Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation

Casus, when can we expect an update?
I apologize for the delay in getting back to you folks. Last week there were server problems during my time slot for the Internet, and I was unable to reschedule, so I had to wait another week before checking my e-mail and this thread.

Reply to Warlord 101:

Your perception is keen Warlord.
Yes, that was and is the intention for the gaps.
Unfortunately, I have found that with this initial revision, that I had to move things around a bit for the “new” format. That is to allow a few rows up front so that Modders can move desired images from anywhere within the compilation and arrange them in their own unique order right behind the sequence of original Civ icons.

The goal of this revision was to make a sheet that would allow unaffected normal game play, with the flexibility that MOD creator’s desire for testing their scenarios. One of the reasons for the revision was to minimize the “need” to have to do a lot of copying and pasting, as well as the necessity of swapping resource sheets back and forth between regular and individually modified game play. Version 1.0 was not well enough thought out to allow for this consideration. The result of this is that this revision is NOT “backward compatible” for those who are happy with the way the first release was organized. However, I will do my best to keep additional revisions compatible with this sheet for as long as possible (or until the time comes to make an even larger capacity resource sheet). New resources will be added in the existing open spaces leaving the previous order untouched, so that images already selected will not change to another image.

One problem, for those few who would like to include every icon that’s out there in a “Super MOD,” is that although the game has no difficulty reading the first 999 icon slots (and even beyond), it does have a problem counting beyond 999. The games icon counter can’t place the 1 in 1000. So that 1000 becomes 000 and 1001 becomes 001. But the zeros aren’t visibly displayed, making it difficult to keep numerical track of any icons used beyond the first 999 slots. Just like the old 8 character limitations of DOS programs, which seemed ample at the time, who at Firaxis would have thought that 999 resource icons would not be more than sufficient. But this revision sheet currently contains 775 different icons, and I’m sure that there are many more out there that I am as yet unaware of. So 999 doesn’t seem so big anymore.
The icon sheet I’m using has a 1440 slot capacity, so it should be sufficient for a little while yet. But there will be a time in the not so distant future (perhaps as soon as “Conquests” comes out) that another major overhaul will no doubt, be required, necessitating the distasteful repetitive labor of resource icon shifting. So, with this awareness in mind, I can hope to slow down the need for resource icon shifting, but I can’t eliminate the need for it altogether.
It is the nature of the beast…more icons, more units, more options, more revisions. But isn’t the diversity worth the headache?

Regarding making your own resource graphics:
The easiest way is to take one that is already done and similar to what you want and remodel it. Another way is to find an illustration somewhere, save it as a PCX image edit and downsize it, then copy it onto the icon sheet.
Another way is to create an image from scratch, if you are good at computer art. Start with a larger scale, then downsize. You may have to play with it a bit to get the desired effect, as much detail is lost when they are at usable icon size. Make sure that the finished product is 256 color palette and 8 bit.
Hope this helps. If not, let me know.

The answer to your last "when will it be ready," question is a bit further down in this thread.

Reply to: Quasar1011:

I compiled a list of all the Large and small Resource Icon PCX images that I obtained from the same sources that I gathered all of the Resource Icons used in the Compilation. There are 245 in the list representing approximately 120 different illustrations. The current Revised Resource Compilation sheet features 775 different Resource icons, with several unique resources as yet unrepresented by a Large and small illustration for the Civilopedia. After you’ve had an opportunity to read the list and browse through the icons you may discover that you have some good ones that you’d like to contribute. If so, I’d welcome them for a “complete” release of the total revision at a later date. If you are interested in helping, let me know. There appears to be a need for this, and I don’t think that more fingers in the pot will spoil the meal.
For yourself and anyone else who’s interested, I’ve provided the following instructional advice. Please do not be offended if it seems overly simplistic for you, as I know that there are some out there for which this is a first time primer.


NECESSARY TOOLS: Microsoft PaintBrush or Photo Editor (basic image editing programs that come standard with Windows 98-XP), or some other image editing software program (i.e. JASC Paint Shop Pro, etc.).

LOCATION: Civilization’s individual “Large” & “small” Resource Icon PCX images (NOT the "resources.pcx" icon sheet) are located in their respective Civ3 or PTW folders such as:
"art\civilopedia\icons\resources\“HorseLarge.pcx” and
"art\civilopedia\icons\resources\“Horsesmall.pcx,” etc.

FORMAT: Civilization’s Large & small Resource Icon PCX images are all 8 bit 256 color Palette. The finished resolution of the Large PCX’s is generally 72 Pixels/inch, whereas the small PCX’s are usually 300 Pixels/inch. Incidentally, the Resource Compilation sheet resolution is 300 Pixels/inch.

SIZE: Depending upon the detail within the image, the finished Large PCX files average between 5-20 KB and the small PCX files average between 2-3 KB.

SITUATION: You’ve found an image (a photo or picture) that you believe would do a good job representing a resource in the game. You want to convert it into a Large and small pcx image that the game can use.
Follow these steps:

1) Use your image editing program to convert the image from whatever it may be (BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIF, etc.) to a PCX image. This is a simple process of “Saving” the image as a PCX image.

2) If you are using MS Paint Brush or Photo Editor, Right-Click on your image, Click “Properties.” Make sure that the image is “Palette or 256 color (8 bit),” and at this stage you want to make sure that your image has ample resolution of at least 300 pixels/inch (I like 1024 pixels/inch). When you’ve set these parameters, Click “Okay.”
NOTE: You may lose resolution and image quality when you downsize, so the more detail the better, in the beginning.

3) Open one of the games existing “Large” and “small” Resource Icon PCX images to use as an Example for Comparative Size. You want to “Resize” Your new image so that it matches the same “Physical” size (appearance) as the Large PCX example from the game.

4) MAKING A LARGE PCX: Make sure that the image that you want to downsize is selected. You may want to “Crop” the image so that only the part that you want to use is visible, and save that as a new image. Make sure that the image you are working with is “Square” in shape. Using the Image Editor Tool Bar, Click on “Image,” then “Resize.” Estimate the percentage that you will have to downsize to match the size of your “Large PCX” example. Depending upon how large your initial image is you may need to “Resize” (downsize) to 25% or less of what the initial image size was. Keep downsizing until your image matches the size of the example PCX image.
Once your Image is the appropriate size for a Large PCX, “Save” it with a recognizable name within the appropriate “Resources” folder. Make sure that you add “Large” in the name (i.e. “HorsesLarge.pcx”).

5) MAKING A SMALL PCX: Next, “Save” a copy of this image in the same folder, with the same name, EXCEPT make sure that you add “small” in the name (i.e. “Horsessmall.pcx”). You will now “Resize” this image to match the size of the “small PCX” example.
Experience has shown that the small PCX is 25% the size of the Large PCX when using the “Image,” “Resize” tool.

6) LASTLY: Open both your NEW “Large” and “Small PCX” images and Right-Click “Properties.” Make sure that the Large PCX has a Resolution of 72 Pixels/inch, and the small PCX has a Resolution of 300 Pixels/inch.

