource pics and they are quite good. Just what I've been looking for. My question is how to properly install them. I'm new at the mods racket and don't want to bungle the job. Thanks "

My answer was way over the maximum message length, and realizing that we all start from somewhere, I thought that I'd reply here for anyone else with similar questions.

I am by no means an expert at this myself, but I am learning and will try to give you the benefit of what I know.
I’ve discovered that the CivFanatics Forum is a collective of worldly knowledge, a co-operative of resources. Here no individual has to know everything (although a few seem to be truly experts on many subjects), before he or she can gain benefit. For example, I don’t yet know how to create my own animated units, but I don’t have to wait until I learn how to do it and make all my own because there are several very gifted individuals who are quite prolific at making beautifully detailed units that I can download and play with almost immediately. The individual generosity of these people is what makes this forum such a cornucopia of shared wisdom, a collective treasure trove of, by and for, CivFanatics. An example of socialized democracy at its best. It’s contagious, and makes one want to seek out some as yet untapped niche or find a way to refine something to greater worthiness for self so that it can be contributed to benefit the whole.

Anyway, I’ve gotten a little side-tracked here, I will do my best to help you with your question.


LOCATION: In Civ 3 the original resources.pcx and resources_shadows.pcx files are located in the Art folder (i.e. Civilization 3\Art\ resources.pcx and resources_shadows.pcx.). In PTW the Art folder is located in the CIV3PTW folder (i.e. Civilization 3\CIV3PTW\Art\ resources pcx and resources_shadows.pcx.). In PTW you can also find individual resources.pcx files in their respective Scenarios folders. For example: Civilization 3\CIV3PTW\Scenarios\TETurkhan\Art\ resources pcx and resources_shadows.pcx.

IMPORTANT: Before you attempt to modify any files I strongly recommend backing up the original files and stowing them in a safe place (i.e. a folder titled original Civ3 or PTW files, etc.).

SIZE: The original Civ 3 and PTW resources.pcx is a 6x6 (36 icon slots) with the first 22 occupied by original icons (beginning with the horse and ending with gold). There are slots available for 14 additional icons.
In PTW scenarios you can find resources.pcx files of various sizes. For example the early TETurkhan scenario/Mod resources.pcx is a 6x11 (66 icon slots) with the first 46 occupied and slots available for 20 additional icons.

NOTE: The size or capacity of the resource sheets is not as important as the sequence of the icons. Civilization has the ability to easily read up to 999 resource icons on a pcx file. The number of icon slots in a row is not restricted to six and can be any manageable number. Likewise, the number of rows on a sheet is not restricted and an original sheet could be in practically any configuration (i.e. 6x6, 12x12, 24x36, etc.). So long as the sheet is labeled as “resources.pcx” and “resources_shadows.pcx” and is located in place of the original files it can be used.

ORDER: The order of resource icons on the resources.pcx sheet is matched in the same order by its respective shadow icons on its separate resources_shadows.pcx sheet. The original sequence of icons in these files is what the game uses to place an appropriate resource in it’s designated map location in a Civ3 (.bic) or PTW (.bix) scenario (either random or preset). Likewise, the Mod creator has specific resources in mind when he (or she) organizes his (or her) original scenario or Mod. When the preset sequence is tampered with, it can have some undesirable graphic results, such as placing horses out to sea and fish on land, etc.

EDITOR: The simplest way to have your cake and eat it to, is to ADD new resource icons (and shadows) only in the empty slots of the otherwise original Civ3 and PTW resource sheets. Therefore you can still play the original or random Civ3 and PTW scenarios without switching resource sheets between games. In these games Civilization will only read the original sequence of 22 icons and not those added into the previously empty slots.
Civilization will ONLY read the additional icons when programmed to do so in the Civ3Edit or Civ3XEdit (PTW) editor when creating new or modifying existing bic or bix maps and scenarios, etc.

When making an original Mod or scenario map, the creator may choose a totally unique set icons by substituting new ones for the originals, and/or adding as many additional resources as desired for a given effect.

INSTALLATION: After you have made a backup copy of your original resources.pcx and resources_shadows.pcx files, you can use the copy and paste function of Microsoft Windows Paint Brush or Photo Editor (that comes standard with Windows 98 thru Windows XP) to copy your preferred icon/s from the Resource Compilation sheet and paste them into the available slots of the resource.pcx sheet that you plan to use for your modified games. Make sure that any applicable shadow icons are placed in appropriately matching slots of the resources_shadows.pcx sheet.
HINT: for accuracy when copying and pasting, be sure to use ample magnification (400-800% works well).
If the new icons are not pasted precisely within the slotted square you may find undesired lines next to the resource icon during game play.

IF you like a lot of icons, you can make a back-up copy of the Resource Compilation sheet (24x60=1440 icon slots) and use one copy as a blank template. Just delete the first row of 24 icons (or as many rows as you deem necessary), and add the original 22 icons in the first 22 slots (for normal game play). You may then use as many or as few of the remaining icons as you desire.

NOTE: For proper game play, it is a good idea to have an appropriate definition for any truly unique resource added to the Civilopedia.txt file under the RESOURCES Line and using the applicable Civilopedia syntax (i.e. #GOOD_Horses and #DESC_GOOD_Horses, etc.). In PTW one must ALSO match the unique resource referred to in the Civilopedia.txt with one in the PediaIcons.txt beneath the #start resources line using applicable PedialIcons syntax (i.e. #ICON_GOOD_Horses, etc.) and to match these with the necessary large and small Civilopedia illustrative icons in the appropriate folder.
The Civilopedia.txt and PediaIcons.txt files are located in the Civilization 3\Text\… folder (Civ3) and
Civilization 3\CIV3PTW\ Text\… folder (PTW).

