New Unit: Lion Warrior


Dec 17, 2001
Toledo, Ohio
Well, I've managed to complete the Lion Warrior. I figure to use him as a swordsman flavor unit for the Zulu. The preview runs a little fast. Anyway, enjoy. :)

This looks great, utah! Nice work!:thumbsup::thanx:
Looking great, Utah, and that scale seems just about perfect! :)
It was just about time someone realized the importance of African civs :)

Well, there are many other people who actually create African stuff, but it's nice to see someone's actually making units for them.

I was always saying how Middle Eastern units and civs were left out from the game, but with PTW we got our wishes (and with C3C, we got even a little too many all of a sudden). But no African! Anyway...

Oh, did I mention the greatness of this unit? Well, here we go: it's superb :)
I love this unit! I'm adding it to the mod right away...

One thing I have been hoping for though is more American and African flavor units, and in particular gunpowder units. Do you think you might make some sort of Zulu musketman or something?

Some non-Western gunpowder cavalry is also somethinge else that is very much needed.
Originally posted by Dom Pedro II
One thing I have been hoping for though is more American and African flavor units, and in particular gunpowder units. Do you think you might make some sort of Zulu musketman or something?
Some non-Western gunpowder cavalry is also somethinge else that is very much needed.

I agree for the African part, but I'd rather see Asian units than American. We have American Conquest units to wait, but nothing for 16th to 19th century for China, India, Mongols, Japan...
I think Japan has enough already except for the gunpowder cavalry. But if we new kind of Japanese gunpowder infantry to fit into the era between Musketman and Rifleman, I suggest designing a character based on those seen in the beginning of the trailer for the new Tom Cruise movie The Last Samurai ;). In so much as that they do not look like the Meiji Era Riflemen, which would be best suited as a flavor unit for the... well.. Riflemen. The Meiji Riflemen could easily be made from a little touch-up job on the existing Riflemen.

As for this interim gunpowder unit, I think it would be reasonable to have a subtler version of the hat the Oda Arquebusier has (like in the movie) and then a simple sort of kimono sort of get up rather than the battle armor since by that time armor will have grown pretty useless and therefore simply cumbersome.

Something like this might work...

We are indeed though desperately in need for more Chinese units... unfortunately, finding examples for later-era Chinese units are much more difficult, and usually the best I can find is those damned miniatures they sell online which aren't worth spit.

I think some Mongols units based on these pictures.
Meanwhile, back to African units... I think that something with an outfit like this could make a good substitute for the musketman if given a gun and the shield is removed. I think it really has a lot of pomp and circumstance like the Musketman and Musketeer have.

This could be an interesting 18th century-19th century Zulu gunpowder unit.

It's very trimmed down, much more simplistic.
Originally posted by Dom Pedro II

Something like this might work...

We are indeed though desperately in need for more Chinese units... unfortunately, finding examples for later-era Chinese units are much more difficult, and usually the best I can find is those damned miniatures they sell online which aren't worth spit.

I think this would be an EXCELLENT addition, readily useable by an east- or southeast Asian Civ :goodjob:

... Now if someone would only kindly make it :D


Cool unit :)
Kal, sure thing... I mean, I made this guy in like ten minutes... so I can develop it further, and will! :D


Kinboat: I'd like to thank you again... I downloaded your default setup for Poser, and it was COMPLETELY different from the way I was doing things previously, and frankly, I think my latest stuff looks a lot better for it.

So much so in fact, that I think I might reanimate every unit I've done previously using your format because, as I've said elsewhere, I've never really been satisfied with my units in-game.
Another issue I'd like to bring up with the Lion Warrior is that I, personally, am using this as a replacement for the Medieval Infantry.

REASON: I've already removed the Impi as the Zulu spearman and instead made it the Zulu Swordsman because in reality, what Shaka did, which revolutionized the way wars were fought in that part of Africa at that time, was that he cut the shaft of the spear greatly so that he had a short, thrusting-spear not unlike the sort the Aztecs used. So really, in a lot of ways, this is more like the Roman gladius than like a traditional spear.

I've replaced the Spearman with the Sarwe unit made by someone earlier. It's unfortunate that the Zulu Warrior was never finished because that was a very nice unit... I've been working on something similar to that, which is still in the very, very early stages.

And I'd like to make some kind of slinger to replace the Archer for the Zulu.
:thumbsup::thumbsup: I am need of African type units, so you are making my day.
Awesome unit. More African and Asian units are greatly needed.

It would be awesome to see some Ethiopian, Nubian, and Songhai units as well. Also gunpowder Zulu units as well.

As for the Asian civs.. we got a good group of units for the Mongols with the GOTM which comes with several Medieval calvary units.. but more gunpowder units are needed. Perhaps Manchurian units like the ones from RoN? I'm working on my first set of African, Asian flavor units right now but I'm a newb at making units so they probably won't be as good as Utahs, Dom Pedros, or Kinboats, etc.

Great job.
Originally posted by Dom Pedro II
Another issue I'd like to bring up with the Lion Warrior is that I, personally, am using this as a replacement for the Medieval Infantry.

REASON: I've already removed the Impi as the Zulu spearman and instead made it the Zulu Swordsman because in reality, what Shaka did, which revolutionized the way wars were fought in that part of Africa at that time, was that he cut the shaft of the spear greatly so that he had a short, thrusting-spear not unlike the sort the Aztecs used. So really, in a lot of ways, this is more like the Roman gladius than like a traditional spear.

I've replaced the Spearman with the Sarwe unit made by someone earlier. It's unfortunate that the Zulu Warrior was never finished because that was a very nice unit... I've been working on something similar to that, which is still in the very, very early stages.

And I'd like to make some kind of slinger to replace the Archer for the Zulu.

I'm modding in both the Mali and the Ethiopians so this is invaluable - I'm already using the 'Numidian Mercenary' as the Sarwe so the Lion Warrior is going to be the UU for the Mali.

Didn't I read somewhere that the Mali were heavily into lions? Ah well... either way. It's good enough for me.
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