1000 AD: Civ-Specific Strategies


Jun 5, 2007
Feel free to post whatever strategies you have for Earth 1000 AD here.

I'll start with the Malinese:
Leader: Mansa Musa
Starting Position/Troop Levels: 2 Settlers, 2 Workers, 13 Skirmishers; on bank of Niger River, 2 barb cities to west, Saladin and North Africa to the north.
Strategy: Begin by splitting the Settler stack into two groups of 1 Settler, 1 Worker, and 1 Skirmisher. 3 Skirmishers head west to conquer the barb cities, the rest north to attack Saladin. Settle Kumbi Saleh 1 tile east of the starting position. The other Settler Group should head south and settle on the coast near the Ivory and Crabs (or are they Clams?). Capture the Aougadhost. Gao (?) should be razed, as it's in the middle of the desert and the position sucks. Send any extra Skirmishers north. After contacting Saladin, capture Tunis and Tripoli. Leave these cities unguarded. Get Open Borders with Justinian I, then capture Cairo. Cairo and Kumbi Saleh will become your top cities. Make peace with Saladin. Research in any order, but for optimal research, I suggest an HE. Cottage all the tiles in Cairo and Kumbi Saleh (with the exception of Kumbi's Plain Tiles -should be Farmed- and Cairo's resources). For each Specialist, Farm one tile. This will give 2 extra food, which can be used for the Specialist. Iron Working should be a priority. Settle in the jungle area and make Kumbi Saleh a Settler/Worker spamming city. Use hordes of Workers to clear jungle and make awesome production (post-Communism) or research cities. Access those Calendar resources! They'll be useful for trading to Europe. If your military is strong enough, your first target should be Isabella. Then spread north, taking France, Holy Rome, and Byzantium. England, Scandinavia, and Russia can wait.
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