NOTE: If you are using PTW you will need to include your new Large and small PCX images in the “PediaIcons.txt” beneath the "#start resources" line.
To use them in the game they will need to be associated with a name (i.e. "#ICON_GOOD_Horses", etc.) that matches the "Civilopedia.txt" file under the "RESOURCES" Line (i.e. "#GOOD_Horses" and "#DESC_GOOD_Horses", etc.).
The "Civilopedia.txt" and "PediaIcons.txt" files are located in the "Civilization 3\Text\…" folder (Civ3) and "Civilization 3\CIV3PTW\Text\…" folder (PTW).

If the above explanation is insufficient, or you need further assistance, please let me know.
I am limited in my Internet access to once a week or so, but I will get back with you as soon as possible.

Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation version 1.01 UPDATE/REVISION September 04, 2003
(Original ver 1.0 released July 16, 2003)

In as much as I dislike doing this, I’m going to release version 1.01 in what I consider to be an incomplete state.
I had hoped to release the revision as a single entity, instead of several fragmented parts.
The delay is in compiling the Civilopedia definitions for the many added and unique resources.
It’s been like gathering the material for dozens of separate research papers and then trimming the information down to the few lines that the Civilopedia will allow for presentation. At the rate that I am currently progressing it will take much longer than I had originally anticipated and I know that many of you are getting anxious for the revised icon sheet, and there are quite a few new and modified icons that have been added already.

So here is Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation version 1.01, incomplete as it is.
I’ve included a far from complete set of “Large” and “small” Resource Icons in a separate folder.
What is lacking is the “Civilopedia text” definitions and the corresponding “PediaIcons.txt file.”
This information is delayed and will be released as soon as it is reasonably complete.
In the meantime, I hope that you find the revision, such as it is, useful.
Consider this a Beta version and please let me know what you think about the revised organization format.

I have attached a 443 KB WinZip of the Revised Icon sheet with shadowing (along with an additional “blank” 12x12 icon sheet and a ReadMe text file).

Download at this address:

I have attached a separate 872 KB WinZip containing “Large & Small Resource Icons” folder.
Download at this address:

Civilopedia and PediaIcons text files will follow at a later date.

The following are excerpts from the README:

Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation version 1.01 September 03, 2003
(Original ver 1.0 released July 16, 2003)

I have made a determined effort to gather as many different Resource Icons as were available at the time of this release.
I have attempted to organize them on a single resource sheet in a manner that would be most user friendly.
My sources have been personal copies of the gaming software and through the generosity of the CivFanatics Forum.
I have made an earnest effort to provide individual credit whenever possible, but most of the credit for original artwork goes to unknown contributors.
This Resource Compilation remains a collective effort. I take credit or blame primarily for the editing and organization of its content.
Anyone is FREE to make further modifications to any part of this compilation in any way that is useful.
If you come up with anything new or a more efficient method of organization please share with others and keep me informed.
I welcome collaboration on any effort that may prove beneficial to the collective.
I look forward to seeing more great MODs with more great units, more great sound effects, more great terrain features, more great civilizations, structures and wonders, and more great resources!



A 24x60 pcx sheet with a 1440 Resource icon slot capacity.
Version 1.01 contains over 750 different Resource Icons (many with applicable shadowing).

With the exception of the first 22 original Civ resource icons, you will find no other exact duplicates within this resource list.


* Unlike previous lists, it is organized by respective resource themes. Seldom does anyone incorporate all of the existing resource icons into a single scenario or mod. For this reason, the themed organization allows for quicker access and comparison of the various icons, so the individual creator can more easily find and choose those wich are most appropriate.

* This sheet can be safely used (as is) in place of the original Civ Resource sheet (without adversely affecting normal game play), while preserving its advantages for Modders.

* For convenience, the Modder has the option of pasting up to 74 icons (next to the original sequence), in the first four rows of this sheet, for testing and playing modified scenarios, etc..

OR (if he, or she desires),

* The Modder may test or play any icon (up to the first 999 slots) without the necessity of copying and pasting or swapping Resource sheets.

* New resources can easily be added into existing vacant slots and rows as they become available.


This list was compiled and edited from the following sources:

* Sid Mier's "Civ 2," "Civ 3" & "PTW" Resource Icons.

* Various MODs:
"TETurkhan Test of Time" version 1.70,
"Double Your Pleasure" version 1.04x, by Kal-El,
"Ancient Mediterranean" version 1.5b, by Jan van der Crabben & thamis, et al,
"Medieval Europe" version 6, by Yoda Power,
"British Isles circa 400AD" version 1.29 by Shaitan,
(PTW expansion Beta version 0.9b by abbamouse)
"Colonization" version 2.1, by iamjason,
"Balancer" version 1.3, By Monkspider,
"Great Lost Civilizations" Beta version 1, by LBPB,
"Pentagenesis" version 1, by Neomega,
"Fantasy Empires" version 2.5, by Balrog,

* Various Resource Compilations:
"GI Dustin's version 6 Resource Compilation,"
"mrtns resources,"
"Standard Multi-Figure (MF) Resources versions 1 & 2" by CCJ39,

* Various resources by:
Ukas, SuperBeaverInc, DarkAngel75, Sa~Craig, Arne, Dom Pedro II, and many, many more (as yet) anonymous creators.

My thanks for the hard work of all these people who have so generously submitted their original resource artwork to the public domain of the forum.

I have modified some of these resource icons (leaving the original work intact) and added a few more of my own creation. I believe that this is the most comprehensive resource list available (at this time) for Civ3 & PTW scenarios, Maps, and Mods.

It is hereby stated that installation and use of any part of this Compilation fully complies with the "END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT" by Infogrames Interactive, Inc. (see the end of this README Text for excerpts of the applicable paragraphs from Infogrames, "General End-User License with Mods" (United States & Canada) September 13, 2002.



Additions in ver 1.01:

* Added 146 NEW or MODIFIED resource icons:

12 new Icons (Warg "werewolf?", bolt of cloth, bunch of bananas, small pearl, small pig, oasis, olives, swamp, bubbling lava, school of fish and 2 sugar) from "mrtns_resources.pcx".

29 standard "Multi-Figure (MF) Resources" vers 1.0 & 2.0 by CCJ39.

10 new Icons from "Fantasy Empires" MOD by Balrog .

27 new Icons from "Pentagenesis" Sci-Fi MOD by Neomega.

1 resource (bamboo) by Arne .

3 resources (Beaver, Fish, & Wine) by SuperBeaverInc.

4 resources (Cannabis, Cotton, Lobster, & Sheep,including large & small pcx's) by DarkAngel75.

60 new and/or modified icons from myself (130 total from Casus Belli).

* Added "CB_Resource Icons" folder: contains "Large" and "Small" pcx resource icons that agree with the "CB_PediaIcons.txt" and can be conveniently incorporated into the games "Resources" folder (After safely backing up the original).
** See NOTE in bottom of this section.

