1.17 Paragon UHV Strategies


Aug 5, 2008
Mandika (Marathon Speed)

GM great trade at Holy City by 1350 AD
UHV2: Uni of Sankore built and GP settled by 1500 AD
UHV3: 15k gold by 1500 AD and 45k gold by 1700 AD

Civics: Starting civics are fine. There is a case for Citizenship but I was good without it. Switched to Monasticism once Sankore was built.
Techs: Beeline Sankore tech, then 0% science.
Cities: I decided not to overthink, and put down my capital on spot, second city 2S of Stone, and third 2N of Crabs. Later on built 2 more Settlers, 1 for 3W of capital, 1 for 2W1N of Cow. Advanced Start money was spent on Gold mine and Camel hut (buildings are too expensive on Paragon).
Capital started on Market (2 merchant specialists ASAP), then Islamic church and Theater (to accelerate great person generation). Stone city built 3 workers, although I prioritized Monument after the first 2, then Mint. Coastal city built Monument (no Islam here), Work Boat, Worker. With 6 Workers in total I focused on developing the land, in particular Sheep, Copper, Cotton, Gold/Gem Mines, Cottages. Ivory only later as Natives attack from the East. Stone city can build a few UU defenders if too many lost. Later game all cities built Markets and Wealth.

Early game defense can be painful, but Natives are not that bad, many attackers are only Warrior or Archer, and the UU is good against Impis as well. The painful ones are the Barb Camel Archers from the NE, which can kill your UU, so better to defend.
I stationed 2 (later 3) UUs at each of the Eastern cities, and ideally zero/1 at Capital.
Quickly established contact with Morocco, gifted them some gold to OB, then stationed a Slave in North Africa to maintain contact with Civs and trade. Late game I was getting 29 gold / turn of foreign income. It was also helpful to trade for e.g. Wheat with someone given poor Health in my cities.

UHV1: Reached Makkah in 1303 AD.
UHV2: Arabs collapsed from Mongol attacks, not sure how lucky that is. Important for Stone city to expand Culture early on (Islam + Monument was a bit slow, so also built a Library) to hook up Stone. Once fully developed, it is a very good production city. Built the Uni in 1399 AD and got the GP (from capital) in 1455 AD.
UHV3: Reached goal in 1660 and won. Late game I was reaping over 300 golds / turn. Selling slaves to Europe also helped (each can fetch 150-200 gold). Importantly, the 1300s great plague didn't spread to me (maybe a late civ benefit).

Stability: No issues as decent economy and limited expansion
Could perhaps be moved to the gameplay guide section?

Moderator Action: Moved -- Leoreth
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The plague can really hit hard. With flood/plains terrain around city... It took ~200 years to recover economic and population. 100% need to reload, if you'll be hit hard by plague

My prior 1.16 guide still works. In this roll I did not get any Hulugannis, but 1 Hoplite + 1 Archer was enough for Egypt, and 2 Hoplites for Babylon (with a bit of luck needed for the first attack)
Rome (Marathon Speed)

DanLT3's guide works well (see below link).
Few tweaks/observations:
-You can avoid being attacked by Carthage's ships if you move your Galleys down Southwest in the first turn without declaring war. Basically you can unload your units to 1W of Carthago without entering their sea borders, and hence you will have the ability to flee with the ships towards the west once unloaded.
-I made peace with Carthage after conquering their capital, as their second city had a stack of ~5-6 defenders (horse, elephant, archer). Instead I immediately made my way towards Greece with my veteran troops.
-Most non-core cities can just build Wealth from mid-game onwards, which will accelerate your Tech. I got UHV3 in 66 AD (and UHV1 in 6 AD).
-Worth building a Scout and sending it to India/China to keep an eye on them.
-Once Orthodoxy is founded, your happiness situation will become dire. I switched civics (during GA) to Vassalage/Monasticism and then adopted Orthodoxy.
-There is an odd feature that prevents you from founding cities in Anatolia after a certain year (I think around 220 AD). So you need to put down Anatolia city #3 and #4 around that time. You can wait putting down all the other cities.
-The Gaul indy cities were razed by Barbs, so I had to make sure I have 2 more Settlers to replace them.
-In addition to the Northern border, Barbs will also attack Carthage. Leave at least 3 defenders there.
-Also worth building 1-2 Triremes to defend against barb ships at around mid-game.


