1 tile bridge?


Nov 5, 2001
Does anyone else wish you could build a 1 tile bridge? Many times another island or continent will be 1 tile away. Would be great to run a rail bridge over it.

I know I can use a transport, but it is a pain. Costs some moves too! It would be great strat to have these bridges. They block naval traffic, and would make great targets.

It would also create a trade route without a harbor.

Just a thought.
Yeah...I've thought of that one too. I think it would work even better in Civ3 with the addition of coast/sea/ocean squares. You could have had the 'Golden Gate Bridge' small wonder which would have allowed you to link any two pieces of land separated by one or two coast/sea squares. Or it could have been called the Chunnel great wonder. Or whatever.

I know Firaxis had been toying with the idea of a 'Great Canal' wonder which would have allowed you to somehow connect two bodies of water, but somehow they just couldn't get it to work out properly.
Bridge is a necessity I think. I have had this problem tons of times. I usualy when I get Galleys place them in the gap and use them as bridges.
Thumbs up for the idea of a bridge. It's one of the places the game's realism just falls apart, when you can rail every piece of your land and research future technologies and launch a spaceship, but still can't bridge one square of water or dig the simplest canal.

I heard the canal wonder, was scrapped by Firaxis 'cause they couldn't get the graphics to "look right". :sad: Same with the great idea of being able to put up an actual "great wall" along the strategic border of your choosing. Damn!

The bridge could be a small wonder, or it could just be something that takes your workers 20 turns or so to build each side of, so just like real-life engineering projects, you'd have to have a team on each side. It would take some thought and add another dimension to the late game travel.
it'd be cool if the discovery of nationalism made ur cities harder to assimilate by the enemy
Well, since a City takes up 1 tile, I considered 1 tile to be "city-sized" -- build a bridge to span a city, well, you're talking about something like the Chunnel. Not something to be tackled by a pre-industrial, or maybe even pre-modern age civ.

However, it would be nice to have in the modern age. 8) Ease those last minute cross-island wars.
I would take a chunnel! It is a double edged sword. They can invade by the chunnel as well as my own use. A chunnel wouldn't block the waterway.

The 1 tile = city idea is flawed.

So a settler is the size of a city? A plane is the size of a city?

I really would like both! A chunnel with some sort of new discovery. (Tunneling) The bridge with iron or railroad? The bridge would bloack the waterway, which can be fun as well.
Umm where did the over the city Idea come from? It would be pretty simple to make it go over a sea tile only. Problem solved. and there were Hundreds of thousands of bridges built in anceint times. It should have been a Tech wonder, Like and extension of construction or Iron working thta could be upgradeable just like the road to Rail road. easy. Why would the bridge have to block the water way? Maybe in anceint times but that could be a modern upgrade,to allow the ships and ect under it.
Hmm a chunnel, that might be a new idea. The one problem is I think it took for ever for the real chunnel to be built. Not to mention I think it might be hard to simulate in the game. But a bridge is a good idea and not all bridges block water ways, look at the draw bridges (you know the ones that go up when a large boat has to go through the water way, I am not to sure I have the name right) I think that might be a good idea. :goodjob:
But if they are going to put a bridge in there, it has to be only 1 tile. Maybe 2 at most. Cause even with modern construction technology we can't build bridge overseas.

The bridge that connects PEI with Nova Scotia is around 11km I think. And that's considered an engineer marvel.

Just my $0.02
In SMAC the workers had the ability to raise and lower land elevations. That was :cool: for spanning those 1 water squares. Also in Civ II there was a bridge ability that came with Construction or Engineering :confused: It wouldn't span anything but rivers.

So, Sid has worked with bridges and spanning water before. I agree it would be nice to have this ability.
I agree maybe 2 tiles at the most. But that might be a strech cause for this game 2 tiles represents a long distance. I do think that building the bridge is a good idea, make one tech able to build the brigde(construction perhaps) and then the ability pull up the bridge for sea units to pass another tech? :confused:
Originally posted by gorilladf
I would take a chunnel! It is a double edged sword. They can invade by the chunnel as well as my own use. A chunnel wouldn't block the waterway.

The 1 tile = city idea is flawed.

So a settler is the size of a city? A plane is the size of a city?

I really would like both! A chunnel with some sort of new discovery. (Tunneling) The bridge with iron or railroad? The bridge would bloack the waterway, which can be fun as well.

It may be flawed, but thats not whay. you can stack planes and settlers, THEREFORE they must not be the size of a city -- you can't stack cities.

1 square MAYBE...2 squares NO WAY. Thats just too far given the scope of the game. if youre going 2 squares, its gotta be chunnel.

either way, no matter what, whatever you do dramatically changes the game. IMO 1 square of water is a channel the size of the English Channel, so a bridge over it is not very feasible. IMO.
I think the Chunnel idea is a pretty good one. The land equivalent would be the Suez Canal or the Panama Canal or something like that.
The chunnel is a nice idea but due to what I know about the programing with Civ3 I dont think it will happen unless Fraxis themselves makes it :enlighten: , the bridge also might be a stretch but more likely than a chunnel :lol:
From looking at the Demographics screen (F11) I got the idea that one square = 100 square miles (playing huge maps). I just checked on a tiny game I'm playing: it says I have 19,500 square miles and I have about 125 squares in my cultural boundary including water.
Maybe I'm dense, but if you need a 1 square bridge, can't you just park a ship that can transport in that square and load from one continent and unload onto the other? No movement of the ship required.
galleys are what we currently use. However a rail bridge would have a MUCH different outcome. trade route without harbor or airport. No movement hit. I really would like a bridge. Not everyone would have to download the MOD :)
Yeah, the ship idea was always there. For example if theres a 2 square ocean, just place 2 Galleys but you would still have the movement points taken away to acomplish it.:(
But if you could bridge one square waterways then you could still do land trade and not get movement points taken away when crossing. It would almost be like there was always a land square there connecting it. :king:
So its a big difference between a bridge and ships. :D
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