* Added "12x12 resources.pcx" & "12x12 resources_shadows.pcx" Template sheets with the original sequence of 22 CivPTW resource icons and 122 vacant slots for additional icons (144 total). This gives the modder a relatively clean (blank) sheet of decent capacity, if he or she wants to get right down to copying and pasting resource icons for an original scenario and/or mod export to the net.

Acknowledgement for hereto unknown authorship of Resource Icons previously posted in this Compilation:

3 resources (Stonehenge relic, dandelion flower, & russet potato, plus shadows) by Ukas.

2 "weed" resource icons by Sa~Craig.

Changes in ver 1.01:

* Sheet arrangement changed:

(1) Added the original (standard) Civ3 & PTW sequence of 22 resource icons in row 1.
The up front location of the original sequence allows the use of this sheet as a replacement of the original "resources.pcx" for unadulterated play with original or random Civ3 and PTW scenarios without the need for switching resource sheets between games.

(2) Rows 2-4 slots are now left vacant to provide Modders the advantage of copying and pasting up to 74 additional icons (of either their own creation or preference from this sheet) in convenient sequence right behind the original Civ icons. This allows testing and and playing of game modifcations without switching resource sheets.
NOTE: The Modder can easily use up to the first 999 icon slots from this sheet without the necessity of copying and pasting.

(3) The remaining rows are organized as in ver 1.0, with icons arranged in themed format to simplify recognition and comparison of the various resource icons.
NOTE: Vacant slots and rows have been left for the convenience of adding NEW and similarly themed resource icons as they become available.

Fixes in in ver 1.01:

* None noted.

** NOTE: The Following Planned Additions were not yet ready for version 1.01 and will be included in a later version.

** "CB_Civilopedia.txt": includes generic and adaptable definitions for many of the modified and unique icons on the resource compilation sheet that can be conveniently incorporated into the games "Civilopedia.text" (After safely backing up the original). **NOTE: Not yet ready! Will be included in a later version.

** "CB_PediaIcons.txt": that aggrees with the "CB_Civilopedia.txt" by including directions for finding the "large" and "small" pcx resource icons (necessary for PTW). This data can be conveniently incorporated into the games "PediaIcons.txt" (After safely backing up the original).
**NOTE: Not yet ready! Will be included in a later version.


Continued Below:

This Resource List is arranged in the following order:

Row 1: The original Civ3 & PTW sequence of 22 resource icons: Beginning with the horse and ending with gold.

Rows 2-4: Vacant slots for pasting up to 74 sequential icons (as desired).

Row 5: Equidae [draft, military, trade & meat] (22 icons): horses, ponies, mustangs, wild asses, donkeys/burros, mules, zebras, etc.

Row 6: Camelidae [draft, military, trade, wool, meat & dairy] (10 icons): dromedary camels, Llamas,

Row 7-9: Bovidae Bos [meat (beef), hides, dairy, draft & trade] (54 icons): bulls, cows, calves, longhorns, oxen, aurochs, water buffalo, bison, musk oxen (wool), herds, stockyards, etc.

Row 10: Bos Ovis (Sheep) & Capra (Goats) [meat (mutton), hides, wool, dairy & trade] (20 icons): rams, ewes, lambs, wooly sheep, mountain sheep, dairy goats, mountain goats, flocks, etc.

Row 11: Suidae [meat (pork) & lard] (14 icons): pigs, wild boar, wart hogs, peccary, etc.

Row 12: Aves (Fowl) [game & poultry] (20 icons): turkeys, roosters, ducks, pheasant, grouse, hawk, and penguins, rookeries, etc.

Rows 13-14: Cervidae (Deer) [game: meat (venison) & hides] (27 icons): does, bucks, deer, moose, elk, caribou/reindeer, antelope, giraffe, etc.

Rows 15-16: Furbearers [hides & meat] (28 icons): raccoon, marten (sable), beaver, sea otter, fur farm, arctic fox, wolves, lion, bears, etc.

Row 17: Proboscidea [draft, military, ivory trade & meat] (11 icons): African & Asian elephants.

Row 18: Phocidae (Seals) [fur, blubber, meat & ivory trade] (16 icons): sea lion, fur seal, elephant seal, walrus, etc.

Row 19: Cetacea [meat & blubber] (14 icons): baleen & toothed whales, whale pods, dolphin, etc.

Row 20: Fish & Exotic fish [food] (24 icons): fresh & saltwater salmon trout, perch, cod, bass, tuna, swordfish, sturgeon, caviar, octopus, squid, shoals, etc.

Row 21: Shellfish [food & pearl trade] (19 icons): shrimp, lobster, crab, tube worms, abalone, clams, oysters (natural & cultured pearl), etc.

Row 22-23: Grain crops, & Potatoes [food, grain oil & alcohol trade] (30 icons): wheat, oats, barley, rye, (beer & whiskey), millet, alfalfa, (fodder) etc.;
wild & cultivated rice, (rice wine), paddies, etc.;
Indian corn, white & yellow corn, (corn liquer), etc.; Potatoes: white, red, russet, yams, etc.

Row 24: Vegetable & Herb Crops [food & vegetable oil trade] (21 icons): tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, brocoli, cabbage, radishes, turnips, Legumes (beans, peas, lentils, Soybean), etc.

Row 25: vacant slots

Row 26: Fruit & Berries [food & alcohol] (13 icons): oranges, lemons, limes, (citrus), apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, strawberries, watermelon, etc.

Row 27: Tropical Fruit [food] (16 icons): bananas, plantain, papaya, guava, kiwi, coconut, pineapple, breadfruit, figs, dates, etc.

Row 28: Grapes [food, alcohol beverage & trade] (18 icons): wild grapes, vineyards, wine & winery, etc.;

Row 29: Olives [food & trade] (7 icons): olives, olive oil, (virgin & extra virgin), etc.

Row 30: Coffee, Tea, Tobacco [food, beverage, stimulants, & trade] (16 icons): native & refined coffees; black, green, & herbal teas; native & refined tobacco & cigars, etc.

Row 31: Spices & Cocoa [food, flavor enhancers & trade] (12 icons): pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa (chocolate),

Row 32: Sugar [food, flavor enhancers, alcohol & trade] (12 icons): raw cane sugar, refined sugar, candy, rum, etc.

Row 33: Salt & Saltpeter, [food preservation, flavor enhancers, trade & explosives] (13 icons): salt, saltpeter, black powder (a black mixture of potassium nitrate (salt peter), charcoal, and sulfur: AKA "gun powder"), nitroglycerin (dynamite), etc.

Row 34: Narcotic & medicinal plants & drugs [trade] (11 icons): poppies (opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine, etc.), Aloe, etc.

Row 35: Hemp, Cannabis, Papyrus, & Paper [naval canvas, rope, textiles, seed oil & trade] (13 icons):

Row 36: Silk, Linen Textiles & Seed Oil [trade] (20 icons): silk thread, silkworms, flax, flax seed oil, cotton, cotton seed oil, etc.

