• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .


  1. Troller0001

    GIMP Plugin: Icon Sheet Export

    As the sane person I am, I decided to spend several hours to automate a repetitive 5-minute task. --- Recently, someone linked a Reddit thread asking for an easy way to export icons to a set of predetermined sizes. The GIMP plugin posted there as a reply allowed exporting to .dds as well...
  2. Troller0001

    GIMP Plugin: Icon Sheet Export 1.0

    This GIMP 2.10 plugin allows exporting (multi-layer) icon sheets to dds format to a given set of icon sizes and with the relevant export settings as expected by Civ V. Features Specify Icon Size of the base sheet Choose Export Filename & Directory Select Icon Sizes to export to (optional)...
  3. Arkatakor

    [MODDING] Issues installing 32 bit version of Gimp 2

    I am trying to get DDS exporting to work in Gimp and remembered that one had to install the 32 bit version of Gimp in order to use the 32 bit version of the DDS extension. I have tried to install the 32 bit version of gimp via the command line: gimp-2.8.22-setup.exe -32 Despite the above...
  4. Wolfdog

    Uniform Retexture in GIMP

    Requirements: GIMP and its dds plugin 1. Go to your Textures folder in the Pantry and open "MechInf_Armor_a.dds" in GIMP. Use the Free Select Tool to select all the parts of the uniform you want to retexture then press delete and save as your template as you will need to reuse this. It should...
  5. FieryCharizard7

    Wonder Splash not Loading - What am I doing wrong? (Also, help on compression image and audio files)

    EDIT: Does anyone know why 1024x768 would work when 972x768 would not? That ended up being the issue Hello all, I am almost finished with my wonder mod, but I can't get my Wonder Splash images to load for some reason. Is there something wrong with my compression in Gimp? I am using "Export...
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