My 1.16 guide works OK (link below). Few comments:
-Worth switching civics to Monarchy / Monasticism. Maybe not already at the start, but once Constantinople has a couple of health/happy/culture buildings. This will alleviate any unhappiness issues + accelerate your GP production. You don't really need to whip anyways. UHV2 is easy as Constantinople can get to something like Pop 21-23 vs. any competitor will be well below 18-19.
-GM in Chinese/Arab holy city can yield 1400-1800 gold each, and you can easily generate 3. You can later on spend the extra cash on techs.
-Avars are nasty from the north, coming in stacks of 6 from early on. You will need to burn some cash to upgrade your Archers to Crossbows.
-The Mongols never reached me, nor did any plague.
-With the new mechanics, you can't really attack the Ottomans immediately, unless you want to award them a HUGE stack of Janissaries. Better to accept the flip peacefully and then attack them once the auto-peace treaty expires. In my game Ottomans actually declared war on me after a few turns so that accelerated their defeat. It was nevertheless a bloody war (overall, built 28 Lancers through the game and lost half of them), and Bombards/collateral damage was essential as my Lancer odds vs a full-health Janissary inside a city were extremely low.
-Worth building a few extra boats to make your North Africa invasion faster. I didn't have OB with Turks so had to ship units via boat to Egypt and conquer 3 indy cities there which completed around 1435 AD.


My 1.16 guide works OK (link below); however, there are a few changes to the starting situation:
-You no longer start with an Elephant. Instead it is a meager Horseman and 2 Swordsmen. While India has Elephants! So early conquests are much harder and need to be executed with great precision.
-The city 1S of Iron was Barbarian, which I managed to conquer without losses (1 Axe defender).
-Seems Chennai no longer flips. India had a city NE from me, 1S of Sugar which I had to conquer (Swordsman vs. Archer so good odds).
-After this, I made peace with India (bribed them with a technology). Then I positioned my Swordsman near Mumbai where they were moving another Settler in position. I declared war, managed to capture the undefended new city + also Mumbai (1 Elephant defender vs CR Swordsman). At this point I desperately needed to make peace, so I offered them a big chunk of cash (I no longer had a tech to offer).
-Rest of the strategy works as you have the 6 cities / Deccan territory you need; barbs seem to be nastier though (stacks of 3 Axe, 3 Sword, or 1 Elephant appear regularly across the subcontinent) so you need to keep at least 2 Archers in each city + move the Horseman around for support.


Calendar by 600 AD
UHV2: Temple of Kukulkan by 900 AD
UHV3: Contact a European civ before they discover America

Civics: I switched to Monarchy and Deification in one go once available.
Techs: Beeline Calendar, then beeline ToK tech (with one tech on the way bulbed with GS).
Cities: Capital 1N; second city on Stone conquered from Natives early on; third city 1S of silver; optional fourth city 2N of gold in Colombia. Nova Scotia city around 1100 AD to bypass Cape/Coast tile.
Straightforward production queue (1 extra Worker early on, Work Boat when possible, Libraries when possible, Settlers early on). Stone city builds most military + the wonder.
Around 1000 AD, Natives start to attack you real hard; you'll need to defend the Stone city preferably with some Archers and not just Holkans.

UHV1: Done by 110 AD.
UHV2: Done by 850 AD (could have done a bit sooner).
UHV3: Done by 1170 AD; could have done sooner (put a Scout into Greenland who met a French War Galley cruising around Iceland).

Stability: No issues; around 1170 AD I was starting to become unstable due to weak economy (in particular the science drag of the Newfoundland city) but then I achieved victory.
Arabia (Marathon Speed)

UHV1: #1 in Tech in 1300 AD
UHV2: Control or Vassalize Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Maghreb, Spain in 1300 AD
UHV3: Islam to 30%