Row 37: vacant slots

Row 38: Dyes, Textiles & Incense [trade] (18 icons): Royal Purple, Royal Red, Indigo, India ink; homespun cloth, Clothing, industrial textiles & bolts of cloth; myrrh, frankincense, exotic perfumes, etc.

Row 39: Lumber & Oasis's [naval supply, food & trade] (20 icons): hardwoods, oak, iron wood, tropical wood, bamboo grass, etc.

Row 40: Clay & Pottery [trade] (16 icons): raw clay, bricks, pottery, porcelain (china), ceramics, glass (windows & optics), etc.

Row 41: Stone [weapons, walls & fortification, monuments & trade] (13 icons): granite, marble, obsidian, flint, quarries, etc.

Row 42: Precious Gems [jewelry & trade] (22 icons): diamonds, emeralds, rubies, jade, lapis lazuli, amber, treasure, etc.

Row 43: vacant slots

Row 44: Precious Metals [wealth & trade] (19 icons): silver ore, refined silver, silver bars, gold ore, refined gold, gold bouillon, coins, etc.

Row 45: vacant slots

Row 46: Industrial Metals (forged & cast) [weapons & trade] (19 icons): copper ore, refined copper, tin, bronze (copper+9% tin), iron ore, smelted iron, iron tools, iron bar, steel, steel plate, etc.

Row 47: Exotic Metals & Alloys [military & trade] (11 icons): titanium, zirconium, aluminum, metallic glass (liquid metals), etc.

Row 48: Coal, Peat, Uranium & Plutonium [energy, weapons & trade] (21 icons):

Row 49: vacant slots

Row 50: Petroleum & Natural Gas [energy, military & trade] (19 icons): tar, oil, refined oil, synthetic oil, natural gas, propane, methane, hydrogen gas, etc.

Row 51: Rubber [military & trade] (6 icons): natural rubber, synthetic rubber, silicon, plastics, etc.

Row 52-53: Miscellaneous habitats & Goody Huts (31 icons): slaves, huts, igloos, villages, towns, castles, Kraals, walled villages, trading post, futuristic dwellings, etc.

Rows 54-55: Ancient Relics, Religious Shrines & Artifacts (20): Stonehenge, Sphinx, pyramids, totems, Holy Grail, Ark of the Covenant, crosses, giant heads & Buddha statues, shield, etc.

Row 56-57: Miscellaneous Artifacts (24 icons): bones, skulls, termite mounds, swamp, lava flow, water fall, lagoon, reef, ship wreck, abandoned wagon, hydrogen fuel cell plant, munitions, vials (narcotics? Bio/Chem weapons?), etc.

Row 58-59: Extra-terrestrial, Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Future Relics (35 icons): saucer space craft, power structures, etc.

Row 60: vacant slots

775 different Resource Icons (not including the original sequence of 22 in row 1), with room for over 600 more!!!

NOTE: The identification and usefulness of most of these resources should be obvious, however, many can be subject to ambiguous interpretation.
Nothing is "written in stone," so let imagination be your guide.


LOCATION: In Civ 3 the original "resources.pcx" and "resources_shadows.pcx" files are located in the Art folder
(i.e. "Civilization 3\Art\ resources.pcx" and "resources_shadows.pcx"). In PTW the Art folder is located in the CIV3PTW folder (i.e. "Civilization 3\CIV3PTW\Art\ resources pcx" and "resources_shadows.pcx"). In PTW you can also find individual "resources.pcx" files in their respective "Scenarios" folders.
For example: "Civilization 3\CIV3PTW\Scenarios\TETurkhan\Art\resources pcx" and "resources_shadows.pcx".

IMPORTANT: Before you attempt to modify any files I strongly recommend backing up the original files and stowing them in a safe place (i.e. a folder titled original Civ3 or PTW files, etc.).

SIZE: The original Civ 3 and PTW "resources.pcx" is a 6x6 (36 icon slots) with the first 22 occupied by original icons (beginning with the horse and ending with gold). There are slots available for 14 additional icons.
In PTW scenarios you can find resources.pcx files of various sizes. For example the early TETurkhan scenario/Mod "resources.pcx" is a 6x11 (66 icon slots) with the first 46 occupied and slots available for 20 additional icons.

NOTE: The size or capacity of the resource sheets is not as important as the sequence of the icons. Civilization has the ability to easily read up to 999 resource icons on a pcx file. The number of icon slots in a row is not restricted to six and can be any manageable number. Likewise, the number of rows on a sheet is not restricted and an original sheet could be in practically any configuration (i.e. 6x6, 12x12, 24x36, etc.). So long as the sheet is labeled as “resources.pcx” and “resources_shadows.pcx” and is located in place of the original files it can be used.

ORDER: The order of resource icons on the "resources.pcx" sheet is matched in the same order by its respective shadow icons on its separate "resources_shadows.pcx" sheet. The original sequence of icons in these files is what the game uses to place an appropriate resource in it’s designated map location in a Civ3 (.bic) or PTW (.bix) scenario (either random or preset). Likewise, the Mod creator has specific resources and locations in mind when he (or she) organizes his (or her) original scenario or Mod. When the preset sequence is tampered with, it can have some undesirable graphic results, such as placing horses out to sea and fish on land, etc.

EDITOR: The simplest way to have your cake and eat it to, is to EITHER ADD (copy & paste) new resource icons (and shadows) only in the empty slots of the otherwise original Civ3 and PTW resource sheets OR INSTALL version 1.01 of this Resource Compilation in place of those resource sheets. EITHER WAY will allow you to play the original or random Civ3 and PTW scenarios without switching resource sheets between games. In these games Civilization will ONLY read the original sequence of 22 icons and NOT those added into the previously empty slots NOR those remaining in the rest of the Compilation.
Civilization will ONLY read the additional icons when programmed to do so in the "Civ3Edit" or "Civ3XEdit" (PTW) editor when creating new or modifying existing ".bic" or ".bix" maps and scenarios, etc.

When making an original Mod or scenario map, the creator may choose a totally unique set icons by substituting new ones for the originals, and/or adding as many additional resources as desired for a given effect.

INSTALLATION: AFTER you have made a backup copy of your original "resources.pcx" and "resources_shadows.pcx" files, you can copy "Casus Belli's edited compilation v1.01_resources.pcx" and "Casus Belli's edited compilation v1.01 resource_shadows.pcx" in the the locations where you removed the originals. Rename the Compilations to "resources.pcx" and "resources_shadows.pcx," respectively (without the quotation marks), and Civ should easily recognize the replacement sheets and play normally.

You can use "Microsoft Windows Paint Brush" or "Photo Editor" (that comes standard with "Windows 98" thru "Windows XP") to view ALL of the Resource icons on the Compilation sheet, AND (if desired) use the copy and paste function to copy your icon preferences (for your modified games) and paste them into the vacant slots in the first four rows of the sheet. Make sure that any applicable shadow icons are placed in appropriately matching slots in the "resources_shadows.pcx" sheet.

