New Units: Assorted Sept 5th 2003


Conan the Librarian
Apr 18, 2002
I'm home, where are you?
I started making these at the request of Kal-el for inclusion on the Conquests CD... That deal sort of fell through so I decided to post them here. First up are 5 units for the Japanese civ, with three variations. As part of the requirement for inclusion I made these completely from scratch... first to remove any possible copyright infringement and then second to get as close to the civ-style as I could.

Ashigaru Footman (noflag version included): 1.3mb
Fidget animated preview:

Bushi (noflag version included): 1.4mb
Run animated preview:

Kensai: 619kb
Attack sequence animated preview:

Samurai Archer: 621kb
Death animated preview:

Samurai Spearman (noflag version included): 1.5mb
Attack sequence animated preview:

A hopefully improved version of the Samurai Archer's Unit_32 file is posted near the bottom of the second page.



  • japanese_previews.jpg
    72.2 KB · Views: 9,019
A Man-at-Arms unit (I'm sort of sick of the name since I've been typing it over and over so appropriate suggestions for names are welcome :) ). Meant to replace the Medieval Infantry in the late Medieval Age. I now have plans to create a slightly more modern version without the sword and dressed in a uniform similar to the Rifleman which this unit could upgrade to.

I'd also like to thank Kal-el for all his help. He created all the sketches I based my models on and was very helpful in pinning down the look and color of these units.

Man-at-Arms: 672kb
Fortify-Attack sequence animated preview:

just to show how awesome Kinboat is, here is the original concept artwork. Notice how well Kinboat was transform them into beautiful Civ3 units.

and of course the Man-at-Arms (also known as the Swashbuckler)
Originally posted by Kal-el
and of course the Man-at-Arms (also known as the Swashbuckler)

Not to be too nit-picky but the sword is the wrong type for swash. Though the rest of the outfit would work well enough. A swashbuckler would have a rapier. The sword the man at arms is holding is from a much earlier period sword (albeit a bit long). Pre-dating swash by a few hundred years. Still it's a great unit.
Wow! It is even visible that their flags move dynamically :goodjob: But I still like swashbuckler the most, it fits late imperial infantry in wh-mod :D
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