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Term 5 Senatorial Thread


Member of the Opposition
Feb 1, 2002
Gateway to the West
Term 4 Senatorial Thread

Welcome to the Fanatican Senate!

The members of the Senate are the 5 Govenors of Fanatica's provinces.

Capitoline - Falcon02
Aventine - Noldodan
Esquiline - Rik Meleet
Quirnial - deshelbr
Cælian - Fier Canadien

EDIT: As Govenor positions are made official, I will update this list.
Congratulations on your elections Govenors!

We start Term 5 on the verge of discovering Industrialization, and the publication of a Charles Darwin's treatise on a new scientific theory. Ahead of us lies a bright future. Behind us lie all other nations of this planet.

Throughout this term, we will be faced with certain, National goals, requiring all of us to make sacrifices. I hope that in these times of need, we can work together to ensure that we all benefit. Rest assured that such sacrificies will not be forgotten.

I am here to encourage all of you to develop goals and objectives for your province. Post these in your thread, and work with the citizens of Fanatica and the members of my Cabinet to coordinate your efforts and assist me in carrying out your orders for the greater benefit of Fanatica.

I hope you have all seen the proposal from Rik here. I think we are close to consensus, I would like for a clear plan, at least the first stage, that we can all agree on and support.

My two main national goals for the next few chats are the continuation of the Fanatican National Rail Road, and the Size 12 Plan.

Finally, a request. As you create your instruction posts, the issue of workers and worker tasks is of paramount importance. Please indicate to me the top 3-5 worker requests. I assure you the DP will take that into consideration when tasking workers.

Congrats again to you all! Let's take Fanatica into a new age!

-- Ravensfire, President of Fanatica
I am glad to see the Global Message Board still running strong :).
Actually, Boots, I have accepted the position of Domestic Leader. So Governor Noldodan will continue to run Aventine Province. :)

I would also like to state that as Domestic Leader, I plan to bring any far-reaching Domestic plans to this thread in the hopes that they will be discussed by all five governors. Once I get settled into my office, each governor can expect me to visit their respective threads and introduce my goals for their province. Of course, my office door will be open to any govermor who wishes to address any matter they deem important.

Congratulations to all Governors, and my best wishes for success in this, the first fully realized term of the Fanatican Senate in DG3! Let's make it a good one, shall we? :D


Donovan Zoi
Domestic Leader
Governor Noldodan, if you see this could you please start a new thread for Aventine?

Governors, please take a look at the following thread and see what you can do before tomorrow's turnchat. I am mostly look for compliance from Capitoline and Aventine, along with Esquiline's eastern cities.

Factory Switch NOW
As some have noticed, there are a few instructions I missed during the past turn chat. I apologize to those govenors. I'm learning the process - it will get smoother and faster as time goes. Any missed instructions were ENTIRELY my fault - sorry folks.

To help me out, I am requesting two things of all governors. First, please divide your instructions into three sections: build queues, requested worker tasks and tile allocations within cities. Second, please have your instructions posted at least two hours prior to the start of the chat.

For all future chats that I am running, I plan to start an off-line pre-turn at least 30 minutes, and up to 1 hour prior to the chat. I will be posted a message indicating such in the chat thread. Please DO NOT edit your instructions if you see that post. I will not guarantee that the changes will be made. Please create a new post at the end.

Again, sorry for problems of the last chat.

-- Ravensfire, President of Fanatica
As I stated in the Capitoline thread, I think keeping queues and tile allocations (I call it laborer allocation) should stay together, since the process is done one city at a time. Insert the Queue into the city build then adjust tile allocation if needed. The previous way forces the President to either go through the cities twice or keep on looking between the two instruction sections.

Raven, I would also like to make sure that you know how to insert a long Queue into the City builds. Since you did not take advantage of this last turn chat it seemed
Governors - I have great news on several large projects!

First, the Trans-Fanatica Rail Road is nearly complete! Only Grozny remains to be connected to the network. Already, smaller, regional and hauler railroads have sprung up around cities. More and more workers are being released to work on your requests.

This is also freeing up workers to continue on the Size 12 Plan, allowing more of our cities to reach size 12.

We have also discovered Sanitation, allowing for the construction of the large hospitals needed to grow our cities even larger. Imagine the productive capacity of some of our cities when they are at size 20!

As we prepare for the next game session (Thursday, September 11th), please carefully look over your provinces and begin to identify land that needs to be worked, or reworked. As we remove the size limit from our cities, we want to do so in a careful manner. Please work with Donovan Zoi to ensure we're doing this right.

As you are preparing your instructions, please make sure you have given enough of a queue to cover 12-13 turns work to allow for improvements in productivity.

We had a great session on Sunday, let's have another one on Thursday!

-- Ravensfire, President of Fanatica

By now you have all probably seen this thread on preparing for the Modern Age. Three wonders are made available with the 4 entry level techs. Call be a greedy politician, but I want 'em all!

The discussion is also turning towards preparing for the construction of our space ship. While we don't quite know the number of parts needed, I'm quite sure it will be more than one or two.

I would like for each Governor to look through their province, and identify the top 3 or 4 cities in each for production. Fanatica will put more effort into improving those cities, making them into production powerhouses needed for the upcoming effort.

Thanks for your assistance!
-- Ravensfire, President of Fanatica
Senators of Fanatica, you will note we have breached the 100 worker count this chat! Never has Fanatica had so many government employees! The land is rapidly getting fully developed. I would like for you to work with the Domestic Leader, Donovan Zoi, on two projects for the remainder of this term.

First, I would like a fairly comprehensive plan for the development of Fanatican soil. I think we are in the position to make some long-term decisions, rather than a game play session at a time. I would imagine that the mayors of your provinces would be more than willing to assist in this project.

Second, I would like to start disbanding some of the work gangs, especially foreigners who Civilization has been eradicated, into cities below size 12 that can benefit. Iron Hills would make a great candidate! Please help by identifying those cities in your province that will significantly benefit from such actions.

Thanks for your help!
-- Ravensfire, President of Fanatica
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