RBC12B - Fall of Rome - Celts, Sid

The following ideas were ones I liked...
- Wipe out Rome by their cities in England
- Go for a serial elimination victory, not too concerned over US accumulating
VP, just one of them getting too many
- gpt alliances just before Rome dies (i don't think we can afford many/any alliances
at war's start)
- Have a low city-big moving SoD approach. We'll need one army for sure to make
that a reality, and this army will have to be filled *on the continent*
- I half-like the idea of capturing cities, don't worry about defense, except
for flip risk. At 2.5 turns per city we'll be at war a minimum of 15-20 turns, which
is not a small risk. I may raze the first one and see if there will be many
rounds holding the line and gassing them, and if/when no big troops coming, then start
capturing. Anyone else who dares settle in England will find it a killing field.

[0] 402 AD - Creative MM at Dalraida and Dunedin gets a pillager out a turn early,
as we just need 12spt for 1/3 pillager, not 15spt. EEP, why on earth are we
building a temple at Carachu which has full borders already? Even worse, it
has no rax??! So swap to pillager would give a reg. I shift tiles in 4 cities to
get this monstrosity done quicker, hoping one more happy face will give it higher
shields long term. War will commence next turn after a new pillager pops out.

[1] 404 AD - Wow, what a long interturn, must be lots going on.
We move up the SOD after declaring war. So it begins. At Eborum is a... garrison,
not a legion, woo! Franks won't ally for any price, btw.

In moving the units up, there were 3 choices. i) ALL at Eboracum if avoiding losses
are paramount, ii) split evenly there and Deva if we think flip chances and most
rapid victory are key, and iii) put a few units in forts not at Eba in order to prevent
a counterattack reaching our capital and preserve choices between i and ii after
we see their counter. ii is just too risky, although if only 2-3 defenders I'll
wish I had. If iii is worse than i it would mean that our entire SOD with the
element of surprise could barely take a single city, and the campaign would be
near hopeless, so I go for iii - with MOST but not all units going to Ebaracum

IBT War starts on a sour note which immediately turns sweet. First archer attack
kills a spear, but we win about four more, then several archers attack the spear
I moved up to the fort, promoting him to elite, then another win, then one more and...


On defense! With a 'lowly' spear :lol: I'll form an army right away, to keep
fishing, but with no warlords and "transportation" issues, won't fill yet. Putting
in one pillager is a valid option, for move 2, double attacks, an army win, and
can be carried in a galley, leaving room for 2 warlords later. And hopefully this
won't be our only ldr. Byzantium enters war via MPP, since we're in Roman territory.

[2] 406 - Bombards work pretty well, and we kill five defenders with no losses, but
the city still stands due to their running archers inside last turn.

One worker is 'pillaged', and we do go for a pillager army - it could be a long
time til Warlords and we need the help NOW. In fact, given the resistance level,
filling a pillager army and hoping for another army for the mainland should work
well, and would definitely mean England isle is ours.

To get things done last two turns have had lux up, but -3gpt, must now go back
to a nation with more specialists unfortunately. Worker production ceases in favor
of more cats, as we should pillage-capture a few.

IBT - Almost nothing, archer moves inside city, archer moves onto hill. But
a galley does slip past and lands on hill next to Dunedin! :eek:

[3] 408 - Two-three tribes have sacking, but it's an insult for our entire economy.
Eboracum with one garrison and two archers is captured, rax intact. I changed
my mind on capture vs flip due to its extreme proximity to our capital.
Western Rome: 1 city lost, us: 0.

Main question - is next stop Deva or Antium. With the huge different iron would
make, Deva and Selucia it is.

IBT - NO counters! We had an easy prey in hill too. If they have any reinforcements,
they're not in range :p Constantinople completes Hagia Sophia.

[4] 410 - move up. IBT unit moves OUT of Deva? Also, we see one legionary far in open 8-\

[5] 412 - We hit Deva, killing three, pillaging a worker, two promotes. Then it's
captured. Army has attack left and goes for the legion and wins, enslaving a worker.
Dunedin missed its queue mark by 1 shield, due to small increase in corruption.
As it's using a clown now, I swap to temple rather than waste shields. This should
let it be more effective warlord producer later. We need lux badly, and there are
furs now we can colonize.

