social policies

  1. Megalou

    Settlers before Collective Rule on deity?

    Let's say you play deity and choose Liberty as your first social policy branch. Do you usually build a settler before you get the free one from the Collective Rule social policy? I myself have not done so in the majority of my deity games. The need for growth and other builds in the capital is...
  2. E

    CIV V Modding Multiplayer

    Hi there. So my friends and I have been playing a lot of CIV V lately, since it's our favorite of the civ games, but one thing we'd like to change in our sessions is the social policies with mods. I've been at it for the last couple hours trying to bake a specific mod, namely +Revamped Social...
  3. GyaruRespecter

    (Social Policies) Having difficulties making a mod that changes building yields after adopting Piety

    The mod I'm trying to make changes, amongst other things, Shrines and Temples to provide +1 Faith when adopting Piety, +1 Happiness when adopting Mandate of Heaven and +1 Culture when adopting Organized Religion. While so far it's managing to do what it needs to do, my issue is that almost...
  4. Z

    Strategy for getting as many Social Policies as possible?

    I have been playing Vox Populi for a couple years on and off. However, I only recently started browsing this forum. I always do team multiplayer games with my friends, so some things function slightly differently or in a weird way. For our next game, I want to get as many social policies as...
  5. S

    [BNW] Food & Production from city state trade routes

    Hey, I want to mod a social policy in the patronage tree to give Food and Production from city state trade route. My idea is to use the "TRAIT_GATEWAY_AFRICA" Trait to write my own trait with Food/Production instead of Gold/Culture. Next I need a .lua where every civ gain this trait when the...
  6. V

    My first game and impressions

    ROME (Prince, small, continents, standard) Ancient age capital location with 2 stones, 2 rice, 1 cotton early exploration: to the south is Spain (ca 12 tiles) turn 25: I found 2nd city Arretium close to Rome, near river and Yosemite wonder turn 26 we meet Brazil, they are close to Spain: SE...
  7. joncnunn

    Social Policy: Rationalism (BNW)

    Rationalism The very essence of rationalism is that it assumes that the reason is the highest faculty in man and the lord of all the rest. -- Lyman Abbott IntroductionRationalism, available in the Renaissance Era, is one of the most focused branches, being entirely devoted to science (with...
  8. joncnunn

    [BNW] Social Policy: Rationalism (BNW)

    joncnunn submitted a new resource: Social Policy: Rationalism - Social Policy: Rationalism Read more about this resource...
  9. Browd

    Ideology: Autocracy (BNW)

    Autocracy In order to get power and retain it, it is necessary to love power; but love of power is not connected with goodness but with qualities that are the opposite of goodness, such as pride, cunning and cruelty. --Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi Introduction Autocracy is one of three ideologies...
  10. Browd

    Ideology: Freedom (BNW)

    Freedom Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. -- Mahatma Gandhi IntroductionFreedom is one of three ideologies in the game. Each ideology includes 16 tenets, divided into three levels, that operate in the same manner as social policies and generally...
  11. Browd

    Ideology: Order (BNW)

    Order The country that is more developed industrially only shows, to the less developed, the image of its own future. -- Karl Marx Introduction Order is one of three ideologies in the game. Each ideology includes 16 tenets, divided into three levels, that operate in the same manner as social...
  12. Browd

    [BNW] Ideology: Freedom (BNW)

    Browd submitted a new resource: Ideology: Freedom - Ideology: Freedom Read more about this resource...
  13. Browd

    [BNW] Ideology: Autocracy (BNW)

    Browd submitted a new resource: Ideology: Autocracy - Ideology: Autocracy Read more about this resource...
  14. Browd

    [BNW] Ideology: Order (BNW)

    Browd submitted a new resource: Ideology: Order - Ideology: Order Read more about this resource...
  15. Browd

    Social Policy: Piety (BNW)

    Piety Faith is never identical with Piety. -- Karl Barth IntroductionThe Piety tree is one of four social policy trees available from the Ancient Era. Each of the Ancient Era policy trees rewards investments into different aspects of the early game: Tradition rewards smaller empires that focus...
  16. Browd

    [BNW] Social Policy: Piety (BNW)

    Browd submitted a new resource: Social Policy: Piety - Social Policy: Piety Read more about this resource...
  17. Browd

    Social Policy: Patronage (BNW)

    Patronage Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. -- P.J. O'Rourke IntroductionPatronage, available in the Classical Era, contains policies entirely devoted to relationships with City-States. The initially available half of the branch contains...
  18. Browd

    [BNW] Social Policy: Patronage (BNW)

    Browd submitted a new resource: Social Policy: Patronage - Social Policy: Patronage Read more about this resource...
  19. Browd

    Social Policy: Honor (BNW)

    Honor Let the gods give me good luck only as long as I love honor more than I fear death. -- Brutus (from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar) IntroductionThe Honor tree is one of four social policy trees available from the Ancient Era. Each of the Ancient Era policy trees rewards investments into...
  20. Browd

    [BNW] Social Policy: Honor (BNW)

    Browd submitted a new resource: Social Policy: Honor - Social Policy: Honor Read more about this resource...
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