1000 Clues You Play Civ IV Too Much

423. You recognize someone at church (or wherever, it happened to be church for me), dressed in a sharply tailored taupe suit and blue shirt as resembling the Corporation avatar. ... and you almost tell them about it! :p
424. You still cant understand why U.S doesn't attack Canada because of its weak power rating.
425. Than you realize that Canada is a vassal state of the U.S.
426. You believe that Russia sent its great Spy (from communism) to U.S to steal his nuke technology
427. You dont no why ppl in France are always so mad when they have built Notre Dame wonder
428. Germany only lost the war because the French cities "we yearn to return to our motherland"
429. You believe every African nation is angry because they have yet to adopt emancipation
430. Many Canadian citizens are angry cuz "We fear for our safety" no military present
431. For the Olympics China started its golden age to build everything than switched civics to slavery (for no anarchy)
432. China than used Slavery to finish most buildings, and reduce its pollution
433. Your wondering why the American economy sucks, than you believe they should start to run a SE economy
434. Than you realize that U.S government is to stupid to run a SE economy and all of the micro management that goes along with it
435. When you hear "Jesus Loves the Little Children", you wonder why He only loves the Japanese, Egyptians, Barbarians, and English.
436. You think that America is in Anarchy and this is a quick game(50 years = 1 turn)

^^^ Guilty.
Guilty. :blush: (Joao's music ftw)

Yeah, I sometimes listen to the background music at work. Renaissance is good but recently the chant ones from medieval. DesprezLament especially.

437. You wonder why Russian troops aren´t moved out of Georgia automatically after both sides agreed to peace.

Very good.

438. Going places reminds you of civ and makes you want to start a new game with that inspiration. For example: just got back from somewhere on holiday? Start a new game as that nation (it was Holland for me, but may very quickly become the Celts).

439. In fact, anything at all reminds you of civ because civ is so all-encompassing. The film Apocalypto is a serious offender here.

440. You're amazed Stalin didn't quit when the Germans invaded in '41.

441. You're amazed that no-one seems to be going for space victory anymore.

442. You think small countries like Luxembourg, Andorra etc must be spending all their hammers and commerce on producing culture.

443. You think it's likely that powerful states have their own network of submarines (promoted with +1 visibility) evenly spaced under the sea as an early warning for amphibious assaults.
444. Your boss tells you that you are not being productive enough at work so you chop down the trees outside your office.
445. you wonder how a communist government like China can have Foreign corporations like Mc Donald's.
Uhh... I don't understand your post.

The song says "red (Japan) and yellow (Egypt), black (Barbarians) and white (England), they are special in his sight..."
446. You really should be doing something important right now
447. You just looked at your computer's clock and thought I'll get off as soon as I finish reading this post.
448.) you drive through the ghetto with civ music blaring

449.) you wonder why people trapped on islands are so worried about food, because coastal tiles produce 2 food each

450.) you passed 7th and 8th grade history classes by playing more civ before the tests ("time for dinner")
("I'm studying history! NOOOO!! curse you Monty and your poinless warmongering!")
450.) you passed 7th and 8th grade history classes by playing more civ before the tests ("time for dinner")
("I'm studying history! NOOOO!! curse you Monty and your poinless warmongering!")

452. You fail in 7th and 8th grade history, because you actually believed what you learned from playing CIV.
453. When your girlfriend tells you to change your attitude, you add the line:


to your character.
452. You fail in 7th and 8th grade history, because you actually believed what you learned from playing CIV.
Roosevelt didn't build the pyramids?:confused:

454.) you wonder how America was able to survive for so long with monty right next to them

455.) you get confused when your teacher talks about things that aren't in civ
"Today we'll talk about Democracy in Greece"
"Oh, you must be playing the RtW mod right now, Greece wasn't even that important for the Allies"

456.) you replace your default cursors with civ cursors
Not sure if this hasn't been said but,

457.) When you play Guitar Hero 3 and you get star power, you think "Oh, sweet, a golden age!" (actually happened)
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