HEY! Franks have founded Dijon in England!?! For a min I thought they captured
one, but the score is still 2:0.
If they take more, fall of Western Rome will be quicker than expected.

IBT - Yikes, didn't see road in forest, army is attacked and redlined, but survives.
Tis foolish to leave him solo, I'll add one more pillager.

[6] 414 - Can see iron is not connected, so that's not the problem.
Healing this round, and kill stragglers outside Deva - fishing but no bites.
IBT - Not a PEEP from Rome, and Ebacorum resistance ends.

[7] 416 - Furs colony online. Both Dunedin and Dalraida are 15spt now. Only now
do I realize that no maps, no harbors, no lux reaching Ireland.
Ebaracorum whips a temple, as it was size 4 and we needed to purge Romans,
also it's a keeper city and can pull in the furs directly soon.
Two SODs on the move, but East one is slowed by river crossing. IBT - Nada.

[8] 418 - I'm about to load second pillager into army, and pause, knowing that
if that happens he's constrained to England for the duration. I'll hold off and
let players discuss it and/or next leader decide.

East SOD moves next to Antium, covered by a Legionary.
West SOD attacks Seleucia, and first elite Marauder attack leaves our next leader
and our players with a new decision... Oregtorix appears! :p He immediately forms
an army, as we have more elite attacks to go.

Pillagers kill two more, and there's a 1hp garrison left which our bombard shows
is the last defender. An elite spear is on hand, and vs def 2, why not?
Good greif... Caractus?! The leaders are flowing like Roman blood. He runs
to make an army too, but nothing is put inside.

Selucia is a city with iron and cattle next to it, so it's a keeper. Also, it's
our 12th city, allowing a fourth army.
A temple would pull in wheat and protect it culturally, so we start one.

One last elite fish, pillager vs archer on hill. False excitement for a moment
as a msg pops up, but it's an enslavement message. I sell around map (peanuts)
and check techs. All are way ahead except poor Vizigoths just two techs up.
No one is less than insulted offering our whole economy for sacking.
IBT - Nothing, but one Roman coming into Antium. A resistor quelled.

[9] 420 - The cats whiff badly at Antium, but do 1hp dmg on Legion. Our elite
pillager lays down some Celtic smack, and now just a garrison shows. Elite
marauder wins, vet wins and promotes, vet wins/promotes/captures. Its's size
4 so can whip something useful when resistance ends. A temple would pull
horses and cattle in range, for example. SOD moves next to Lutetia.

IBT - Yikes! A Heavy Cav roars out of Londonium and finds a Pillager
guarding a hill outside Seluecia. Kindly, we win.

[10] 422 - Lutetia is decently shelled, and has 4 defenders (plus any archers).
We kill two garrison and an archer, nabbing two workers. I see no connected horses
so they have a harbor or just landed a single HC. Lutetia will no doubt fall
soon, leaving Londonium and Jerusalem as 6th and 7th, so we need to see ONE MORE
Roman city fall, outside of England, before we can take the second of those two.

- Leave a pillager or two for zone defense in Ireland. If anyone landed HC or
Legions, they would chew up a few cities.
- Unless one of our cities flips, we better darn well get a landing ready for
the 7th city (leave #8 alone so WE are sure to get it, in England). Pompeii
seems like a good choice. Or if another civ fights Rome, maybe they can
take one out. The danger is that they take out not just #7, but #8.
- Two ideas for the existing micro-army - either put 1-2 more pillagers in, to cover
England permanently and handle any more legions or HC that show up, or...
Take him to continent, then another pillager, and add once over there. The problem
is, we have Curragh not galley, so transport 1. May as well just send 4-5 pillagers
with a shuttle service. The extra units once Lutetia falls can go there.
I've got 2-3 curraghs available and haven taken first step in that direction.
- Whatever you do, do NOT fill the two empty armies in England :p
- Turn took a while and was intense. Shifting to 8 turn or even 5 turn rounds before long would be ok by me.

