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New Units: Gnolls 4/27/04


Conan the Librarian
Apr 18, 2002
I'm home, where are you?
Three Gnoll units requested by tjedge1... Gnolls are a humanoid race in Dungeons and Dragons. They are a mix of Human and Hyena. While I have always imagined Gnolls as more of a barbaric tribe living on the fringes of the civilized world tjedge1 has them as vassels of an Elvish state, thus we have below the Scout (excellent at skulking through the woodlands) and the Knight (Master of the open battlefield).


Gnoll Scout

Gnoll Knight

Could you post a civiliopedia pic? I would like to see one of them close-up.
Superb! I've been waiting for these. :) Animations are great and the models are excellent - can't find anything to fault. I especially like the aggressive scrawniness of the basic gnoll and the skulkiness (are these actual words I'm using? :lol: ) of the scout. :goodjob:

Very good stuff!

Although they're meant to be like hyenas and do look as such, I might once again butcher embrydead's WH Mod and add them to my game as representatives of the Skaven... let's see, you got a clanrat, a gutter runner and a stormvermin equivalent, maybe I'll make them the barbarians... if they had grey/ black fur and nastier tails they'd be perfect. By my standards at least ;)
:worship: These are superb. I've been waiting for them eagerly. Absolutely amazing! [dance]
Yeah with a different tail and a different texture they could make decent Skaven. If I was to make those changes and then post the model would anyone have the inclination to animate them? I don't want to take up space on the site if no one would use it. The person would need Poser 4 at least to use the model though... Let me know if anyone is interested.
They Look Great Kinboat! Mean and Deadly...I like the differences and Detail you applied to each unit. The ornate and contrasting apparel of the Knight with his Large Sword is exceptionally Fierce Looking...Terrific :thumbsup:
very cool- by anychance, would you be interested in makeing cat people? I know its a strange thought, but if you are ever interested, I can explain via PM
Very cool, Kinboat, very cool!
These are perfect Kinboat. They will do perfectly. Thanks! :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Adding them to mod now.

EDIT: Hey Xen, you don't have to PM. If your making a request for cat poeple I'd like to see what it is. There is a cat race known as Rakasta in Mystara as well and I even have a civ that could use them.
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