Civics: Early game (building up cities) I was on Despotism / Citizenship / Slavery / Merchant Trade / Clergy / Conquest (need to build a lot of city infra first). In 950 AD I switched to Vassalage / Monasticism (you need a lot of GPs on Paragon... plus Vassalage helps with the huge army upkeep). My tech rate was at 60% pre-switch and 100% post-switch... Over time it went down to around 50-60% by 1300 AD.
Techs: Feudalism (Mobile Guards), afterwards the order doesn't really matter much, and will depend on what Great People you pop.
Advanced start: Improved Mecca sheep, Alexandria Wheat, Damascus Wheat, and Jerusalem Fish, then connected Mecca and Jerusalem with Roads.
Starting roll: given only a few turns have passed, the only lucky start you can have is if the roads around Baghdad are not razed.
Cities (until ~1200):
-Mecca: Library, Market, Harbor, Madrassa, Aqueduct, Forge, Barracks, Stable, Mobile Guards
-Sana'a: Assigned the improved Sheep to it, then it built Work Boats for Mecca, Great Galley, Harbor, Library, Market, Madrassa, Cogs, Barracks, Mobile Guards
-Baghdad: Spiral Minaret, Weaver, Library, Market, House of Wisdom, Barracks, Stable, Mobile Guards
-Jerusalem: Aqueduct, Market, Dome of the Rock, Mosque, Harbor, Library, Cogs, Barracks, Mobile Guards
-Alexandria: GP farm. Market, Madrassa, Harbor, then just let it grow working the Wheat and Fish but otherwise maxing out specialists.
-Cairo/Damascus: Worker, Library, Weaver, Market, Aqueduct, Madrassa, Forge, Barracks, Stable, Mobile Guards
-Tebriz (founded 1S of Deer; can delete the other Settler): Worker, Harbor, Library, Market, Weaver, Smokehouse, Barracks, Stable, Mobile Guards
Stole additional 3 or 4 Workers from Byzantium a bit after start. Workers focused on Mines+Quarry for Baghdad, Food resources, Silk Road / Happiness Resources, Cottages on Flood Plains/Oasis, Road network where missing, Suez Canal, etc.
Generally whipped a decent amount (but only to add 1 angry face at a time, never 2).
Post 1200, all cities built Jail (was tempting to switch to Monarchy at that point, but felt like whipping is just too useful), then some further Health buildings in Core so that they can grow, then some more military as needed.

GPs: My first GP out of Alexandria was incredibly a Prophet. I did not game or reload... I built the Islamic holy building with it which was nice for my economy. All the other GPs I saved up until I had House of Wisdom, and then bulb/settled all of them in Baghdad (6 in total by 1300; 3 GS, 2 GP, 1 GM). Also very luckily I got the Libraries quest, which gave me an extra Scientist specialist in Alexandria.
GGs built Military Academies (Baghdad and Mecca).

Wars: Immediately attacked Turks with all troops, and captured all but 2 cities after which they capitulated (liberated back their cities afterwards).
Hesperides can be razed. Captured Tripoli around 1050 AD.
Around 1140 I attacked Moors (they were friendly but unwilling to friendly-vassalize), capturing most of their cities and killing most defenders of their capital, after which they finally capitulated (again, liberated back all their cities). Immediately also attacked Spain and captured all their cities. Generally tried to distribute money so that I get out of conquest revolt quickly. I planned to gift Spain cities to Moors but for some reason only Madrid was allowed so I had to keep 2 crappy distant cities...
Mongol attacks in 1200 were OK (2 big stacks of ~8-9 Keshik/Mangudai attackers vs. I had 20+ Mobile Guards; ideally you want to attack them when on a hill and not open terrain) given on Marathon I had time to move my troops back home from Spain. I captured Persia from them in the same war. The second wave of Mongols conquerors (attacking Persia) in ~1240 were mild (only Heavy Swords + Trebs).
Byzantines I had to attack around 1255 AD and conquer the 2 Anatolia cities + Constantinople (helped with Bombards) as they had some ridiculous tech boost and got way ahead of me (I was ahead of everyone else otherwise). They quickly collapsed.

UHV1: Did not really trade techs, apart from perhaps with some very backwards nations early on, and once or twice with my vassal the Turks. Apart from Byz, my lead was not significant but just enough (I think China was close).
UHV2: As above.
UHV3: Post Byz conquest I was at around 18/19%. There was an indy Balkan + relatively weak Italy and Germany and Russia ahead of me to conquer while my 24 turn GA lasts...
Couple of pics from the Arabia victory...


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