RBC12B Celts Save file 422AD

Good luck,

PS @Jabah, didn't see your comments before playing. It was a close call. There were no flips this turn, and yes, cities are not overly productive. A *real* baiting strat would have been to raze the whole island, let a foe settle it with several cities, then raze all those, rinse repeat.
OK, and by "later" I meant "now". :p

We're on top of the barb tribes - by quite a bit - in victory points. [party] 2810 to the Sassanids' 980. Probably nobody else has been making any war. After West Rome, we must head for East Rome, and try to hold whatever VP locations whenever we can, but I actually don't think we have much worry of the other barb tribes winning on VPs. They certainly won't make 35,000, especially if the VP locations get claimed by several different tribes. The only concern is if one manages to hold enough of the old Roman locations to be ahead of us when time runs out, but I think that's unlikely now.

The city of Pompeii is right across from the southern tip of England, and will make for the elimination of Rome in short order. The big SoD seems to have run out of gas, with only two attackers left in it (one being the army) - might have to merge the two stacks to take on Londonium?

After London, we'll have the big SoD pack up and head for the Continent, and it should be able to take on Pompeii (with a filled army, too) right about the time our mini-SoD can take out Jerusalem. I am going to be very strongly tempted to go a full 10 turns to try to make that happen. :D

Anyways, great progress has been made, but there's a few nits to pick. :lol: Catapults are fortified in Antium? They don't suppress resistance, and that puts them at risk for loss in a flip. And why are catapults guarding the furs colony? I also see that the cities haven't been MMed this turn - Cruachu can get 5 more food than it's set to and still finish the barracks - but I'll assume Charis left that for me on purpose. :)
Hey, on micromanaging, be glad I lasted 9 good rounds after last night's *late* night :lol: (I was all over it most of turn, had to finish last turn quickly though due to family :p )

The cats guarding colony was easy - there was a roman ship in area and I didn't want them to land ON the colony. We had NO extra troops at the time and a dozen cats, so twas best at the time. A spear could relieve it, or whip temple and expand. Fortified in Antium? Oops, mea culpa. must have hit F not space on a turn when they had no targets.

Merging the 'two' for Londonium is probably best - as you saw some of the west units already left to go east - it wasn't really attrition as our losses were miniscule. I never did look at VP, lol at us being best of barbs, but sheesh, our so called baba-allies are *wimps*. They have warlords and are not going to war? Buying in even one is virtually impossible, much less an Byzantium dogpile.

I do like Pompeii as a key target, sending as many units as can be spared down there, and using the two pillager producing cities replenish the task force againt Jerusalem. And you know this, but Curraghs can hold only 1 unit, so not even the microaarmy.
Remember too that if something DOES flip we won't have to hit
Pompeii at all.

If you have time and motivation, by all means go the full ten and get the job done vs Western Rome! :hammer:

I didn't think you would have dared go there on turn 1 ...

Should go for Jerusalem soon, because of the harbour in it, there will be legions/HCavalries in England because of it.

Archers in England are easy to explain, without Iron & Horse, Rome had no way to build better than spears & archers.

Carefull about a beach head in France, we will be facing HCavalries and maybe as soon as we land, so worst/highest rate of casualties should be expected. not sure about landing soon.

Temple in Ireland was to help happiness in a city that could/would grow to more than 6 (but was started late enough to be changed :) )

Inherited turn:

As mentioned, I MM the cities, mostly to get extra food while completing projects. I'd like to get a harbor built in Ireland, but we don't have Map Making. :crazyeye: Swap a few build orders. Caiseal really could use a temple, both for happiness and to pull 3 more tiles in range. Dun Ailenne swaps to a library to prebuild for a harbor.

Diplo check: nothing to do currently. Rome wants US to pay for peace. :lol: In two turns we get a cash payment back and can investigate brokering; everybody's up by all visible techs except the poor Visigoths.


Between turns, the Sassanids demand 23 gold. Of course he can't hurt us, but we'd like to avoid risk of dogpile and keep him as a trading partner.

Absolutely no action from Rome between turns. No flips either.