IF you would rather NOT install "Casus Belli's edited compilation v1.01" in lieu of the original "resource.pcx" sheet, simply copy your preferred icon/s from the Resource Compilation sheet and paste them into the available 14 slots of the "resource.pcx" sheet and matching slots of the "resources_shadows.pcx" sheet (AFTER you have made a backup copy of your originals).
You can also use the included "12x12 resources.pcx" & "12x12 resources_shadows.pcx" Template sheets (144 icon slot capacity), to create a clean resource sheet for exporting original mods and scenarios to the net.

HINT: for accuracy when copying and pasting, be sure to use ample magnification (400-800% works well).
If the new icons are not pasted precisely within the slotted square you may find undesired lines next to the resource icon during game play.

FOR PROPER GAME PLAY: it is a good idea to have an appropriate definition for any truly unique resource added to the "Civilopedia.txt" file under the "RESOURCES" Line using the applicable Civilopedia syntax (i.e. "#GOOD_Horses" and "#DESC_GOOD_Horses", etc.). In PTW one must ALSO match the unique resource referred to in the "Civilopedia.txt" with one in the "PediaIcons.txt" beneath the "#start resources" line using applicable PedialIcons syntax (i.e. "#ICON_GOOD_Horses", etc.) and to match these with the necessary "large" and "small" Civilopedia illustrative icons in the appropriate folder.
The "Civilopedia.txt" and "PediaIcons.txt" files are located in the
"Civilization 3\Text\…" folder (Civ3) and
"Civilization 3\CIV3PTW\Text\…" folder (PTW).

The individual "large" and "small" icons (NOT the "resources.pcx" icon sheet) are located in their respective Civ3 or PTW folders such as: "art\civilopedia\icons\resources\horseslarge.pcx" and
"art\civilopedia\icons\resources\horsessmall.pcx," etc.

IF one is simply choosing to substitute an existing resource icon with a similarly flavored albeit different one, such as replacing the original beaver fur icon with a bear fur icon, or the original deer game icon with one of a moose or pheasant game icon, or the original cow with a bull or buffalo, or the original elephant ivory icon with a walrus ivory icon, or a different fish, wheat, spice, or dye, icon, etc., then the original definitions should suffice.

HOWEVER, when an icon is added representing a new or different flavored resource, such as coffee, tea, tobacco, olive oil, clay, hardwood, exotic metals or relics, etc. then the above labor is necessary to render an appropriate definition.

NOTE: Definitions need to be in Civ appropriate syntax and concise enough to fit in the limited space allocation provided by the Civilopedia.

To simplify this process I have included a "CB_Civilopedia.txt" and a "CB_PediaIcons.txt" from which you can copy selected definitions and (if using PTW) their appropriate PediaIcons references, and paste them into the games "Civilopedia.txt" and "PediaIcons.txt" files (AFTER making backup copies of the originals).
I have also included a "CB_Resource Icons" folder from which you can copy selected "large" and "small" icons (that match the "CB_PediaIcons.txt") and paste them into the games "resources" folder (described above).

APPLYING ICONS WITH THE EDITOR: After installing the Resource Compilation and/or copying new resource icons to your "resources.pcx" icon sheet. Download a ".bic" (Civ3) or ".bix" (PTW) map (or create an original or random one with the Civ Editor) and Save it in the appropriate "Scenarios" folder. Open the applicable Civ Editor (for Civ 3 or PTW); Look in the "Scenarios" folder and find the desired map. Open it with the Editor, Click on "Rules", "Edit Natural Resources". Have a desired resource in mind from your "resources.pcx" icon sheet. Click the "Rename" function (if modifying an existing or original resource), or "Add Natural Resource" (for a new one). Enter the new resource name and Scroll through the "Icons" for the chosen resource (the icon will be given a sequential number from "0" up to "999", depending on the size of your resource sheet and the location of your chosen icon). Enter an appropriate "Civilopedia Entry" (i.e. "GOOD_Horses"). Scroll through the list of "Prerequisites" and pick an appropriate one. Determine the "Type" and amount of "Bonuses" for this resource, then Determine the "Appearance Ratio" and "Disappearance Probability" for the Resource during the game (don’t hesitate to consult the "CivEdit Help" function for elaboration).
Be sure to "Save" your changes before switching editing functions and before exiting the editor.

SELECTING TERRAIN FOR YOUR ICONS: While still in the Editor, switch over to the edit "Terrain" feature. As you scroll through the different "Terrain Types:" (i.e. "Desert, Plains, Grassland, Tundra, etc.) You will be able to see all of the "Natural Resources" that you previously selected on the "Possible Resources:" screen.

NOTE: You may have to scroll through the "Possible Resources:" screen to find a specific resource. Resources are not alphabetized and will appear on this screen in the same order of placement as was made in the Edit "Natural Resources" feature.

Select the "Terrain Type" that you want a specific resource to inhabit. For example: "Plains" for "Horses." Then find that resource in the "Possible Resources:" screen. Click on the resource to select it. The selected resource will now be highlighted, indicating that it will be available for this specific "Terrain Type" (i.e. "Horses" will be available for placement on the "Plains.").

IMPORTANT NOTE: When selecting multiple Resources for the same "Terrain Type" it is very important to HOLD DOWN the keyboards "Control" (Ctrl) key as you make multiple selections with the "Mouse." This is to avoid losing any previously made selections for that "Terrain Type." If you make a mistake, you can recover the last saved configuration by quickly closing the Editor WITHOUT SAVING your mistake, and then reopening the editor.
ALWAYS Be sure of your edit changes BEFORE you "Save" them. A good safeguard against accidently ruining a .bic or .bix file, is to "Save" it as a different version when making your experimental changes, thereby preserving the original. You can make multiple versions as you progress, thereby always having a recent "Fall Back" version should you make a serious mistake. This will avoid having to redo a lot of time and labor.

If you would like your "Resource" to inhabit more than one "Terrain Type," (i.e. you want "Horses" to live on both the "Plains" and "Grassland") then change the "Terrain Type" to the one preferred, and again scroll through the "Possible Resources" screen and make your selections as before. Repeat as often as desired.

PLACING YOUR RESOURCES ON THE MAP: When finished with the "Edit Civilization 3 Rules" features, close the screen and "Save" your changes.
Click on the "Select Resource" function on the editor Tool Bar (the "wheat" icon), and scroll through the "Select a resource:" screen until you find the desired resource to place.
REMEMBER: The resources will appear on this screen in the same sequence as when originally selected in the "Edit Natural Resources" screen.
If you have previously selected "Horses" to inhabit only "Plains" and "Grassland," then you will only be able to place them on these terrain types while on the map. The curser will turn into a "Placement Arrow" when it is over the appropriate terrain type that is not currently inhabited by another "Resource."
NOTE: The editor will allow ONLY ONE "Natural Resource" for each grid square on the map.
"Left Click" to place your "Resource" and "Right Click" if you choose to remove a resource, etc.