The individual large and small icons (NOT the resources.pcx icon sheet) are located in their respective Civ3 or PTW folders such as: art\civilopedia\icons\resources\horseslarge.pcx and
art\civilopedia\icons\resources\horsessmall.pcx, etc.

IF one is simply choosing to substitute an existing resource icon with a similarly flavored albeit different one, such as replacing the original beaver fur icon with a bear fur icon, or the original deer game icon with one of a moose or pheasant game icon, or the original cow with a bull or buffalo, or the original elephant ivory icon with a walrus ivory icon, or a different fish, wheat, spice, or dye, icon, etc., then the original definitions should suffice.
HOWEVER, when an icon is added representing a new or different flavored resource, such as coffee, tea, tobacco, olive oil, clay, hardwood, exotic metals or relics, etc. then the above labor is necessary to render an appropriate definition.

APPLYING ICONS WITH THE EDITOR: After copying new resource icons to your resources.pcx icon sheet. Download a bic or bix map (or create an original or random one with the Civ Editor) and Save it in the appropriate Scenario folder. Open the applicable Civ Editor (for Civ 3 or PTW); Look in the scenario folder and find the desired map. Open it with the Editor, Click on Rules, Edit Natural Resources. Have a desired resource in mind from your resources.pcx icon sheet. Click the Rename (if modifying an existing or original resource), or Add Natural Resource (for a new one). Enter the new resource name and Scroll through the Icons for the chosen resource (the icon will be given a sequential number from 1 up to 999, depending on the size of your resource sheet and the location of your chosen icon). Enter an appropriate Civilopedia Entry (i.e. GOOD_Horses). Scroll through the list of Prerequisites and pick an appropriate one. Determine the Type and amount of Bonuses for this resource, then Determine the Appearance Ratio and Disappearance Probability for the Resource during the game (don’t hesitate to consult the CivEdit Help function for elaboration). When you are finished click close and Save your changes before exiting the editor.

If the above explanation is insufficient, or you need further assistance, let me know. I am limited in my Internet access to once a week or so, but I will get back with you as soon as possible.

I am currently working on a revision to the Resource Compilation, adding a few new icons that have been shared with me. After this, I think that I will incorporate some of my suggestions for you to make it easier for the next person. For example: (1) I will make the first row a sequence of all standard Civ Resource Icons, so that anyone can rename the compilation and use it in place of the original without any copying and pasting. (2) I will leave the next two or three rows empty slots, so that anyone can easily copy preferred icons from anywhere in the compilation and paste them right up next to the original sequence on the same sheet, if they so desire. (3) I will add generic and adaptable definitions for the unique icons so that it will be easier for anyone to incorporate them into their Civilopedia.text. And (4) I will work on a generic set of large and small pcx icons and the appropriate syntax for the PTW PediaIcons.txt.
By then, there will probably be a few more new icons floating around, so that I can add them to a later revision. We’ll see how well it comes together, and whether or not it will fly.
All this stimulated by a single question from you. See how important even the smallest feedback can be!!!

In the meantime, I hope this helps. If not, let me know.
With sincere and “Civilized” camaraderie, Casus.
Many of us newbies will find this a lifesaver.
Any chance of including rescources that cane be found in RPGs like MEM (Such as Granite) and Pentagensis sci-fi Rescources. Namely Silicon Chips and Automobiles (I'm sure Automobiles were in an earlier version) ?
To answer your question, “YES,” I have included all of the non-standard Sci-Fi Resources from “Pentagensis,” (I recall the silcon chip & Auto icons) as well a few fantasy type icons, etc. I believe that an adaptable “Granite” type icon is already in the ver 1.0 compilation, but if not, one is specifically included in the revision.

I wasn’t aware, until Padma moved me to this site and I started looking around, that there were so many of us working on resource Icons. I’m sure that there are many, many more icons that people have created for their various MODs that I haven’t included in this compilation. But I am grateful for all those contributions that I have found, and hopefully this will still be the most comprehensive (non-redundant) Resource Icon sheet available (for the moment).

I already have well over 100 new &/or modified Resource Icons for my first revision, along with many adaptable “large and small pcx icons.” I am currently working on a generic Civilopedia.txt file. I will try to proof it as much as time will allow (prior to a timely release), or may offer it as a BETA and allow you guys to inform me of any “bugs” that you may encounter so that I can “correct as needed.”

The organization may be somewhat problematic, as there are always new icons to be added later, and no one can create a panacea that is suitable for everyone’s individual need. But I am hopeful that this version will be very friendly and allow the user (old hand as well as newbie) to take advantage of the resources with as few head aches as possible.
One thing I’ve learned is “flexibility.” Always leave room for future changes, or unexpected opportunities.
(Jeez, it’s only been a little over a month since my first release), see what I mean?.
I know that there is always room for improvement, no matter how well we think we may have done, but someone once said words to the effect that “If you don’t stop rewriting, you’ll never get anything published.” So I will do the best that I can for now and allow future feedback to guide me.
Should have a revision release in a week or so (that is, if nothing comes up to impede my progress).

Thank you for your feedback. It is appreciated .
One thing I’ve learned is “flexibility.” Always leave room for future changes, or unexpected opportunities.

Ahh, that would explain the gaps. Good thinking! That means if the file is updated and the old one replaced, the rescources that have already been selected will not have changed to another image. Keep up the good work!
Is there a sheet or list of the large resource icons anywhere? I am finding that I am having to make some of my own. I can upload those that I have made if they don't exist anywhere else.

One quick question: what is the max file size that the game will use, when it comes to xxxxxlarge.pcx files? I am finding some of my more detailed pictures are too large of files for the game to recognize. I need to decrease the resolution to get these to work, but I'd like to know how far I need to decrease it. Thanks all :D
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