424 AD: Man, I'd love to get Dalraida to 20 spt to crank out Curraghs, but it can't quite be done. It can make 19 at slight food shortage. Whip a curragh in Camulodunum (city's 100% corrupt anyway.) Man, naval logistics are going to be a tremendous headache...

And I see Charis has learned to use the Ctrl-R worker trick extensively. ;)

Anyway, Lutetia still has three spears, but our catapults redline them all and we capture the city. Yay, we have Silver online. :crazyeye: Start advancing towards London.

Between turns, Franks build another city, on the southwestern tip of England. Rome's action is to send out one exposed archer for us to kill on our turn.

426 AD: Continue advancing on London. I move one spearman up next to Jerusalem: the city has nothing better than a spearman, so I decide we can easily leave that for later (don't even need the catapults.)

Diplomacy time as we have 49 gold/turn to go spend. We *really* need Map Making, so I buy that from the Huns for 26 gpt. We can resell it to the Visigoths... their techs are Polytheism and Barbarian Leadership which are both useless, and Code of Laws which we get for our tech plus 25g. That's all the brokering we can do presently.

Swap Dalraida and Dun Ailenne to harbors, which cost 40 shields. Courthouses cost 50 shields; I really have no sense as to where the payback time horizon is for them..?

428 AD: Start bombarding London. I get it down to a spear showing on top, so I attack with a Pillager, which destroys the city's Library. :D

Merge a worker into Lutetia so I can double-whip a harbor there so we can upgrade our curraghs there.

430 AD: Ireland should've had a harbor and furs this turn, but I moved a MP out of Dun Ailenne and it rioted.

Anyways, we attack London. Twenty catapult bombards deal a lot of damage but still leave the city with three undamaged regular spears (!) We kill some, but lose two marauders... we might not even have enough to take the city right now! I decide to load one pillager into one of the empty armies to get it to London sooner.

432 AD: London's units did not fully heal. Rome built zillions of spears and never a barracks. :smoke: Our catapults whiff more than expected, and I have to use a 2-HP marauder for the final attack, but we take the city.

Whether to raze it is a tough call. With 7 population, it's got some serious whipping ability. It's also a serious flip risk, but we might actually welcome that as it will significantly hasten Rome's end. Ultimately, I decide that we'd rather have a strong coastal city there, so would rather build a new a city on the coast. And we could use the slave workers. Londonium is razed.

I'm going to leave Jersualem to eliminate as Rome's 8th city just in case someone else knocks one out before we get to Pompeii. I brought a mini-stack over to Jerusalem to harass it and kill one unit at a time. A Pillager attacks and destroys its harbor! :goodjob:


Now begins the formidable task of getting troops over to the mainland. We'll have five galleys in Lutetia able to sail by the end of my turn.

434 AD: We have our first location-based Victory Points. We got 25 points for holding the Londonium location. Healing and shuffling and positioning.

436 AD: More healing and positioning. Kill another unit in Jerusalem.

438 AD: Ditto. Whip courthouses in our two westernmost cities that are over 50% corrupt. Our 5 galleys are in position and ready to sail, but they aren't filled yet. I think our best bet to take Pompeii is just to land 10 offensive units, absorb the counterattack, and eat the losses for the prize of eliminating Rome. We don't have the transport capacity to be able to land and defend a stack of catapults.

440 AD: Thanks to heavy road-building with Ctrl-R, the galleys are loaded. Our force: six pillagers, one micro-army, one marauder, and one spearman.

442 AD: Next to Pompeii we land the aforementioned force. The galleys return and start loading up another round.

I don't usually do this, but I'm gonna go one turn over to finish off the elimination of Western Rome. No real point in leaving that for Speaker to mop up, when instead we can all see the post-Rome world and talk about future strategy.

Rome's counterattack hits pretty hard, three heavy cavalry. One takes out one of the micro-armies , but the other two lose to our units.

444 AD:



Maps and saves to follow in next post. I'm exhausted! That took a lot of concentration!
Whew! Here's the world map:

And here's the score:


Save from right before wiping out Rome if anyone wants to observe that for themselves:


The current save (I have not done anything else in the 444AD turn besides kill Rome)


I'll think about where to go from here tomorrow.