When you are finished, be sure to "Save" your changes before exiting the editor.
NOTE: The CivEditor will remind you to "Save" when you attempt to exit. Be SURE you want to keep your changes before you click "Yes." Clicking "No" will erase any previously unsaved changes from the Editors memory.


Here are a few game concepts and suggestions for the novice scenario creator and modder to help maximize the influence of resources during gameplay.


Although the word "natural" generally means "produced by" or "present in" nature, the game loosely uses the term to refer to "man-made" or "man-altered" resources as well.

The game can recognize up to 999 "natural resources" (represented by various icons) that can either be randomly scattered around the world, or placed in relative historic and geographically accurate locations on "real world" maps.
When creating a "historical" scenario or mod, the student of history can spend many hours creating authentic looking maps and researching resources to render the former as realistic as the game will allow.

History has shown us when new technologies develop greater yields and wider dispersion of certain resources (i.e. livestock, crops, etc.) sometimes occur, such as horses being reintroduced to the new world, or corn and potatoes being introduced to the old. Likewise, new technologies and population demands can stress and diminish some resources, such as Bison, whales, and oil, etc.
One can simulate these occurrences and reflect the supply and demand dynamics by creating otherwise identical resources that have varying stats from one another. This is accomplished by manipulating the "Prerequisite," "Type" and amount of "Bonus," and "Appearance Ratio" and "Disappearance Probability" features of the Civ Editor.
One could, for example, lower the "Appearance Ratio" to zero and increase the "Disappearance Probability" to create a decline in the population of Bison over time, while increasing the "Appearance Ratio" of domestic cattle after a specific "Prerequisite" (i.e. "Navigation") has occurred. Manipulating the "Possible Resources," in the "Terrain," "Edit Civilization 3 Rules," feature of the Civ Editor, can tell the game in what types of terrain (i.e. "Plains" and/or "Grassland") that you want the resource/s to appear.
NOTE: For the above "bison-cattle" illustration to work, these resources would have to be selected as either "Strategic" or "Luxury" types while in the CivEditor.

The game sets "natural resources" into three categories: "Bonus, Luxury," and "Strategic".

All three categories provide city production bonuses ("Food," and/or "Shields," and/or "Commerce") in squares worked within a city radius. However "Bonus Resources" cannot be traded to other cities or civilizations, whereas "Luxury" and "Strategic" Resources may be traded along trade routes and are referred to as "Tradable Resources."
In addition, "Luxury Resources" also have the special ability to make content people happy in cities that receive them and "Strategic Resources" are required for a city to build military units, city improvements and monuments.
"Bonus" and "Luxury" resources are always visible on explored areas of the map, but "Strategic Resources" appear on the map when a "Civilization Advance" exposes their usefulness (i.e. "Iron Working" ability required for the iron resource to appear).
Only "Luxury" and "Strategic" resources are allowed an "Appearance Ratio" and "Disappearance Probability" function in the Civ Editor.

There is a wealth of information on how the various features of the game interact in the "Civilopedia.txt file."
By making a few modifications in the "Civ Editor" and the "Civilopedia.txt" (after backing up the original file/s) one can personalize the game to suit individual preference.
NOTE: The Civilopedia.txt definitions can therefore MATCH any modifications made through the Civ Editor "Edit Civilization 3 Rules" section, etc.
For example, one can easily program the game (via the Civ Editor's "Edit Civilization 3 Rules," "Natural Resources" section) to interpret different "Food," "Shields," and "Commerce ("Luxury")" values for worked resource squares, to include multiple differing values (either increasing or decreasing) for the same repeated resources, to help illustrate how supply and demand and developing technology causes a resource to become more valuable from one era to another. The "Civilopedia.txt" can then represent those modifications as the following excerpted examples illustrate:

Bonus Resources
^[Bonus resources] are one of the types of $LINK<natural resources=GCON_ResourcesN>. These cannot be traded like
$LINK<luxury=GCON_ResourcesL> or $LINK<strategic resources=GCON_ResourcesS>, but do provide bonuses to worked squares within a $LINK<city radius=GCON_Radius>.
^{City Production Bonuses}
^A citizen laborer working a bonus resource square gains extra $LINK<food=GCON_Food>, $LINK<shields=GCON_Shields>,
and/or $LINK<commerce=GCON_Commerce>.
^{Types Food Shields Commerce}
^$LINK<Cattle=GOOD_Cattle> +2 +1 +1
^$LINK<Cattle=GOOD_Cattle> +3 +1 +2
^$LINK<Cattle=GOOD_Cattle> +6 +2 +4
^$LINK<Game=GOOD_Game> +2 +1 +1
^$LINK<Game=GOOD_Game> +3 +1 +2
^$LINK<Game=GOOD_Game> +4 +2 +4

Luxury Resources
^[Luxury resources] are one of the types of $LINK<natural resources=GCON_ResourcesN>. When available to a city from
foreign or domestic $LINK<trade routes=GCON_Trade>, luxury resources produce [$LINK<happy faces=GCON_Happy_Faces>],
making content citizens happy. The number of happy faces produced by luxuries depends upon the presence or lack of a $LINK<marketplace=BLDG_Marketplace>.
^When a city "has" a luxury resource, it appears in the city's {Luxuries box}.
^{City Production Bonuses}
^Like all resources, luxuries resources also provide city production bonuses to worked squares within a $LINK<city
^{Types Food Shields Commerce}
^$LINK<Wine=GOOD_Wine> +2 +0 +2
^$LINK<Wine=GOOD_Wine> +2 +0 +4
^$LINK<Wine=GOOD_Wine> +3 +0 +6
^$LINK<Olive_Oil=GOOD_Olive_Oil> +2 +0 +2
^$LINK<Olive_Oil=GOOD_Olive_Oil> +2 +0 +4
^$LINK<Olive_Oil=GOOD_Olive_Oil> +3 +0 +6

Strategic Resources
^[Strategic Resources] are one of the types of $LINK<natural resources=GCON_ResourcesN>. When available to a city from
foreign or domestic $LINK<trade=GCON_Trade>, strategic resources enable the construction of some units and city
^When a city "has" a strategic resource, it appears in the city's {Strategic Resouce box}.
^{City Production Bonuses}
^Like all resources, strategic resources also provide city production bonuses to worked squares within a $LINK<city
^{Types Food Shields Commerce}
^$LINK<Camels=GOOD_Camels> +1 +1 +2
^$LINK<Camels=GOOD_Camels> +1 +2 +3
^$LINK<Camels=GOOD_Camels> +2 +2 +4
^$LINK<Horses=GOOD_Horses> +1 +2 +2
^$LINK<Horses=GOOD_Horses> +1 +3 +3
^$LINK<Horses=GOOD_Horses> +2 +3 +4

In the Civ Editor under "Edit Civilization 3 Rules," "Units" section, one can add and modify a host of unit stats, to include up to three (same or different) "Required Resources" to create the individual unit.
For example: One can require that a city have access to the "Strategic Resource" "Horses" before that city can build a "Horseman." Or one can require two "Elephant" or "Ivory" ("Strategic" or "Luxury") resources" available before a city can build a "War Elephant" unit.
Similarly, in the "Civilopedia.txt," beneath the "Units" line, one can modify specific unit information to reflect any resource requirement changes, as illustrated by the following excerpt example:

^The first mounted unit you can build, [horsemen] move fast and will [withdraw] from combat if losing (unless fighting
another fast unit).
^A city must have $LINK<horses=GOOD_Horses> in its $LINK<Strategic Resource=GCON_ResourcesS> box to build a horseman.

