Just a few think that I noticed in this scenario that might not be in the Civilopedia
- It seems that the 'second age' tech and possibly Fortification and Imperialism are not tradable BETWEEN barb civilisations (I had to buy them from Rome - and sell them to Perse only) and there is no (?) way to know if the other barbs have them (well except facing heavy cavalries and trebuchets

- On top of that Second Age techs were dirty cheap to buy (like 8gpt each from a furious Rome/Byzance - and were not a peace concession) and hard to research.
---> It is a good idea to be at peace at least for a short time with Rome at this time to be able to get the 'heavy cavalry' tech for peanuts (and -less likely in Sid- something to give/trade to Perse).
- Rome and Byzance have more than a MPP, when you make peace with one, you automaticaly are at peace with the other.
- the best ships can carry only 2 units, so Armies can't use them. (In case we get one in England, it will stay there).
- the Atlantic NW of Ireland is consider a lake for food purpose (and probably harbor can't be built there)
Regarding our Celt scenario
- forget my comments about the furs as long as we don't have habours in both Scotland and Ireland, it will be useful only for 2 cities.
But as soon as we get the Roman border city we probably should use a slave for colony as it will take ages to have a temple there.
- we do want to get (at least) 2 cities in the SouthWest of England to deny Iron (and Legionnaires) to Rome there, but what about the East, should we let Rome settle there (good for number of lost roman cities) or another barb (Anglo-Saxon can get there in no time if they want, they start in Denmark with boats) since at least 1 spot look very nice (at the end of the small river with 2cows+1wheat).
But defending all that against Rome might be a nightmare (well except if we strike very very hard once and get the 2 northern cities first turns)
---> I think it might be better to let the AI do it, if Rome it is more targets, if another one, well it is our next foe.
- Isle of Man (between England and Ireland) could be a not stupid place to settle to get some titles in Ireland before temple, and is in the long term not bad (have a fish, a grassland (forrest) and can share 1 plain and 1 hill)
- Another question, if we have a leader (or a second leader after army), should we consider moving the Palace in a more central position in England as our capitol is stupidly far away in the north
And then a little silly (as I know some are in water under the fog!!!) dotmap that will need to be adjust according to
- ocean and fish
- AI strategy
---> it is far too dense for my taste, but considering that cities will be small for a long time ...