Speaker << UP NOW
Coffee << On Deck
Great set of turns.
Looks like one instance where SID is working to the advantage of the player :) ( They would never have had so many troops otherwise. )

It will be interesting to see what you do now. That huge chunk of victory points could dictate the next moves ..

With that many points awarded for the killing and our lead, I think we should make peace with Eastern Rome right now (if not already done), peacefully catch and tech up to heavy cavalry, build lots of them and when ready declare war for exemple to the Franks and razed 8 small cities in the first turn (like the 2 in England + 6 small weakly defended and corrupted in France/Spain).

I say let the AI overextend next to us and make them pay for that hard and fast.

Oh, and BTW, on my last turn the Franks (and maybe another one) had no iron (either use that for trade or keep them for easy prey...)


Well played, too bad we lost one of our army.
Originally posted by Grimjack
Looks like one instance where SID is working to the advantage of the player :) ( They would never have had so many troops otherwise. )

Unbelievable indeed. Is this a fitting bonus for being the civ to take out the 8th Roman city? Don't get me wrong: you are doing an awesome job :thumbsup:
Oh, and BTW, on my last turn the Franks (and maybe another one) had no iron (either use that for trade or keep them for easy prey...)
:eek: Trading maps should give an update.

For VP sites and a 35000 point victory, a rough worst case is that we need 8 sites under our control from turn 90 to turn 150. That would give us 30 turns to get hold of them and assumes no futher warring.

Its been said that Rome would win at turn 120 if left alone. The Byzantines were 300 points behind on the second to last turn, so I'll assume they can win at turn 120 also.

We can research sacking in 22 turns. A GA would be handy but maybe not needed. If the Franks don't have iron we should continue the conquest.

OK, I'm rested now, and so here's my thoughts on strategy now.

If East Rome goes to any wars, we could be in trouble. If East Rome wipes out any barbarian tribe, they'll win before we can do anything about it. If any barb tribe wipes out East Rome, by the time that would happen, it'll be worth enough points for the barb tribe to win right away. Note that the higher points for unit count on Sid works for any AI that wipes out another AI as well, not just for the human player.

Now, we only need 10K more victory points to go over the top, and we will get a little extra (1000 over 40 turns) from the London victory location. We will not be able to just reach and grab VP sites soon enough to just get the 9K from them.

But I think it's pretty likely that simply eliminating the Franks is all we need for another 9K points. Rome was worth 24K-plus points in total; the Franks should be big enough (by the time we complete the job) for 9K.

How to go about eliminating the Franks? Heavy cavalry are farther away than one might think. We need to acquire these techs: Construction, Fortification, Currency, Polytheism, and of course Military Training. Our entire 20-turn economy right now isn't enough for ONE of those techs. (Welcome to Sid.)

I think the best plan might be this: take a few turns to heal and transport the rest of our catapults, then declare war on the Franks. Stay in Pompeii (rush walls, natch), let the Franks bring their SoD to us, and use the catapult SoD to take it down. Gas them, then go on the offensive with our catapults and pillagers, maybe warlords if we can get that tech. If the Franks don't give us 9K victory points, we can go for the Anglo-Saxons as well.

Besides the Franks, the other option is to march straight for East Rome, including on the cities that they will extend to fill in the now-vacant area. I'm not in favor of that because of how long it will take; East Rome might make 35K victory points on their own (including old Roman VP locations that they will get) before we get there.

In short, I think the key to victory now is speed to 35K, and the fastest way to do that is to go for the Franks.
Agree with the analyse about the last points we need. Too bad we can't get to Heavy Cavalry. Didn't know we were that far away...

One of the problem I can see with THawk's plan is : how do we resist a dogpile against us, or should we ally with someone (Anglo-saxon for exemple), hope they start killing each other and then finish the Franks by capturing their 2 english cities (but that will be less points) and possibly the gazed Anglo ?

And we have to have decent defences in England (not that I trust the AI to land more that 2 units at a time, but they have cities there).

And are we still at war with East Rome, is there any discount possible with peace (or do we have to pay them).

