1000 Clues You Play Civ IV Too Much

.you read an article about alpha centauri..
.your mom cooked tasty seafood dish and you had a thought of trading it w ur neighbore for gems..
,from the moment you discovered civ game, you stopped playing chess,.
.why??you really think it's already obsolete??:mischief:
Someone posted this in the 1000 clues thread for civ 5 some I took the liberty of moving it here (I gave him the link he didn't post it here)

545. Sorry Civ 4 story here, but it I'm sure I'll eventually have a similar one here:
You win the trivia contest on your cruise ship because you were the only one to submit the answer of Vienna after the first clue which was 'Once the capital of the Holy Roman Empire'

I guess thats 3013.

Congrats on hitting 3000
3019: You hope that "Sandy" will not destroy the fishing boats near New Jersey and Maryland because it would automatically cancel the deal for gems with South Africa Republic :hide:

PS. Seriously I hope You guys will be allright and Your families safe, God help You... sincerly. What it is with catastrophes on earth anyway. Why they always have to appear in US or Japan ? Is it an old Indian curse ... :confused:

3020: You know how to spell "bureaucracy" :lol:
3021: Whenever your teacher mentions a civilization in history class, you think about the differences between what they did in your last game and what they actually did.
3020: You know how to spell "bureaucracy" :lol:


3023: You buy a generator too small to run your refrigerator, but big enough to charge your laptop, because you can live without food, but not without cIV!
PS. Seriously I hope You guys will be allright and Your families safe, God help You... sincerly. What it is with catastrophes on earth anyway. Why they always have to appear in US or Japan ? Is it an old Indian curse ... :confused:

3020: You know how to spell "bureaucracy" :lol:

As for the first part, catastrophes can happen everywhere. It's even silly that you mention the USA and Japan and then say 'old Indian curse' when India itself often has great catastrophes, they're just not as reported. ;)

As for the second bit, it's easy, one spells it as one says it, here it's "burocracia" :D
As for the first part, catastrophes can happen everywhere. It's even silly that you mention the USA and Japan and then say 'old Indian curse' when India itself often has great catastrophes, they're just not as reported. ;)

I only mentioned Japan because of the Tsunami waves They get every once in a while, but some tectonic plates movement might be the cause of that. By "Indian curse" I meant Indian=Native American. Nickname "Indian man" was given to Native American people by Columbus who thought that he actually landed in India as originally intended :D

Anyways it might just be the Hollywood movies but if there would be an meteor on the collision course with Earth You have 99% percent probability it would hit the center of Washington D.C instead of some remote backwater island on the pacific ocean for example :lol: Just kidding of course ;)

As for the second bit, it's easy, one spells it as one says it, here it's "burocracia" :D

Indeed ... how do You know that ? :lol: ;)

3023: You buy a generator too small to run your refrigerator, but big enough to charge your laptop, because you can live without food, but not without cIV!

3024: You've run out of coal to run Your power generator so You pick up a shovel and start building makeshift road to the nearest coal mine hoping that it would link the resource directly to Your generator :D
By "Indian curse" I meant Indian=Native American. Nickname "Indian man" was given to Native American people by Columbus who thought that he actually landed in India as originally intended :D

Oh, so it's linguistics. :p

I never understood why you didn't change these words, in Portuguese instead of calling both the people from India and the Indigenous natives from elsewhere of 'Indian', you have 'indiano' for the people of India and 'índio/indígena' for the Indigenous natives ;)

Indeed ... how do You know that ? :lol: ;)

I'm Portuguese, that's how we say it :D
3025 After that nuclear disaster happened to Japan, you don't want to risk yourself building those nuclear power plants and use coal plants instead.

I'm Portuguese, that's how we say it :D

How about "disparar"? Is it Spanish or Portuguese?:mischief:
I believe one of the galleons in BTS Intro is owned by either Spain or Portugal..:lol:
Oh, and is Magellan a Spaniard or Portuguese?(i hate google search XD)
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