In the Civ Editor under "Edit Civilization 3 Rules," "Improvements and Wonders" section, one can add and modify a host of stats on "Wonders" and individual city "Improvements," to include up to two (same or different) "Required Resources" to build a "Wonder" or construct an individual city "Improvement."
For example: One can require that a city have access to one or two "Strategic" and/or "Luxury" resources of "Stone" or "Paper" before that city can build "The Pyramids" or "The Great Library" Wonders, or an individual "Temple," "Library," or "University," etc..

Similarly, in the "Civilopedia.txt," beneath the "City Improvements" line, one can edit specific improvements and "Wonders" to reflect any resource requirement changes, as illustrated by the following excerpted examples:

^A city with a [Library] produces 50% more $LINK<scientific research=GCON_Research> than it would without one.
^A city needs $LINK<paper=GOOD_Paper> in its $LINK<Luxury Resource=GCON_ResourcesS> box to build a Library.

^The [Marketplace] increases tax revenue allocated to the $LINK<treasury=GCON_Commerce> by 50%. It also increases the
number of $LINK<happy faces=GCON_Happy_Faces> produced by $LINK<luxuries=GCON_ResourcesL>:
^* 1 luxury = 1 happy face
^* 2 luxuries = 2 happy faces
^* 3 luxuries = 3 happy faces
^* 4 luxuries = 4 happy faces
^* 5 luxuries = 5 happy faces
^* 6 luxuries = 6 happy faces
^* 7 luxuries = 7 happy faces
^* 8 luxuries = 8 happy faces
^* 9 luxuries = 9 happy faces
^* 10 luxuries = 10 happy faces
^* 11 luxuries = 11 happy faces
^* For each succeeding luxury add 1 happy face.

Further down in the "Civilopedia.txt," One can also match the various resources that one wants to appear after a specific "Civlization Advance" has occurred, as illustrated by the following "technical advance" excerpted example:

^{New Resource} $LINK<Iron=GOOD_Iron> deposits appear on the map.

By studying how the presence or absence of different resources in diverse environments has influenced the historical development of different cultures, one can attempt to provide the game with resources possessing specific attributes that can approximate different levels of reality (or fantasy).
Thoughtful strategic placement of those resources around the different budding, ancient, modern, Future or Fantasy civilizations can influence the potential for trade and and speed of technology advancement.

With a little research and imagination and through trial and error, one can gain A great deal of satisfaction from being able to make even minor modifications that enhance gameplay.
Learning how to manage the games "Natural Resources" is just one of the many useful skills that enable modder's to create those wonderfully complex and absorbing masterpieces that are so enjoyable to play!


If any part of the above explanations are insufficient, or you need further assistance, send me a Personal e-mail (PM). I am currently limited in my Internet access to once a week or so, but I will get back with you as soon as possible.

If you are aware of any new Resource icons that you'd like to see included in a later revision, or if you have any suggestions for further improvement of this compilation please let me know. All feedback is welcome and appreciated!

With sincere and “Civilized” camaraderie, Casus.
:eek: I'm stunned at the time you're putting into this. :thumbsup:
I should not recommend using "Microsoft PaintBrush or Photo Editor", as my impression of those is that they can't handle palettes (aka color tables) very well. Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro is usually what's being used.
I also wouldn't recommend using a thousand resources if you want it on a random map, as only about 4% of the map will ever be covered with resources, and the map generator starts at the beginning of the list, so the chance is that most of the later resources will never appear.
:eek: :eek:

I don't know the hows and whys but I missed/skipped this thread.

Man, that is great to have something comprehensive and organized like that.

Really good job !!! :goodjob:
Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation version 1.02
SEPTEMBER 05, 2003

VERSION 1.02 with FIXES TO VER 1.01

Last night I examined a copy of the ver 1.01 file that I uploaded yesterday and discovered that the Resource Compilation Sheet and the 12x12 Template sheets were flawed. Both displayed undesired lines in the displayed images.

I also observed undesired lines in the compilations “resources_shadows.pcx” in both versions 1.0 and 1.01, and in the “12x12_resources_shadows.pcx” ver 1.01.

I believe that I have corrected the above noted problems with the EXCEPTION of the “Edited Resource Compilation resources_shadows.pcx” which I intend to have fixed by next week.
The corrected version is 1.02.

I have not yet observed any problems with the Large and small PCX icons, but to avoid confusion, I have attached a 1.02 version for them as well.

I have sent a PM to Padma, and asked to have the versions 1.0 and 1.01 deleted from the server.

I apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused for those of you who have already downloaded ver.1.01 since yesterday.
I obviously haven’t created a MOD that includes every one of these icons, so there is a possibility that some, as yet unknown, graphical flaws may surface as these icons are eventually used and tested in actual game play.
Please let me know if you discover any problems and I will try to correct them at that time.

Once again, I apologize for this inconvenience.
Respectfully, Casus Belli

Fixes in ver 1.02:
* Fixed lines that appeared when using: "Casus Belli's edited compilation v1.01_resources.pcx" and "12x12 resources.pcx" & "12x12 resources_shadows.pcx" Template sheets.

“” (367 KB Winzip file) contains:
Corrected versions of “Casus Belli's edited compilation v1.02_resources.pcx” and “12x12_resources.pcx” & “12x12_resources_shadows.pcx.” and README text.

Download from this address:

“CB_Large&” (872 KB Winzip file) contains:
Large & Small Resource PCX Icons (No necessary corrections noted) and README text with alphabetized list.

Download from this address:

“Casus Belli's edited compilation v1.02 resources_shadows.pcx” should be available by next week.

The Following is a list of the Large & Small Resource PCX Icons contained in ver 1.02:

CB_Large & Small Resource Icons List Ver 1.02.txt

Casus Belli's Edited Resource Compilation version 1.02 September 05, 2003

NOTE: The prefix CB used within this compilation is not intended to denote original credit for myself, rather its purpose is a method to allow the “safe” insertion and differentiation of this material into existing text files and icon folders (after safely backing up the originals).
In this manner, the game will recognize and use the original definitions, resource icons, etc. during normal game play, while preserving the gamers option to utilize any of this Compilation’s files, as desired, for MOD/Scenario testing and gameplay, without the need of swapping Civilopedia and PediaIcons text files and Large and Small pcx resource icon folders. The CB prefix allows rapid distinction between the original material and any previously modified files and that utilized from this compilation.