I agree with making peace with the Byzantines. There heavy cavalry are my worst nightmare (IIRC about 10 turns out.) and they will have a lot of them. :rolleyes: I doubt we can ally, make peace and research sacking all at the same time. One of the three is probable with allying being the least likely. Don't know, its Speakers call.
Very well done T-Hawk, and I'm glad you went ahead to finish Rome and let us discuss inter-player turn, not after turn 1 of next player :goodjob:

Note our VP just before eliminating Rome was 5K, so pure fighting vs 7 cities without heavy replenishments is 5K alone, and twas 19K for the rest of that civ's units. Scaling down for Franks being 40% of 'power' of West Rome, seven city razes would give ~5K for unit wins and the 8th city would be around 8K more, way over the top for victory. Even killing about five cities worth of defenders would get us 3-4K by itself. A rinse-repeat on England *alone* done about twice might just do it, even if we never set foot again on the mainland.

Wowza, that was a heap of victory pts! I agree that...
- If left unchecked or we do nothing, Byzantine will win around turn 100-120
- If any strong barb tribe takes out Byz instead of us, they will likely instantly win
- We'll never see Heavy cav ourself, but will face many
- Killing one more civ for us should be enough pts to win
- The Franks are by far the most plausible target for us

As far as how...
- I like the idea of a stack of two warlord armies, with an assortment of marauders and about 40 cats. It will probably never be attacked but can take down cities with inexorable certainty
- I like the idea of defending Pompeii and gassing the French, but we'll need sufficient defense to withstand their assault. Warlords are the only def 3 available to us
- It would have been interesting to have razed all Roman cities and watch French found 5-6 cities in England, but then again, having the cities probably saved us 15 turns in taking out Rome.
- If we have just one mainland city, our exposure/risk for being eliminated seems quite low as long as we can handle a few HC at a time landing on our shores
- A warlord army can *self-replensish* the stack with converted marauders for extended SOD campaigns
- EDIT - Dogpile? Who's scared of a Sid dogpile?? Bring it on! :hammer:
Ironically, it might be the quickest path to victory. *IF* we have no city exposure on the continent (or one city) and if a half-dozen nations sent 1 or 2 boats at a time to England, they would be decimated, and it's not unlikely we could get 9K from pure combat. The distribution of forces would differ - we would need zone defense of both cats and strong attackers. I would be prone to setup a "weak harbor" city with the weakest of all defenses, and have a slew of cats and attackers right next to the city. This would encouarge the landings to be in the same place and 'come to papa'. It's an ambush, certainly, but not puppet strings - I'm not saying to empty out one city than another to save our hide if a landing occurs in a bad spot. Besides, if they all pick on us and not each other, we'll have a VP win locked up :D

Concluding recommendations
- I like the Sacking / Warlord army route, including GA
- This lets France found a few more 'weak' cities in England and near Pompeii as well
- But if there are sufficient forces and weak targets right away to go after in war with France, I would not be opposed
- The more fighting Byzantines do, the faster we need to move
- Continue with strong catapult production, in case we do need to fall back to a defensive anti-dogpile war.

Good luck, Speaker!
Getting Sacking and a Golden Age is a good idea - I wasn't thinking about that. Yes, we should probably buy Sacking as soon as we can. The Visigoths have Sacking and lack Construction; if we hire a pile of taxmen we might be able to swing a two-fer (let the economy tank for a while, the GA will rescue it.) On the other hand, we don't really need Construction for anything and probably want to save the money for upgrades. It's up to Speaker.

As for incidental pre-finisher points, quite a lot more come from city conquest than from unit kills. Other than the Rome victory bonus, we had about 1500 points from unit kills and 3400 for city conquest.

The Franks will certainly be worth 9K to put us over the top. But killing a trickle of units won't be enough for 9K more victory points. We gotta go to them and take their cities. We should be able to get about 3000-4000 more from Frankish city captures, and the finisher bonus should end it.

Don't spend too long building up, though; as soon as all our catapults are transported and Pompeii has a barracks for upgrading and walls (whip 'em), go for it! :hammer:
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