[] Crashes next turn, can't avoid 2nd time


Mar 5, 2010
This saved game (turn 196) crashes when taking the next turn. If I go back to the autosave, and just force the next turn, it still crashes. If I go back to each of the five previous autosaves, and force-next-turn until I get to this turn, it still crashes.

I noticed it appears to crash at the beginning of Eleanor's turn, so I tried various interactions with Eleanor. It does NOT crash if I send three envoys to Armagh, thus wresting away her suzerainty. One envoy is insufficient.

I played on from that point, until turn 212. Then again it crashed on the next turn, again apparently at the beginning of Eleanor's turn. Nothing I could think of worked to get around that. So I'm uploading that saved game as well. And the autosave of that turn, in case one of you figure out something I can do to continue.

Other saves from that game available on request.

Could someone using Windows test to see if these saves exhibit the same crashing behavior for them?


  • PACHACUTI 196 1350 ADe.Civ6Save
    2.3 MB · Views: 37
  • PACHACUTI 212 Crash Eleanor2.Civ6Save
    2.4 MB · Views: 38
  • AutoSave_0212.Civ6Save
    2.4 MB · Views: 56
So I started another game. And again I get to the point where not only does it crash the next turn, but if I go back an extra auto-save, and shift-return to force the next turn, it still crashes at the same point. (This time I only went back one extra auto-save. But enough different things happened.)

It appears to crash at the beginning of Nubia's turn, but no matter how I interacted with Nubia, I couldn't avoid the crash. I tried making an alliance; I tried a surprise war; I tried sending 3 envoys to a couple different city-states; I tried buying up all their gold (selling favor); I tried selling them a lot of gold (buying favor). (The latter two in case their having or not having gold mattered.) I couldn't avoid the crash.

I'm using MacOS Mojave. In the case posted above, I had a friend try this on a more powerful computer using MacOS Catalina, and he got the same behavior. I asked my nephew to try the case posted above on his Windows system, by he told me "we never actually bought the vikings or Poland Packs (we own all of the other released civ6 content)" so he couldn't test it.

Could someone with Windows please try these two cases, the files in this post, and the files in the previous post, to see if the same happens to them? If it does not, please upload the autosave of the turn after it crashes for me. I would very much like to continue one of these games.

This is the fourth time in a row where I've gotten past turn 150 and cannot get to turn 250 because of an unavoidable crash. Has anyone else been able to get to turn 250? I'm playing at Diety level, standard map size, standard speed. (Fractal, but I doubt that matters.)

I love this game, but ....


  • PACHACUTI 180 1190 ADe.Civ6Save
    2.2 MB · Views: 32
  • AutoSave_0179_CrashesIn2.Civ6Save
    2.2 MB · Views: 36
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Someone with Windows please test these cases, and report back? The response I got from Firaxis is that they are assuming it's a Mac problem, which I suspect it is not.
@Qwan, I also get crashes when end turn in each of your save files (turns 180, 196, 212) on Windows.
Someone with Windows please test these cases, and report back? The response I got from Firaxis is that they are assuming it's a Mac problem, which I suspect it is not.

This is definitely not a problem only for Mac users, I just have Windows. And I also repeatedly processed the game crash and the shutdown itself. In another post of yours, I described how to get around some of the savy games you shared. For others, additional files are needed.
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