CONTENTS (alphabetized):

CB_Bos Ovis_RamsLarge.pcx
CB_bos ovis_ramssmall.pcx
CB_Bos Ovis_SheepLarge.pcx
CB_bos ovis_sheepsmall.pcx
CB_Bos Ovis_Sheeplarge.pcx
CB_bos ovis_sheepsmall.pcx
CB_Bos Ovis_SheepWoolyLarge.pcx
CB_bos ovis_sheepwoolysmall.pcx













CB_Future_Electrical ZoneLarge.pcx
CB_future_electrical zonesmall.pcx





























Reply To mrtn:

I agree that MS PaintBrush and MS Photo Editor are not the best graphics utility tools available. However, most of us use some version of Windows and I know that these are the utilities that most of us have in common. I also have a far more versatile after market graphics program, but I do a lot of my editing with MS Photo Editor so that I can be as sure as possible that any instructional advice that I offer will likely work for those to whom it’s intended. Obviously, folks that are well experienced with MODDING will find little benefit from such advice. But the target audience is those of us with a more humble beginning.

I seriously doubt that anyone will ever use ALL of the icons that are available (although some may try), it just wouldn’t be practical. However, what icons work for one MOD, may not be appropriate for another. That’s the premise of this thing that I’ve gotten myself caught up in. A Compilation that has at least most of what’s out there in one fairly organized location. It started as something for myself, but I realized that others may also appreciate it, and I was looking for some way to contribute, so here I am.

I very much appreciate your comments and advice. Eventually those that really get into this will move on to bigger and more ambitious avenues of MODDING. If they can afford it, they will acquire those superior utilities, and like a child moving on to middle school, they will look back upon making resource icons and such, as a place where they may have started.

Thank you mrtn.
You’ve helped me a lot, and continue to do so.

Respectfully, Casus
Reply To: LouLong
Thank you LouLong,
I have long been an admirer of your work. It’s nice to be recognized by someone of your caliber.
Your feedback is appreciated.
This is great work - and these two latest d/ls are very comprehensive and have had a lot of thought put into them - thank you. I think I gave you a hard time once (forget what for), but hey, you came good in the end :goodjob:
Originally posted by Cassus_Belli
Reply To: LouLong
Thank you LouLong,
I have long been an admirer of your work. It’s nice to be recognized by someone of your caliber.
Your feedback is appreciated.

Blush ... ! Well, I did not know anybody was but thanks for these kind words !
Warlord 101 Wrote:
“Thanks for the help, Cassus!
Would it be possible to create rescources in standard MS_Paint though because I've practiced with that and I'm relatively good with it?”

To Answer your Question: Yes, you can create resources in standard MS Paint, HOWEVER, you will need access to an additional graphics tool to make them usable in the game.

If you are proficient and feel comfortable with MS Paint, you can create resource images with this very basic graphic tool. However, as far as I am aware, MS Paint is limited in it’s ability to save your image in a multitude of formats, and lacks the PCX format required for Civilization Resource Icons, etc. With standard MS Paint, you would likely create your image as a 24 bit Bitmap (BMP).
IF, in addition to MS Paint, you also have MS Photo Editor, or, better still, one of the more powerful and versatile graphic image editors such as JASC’s Paint Shop Pro, or Photoshop (as recommended by mrtn, see his advice above) then you can open and save your MS Paint image as an 8 bit, 256 color palette, PCX image that can be downsized and used as a Resource that the game will recognize.

This is the long way around, and it usually seems to work out better if you create your original image in the same format as that of the final product (less conversion degradation that way).
My question is: Do you have access to any of these other graphic tools?
I migrated my version of MS Paintbrush to XP from an earlier version of Windows, and I’m not sure which versions of Windows that Microsoft has also offered Photo Editor. I believe that MS acquired distribution rights to Photo Editor from Media Cybernetics, so it is probably available in a Service Pack download, if you do not currently have it in your version of Windows.
I know that some of these other graphic utilities can be expensive (I paid $100 for my version of Paint Shop Pro), and an XP upgrade is not cheap, even when your PC is capable of handling it (I have found XP to be a memory hog). So a “free” Service Pack download (or similarly adequate outside utility) for an earlier version of Windows would likely be the better (least expensive) choice, in the short run.

If the above is not viable, another possible option is a collaboration between yourself and another person who has these additional tools. They could convert your work and you could review and edit it, prior to uploading the final product for the rest of us.

You mentioned earlier that you were interested in making different building structures (armories, etc.)?
In your version of Civ, check out the Art sub folders (i.e. City View\buildings…, Wonder Splash\…, Civilopedia\Icons\buildings\…, etc.), you may find an existing image that can be easily remodeled to suit your needs. Likewise, mrtn and several others in the forum have created unique buildings that you can download and check out.

As I said before, it’s quicker to remodel than to create from scratch, plus there is a great lesson in seeing how others have created similar images. Just a suggestion.

Incidentally, if you haven’t already been there, GIDustin has a Web Site that is wonderfully well organized with many compilations of resources (see GIDustin’s Civ 3 File Emporium or
NOTE: many of the files in GIDustin’s Civ 3 File Emporium are in RAR format. WinRAR ( offers a downloadable (free trial) compression and archive utility that will allow you to extract these files. (sims2789, and others were kind enough to offer this information to me when I needed it, and I am now happy to be able to pass it on to you).

Hope that this is helpful
Casus Belli's Edited Compilation version 1.02 Resources_Shadows.pcx
SEPTEMBER 07, 2003

VERSION 1.02 with FIXES TO VER 1.01

Here is the fixed Resource Shadows sheet that compliments the previous fix above.
Now, back to the definitions.
Fixes in ver 1.02:
* Fixed lines that appeared when using: " Casus Belli's edited compilation v1.01_resources_shadows.pcx "

“” (75 KB)
Download from this address:

If you discover any problems please let me know and I will get back with you, ASAP.
Response To: zulu9812

Yes, you chastised me quite soundly on my first post. But deservedly so.
Reminder: I Posted a question in an inappropriate location.
I will never make that mistake again (Hopefully).
However, I bear no hard feelings, and I am happy to provide something that you find useful.
Thank you for your kind words at this time, They are appreciated.
Reply To LouLong,
You are more than welcome!
I have ALL of your maps and units! Your contributions (along with many others) are what make this forum such a great place! I am grateful for all the hard work that you have done.
Thank you!
Sincerely, Casus
Correction on the location of the WinRar Archiver:

I found this to be a very flexible program and I have even achieved compression greater than WinZip with similar files. However, it doesn't yet seem to have gained the almost universal popularity that Winzip enjoys.
But it is a great utility for extracting those RAR files!

Sorry about the previous listed location error.
Actually I just have one question : wouldn't the size of the file slow the Civ33 program ?

I plan on using your file more for a source (rather rich:D ) than in the actual game as it is for that reason but maybe there is no need.
Cassus_Belli... these are fantastic ! :goodjob: I've been looking for large/small PediaIcons for sugar/seafood/coffee etc etc for ages !
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