1000 Clues youve been playing Civilization 3 too much

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570 Your therapist has you commited to the local assylum because you rant something about you being in despotism and having a city in revolt due to unhappy population and pop-rushing a temple to make them happy but this will cause the population to go down then you won't need the temple in the first place.....AAAUUUUUGHHH!:aargh:
571 - You receive a Christmas present from you ex and reply "Thanks...I wonder what you are up to now."
572 - You are arranging to publish a compilation of Civ3 jokes:

What's the difference between a dead settler in the middle of the road and a dead explorer in the middle of the road?

ANSWER: Skid-marks in front of the settler. :lol:


What do prostitutes and privateers have in common?

ANSWER: They both suck! :lol:
573 - you are a member of the local chapter of C3A (Civ 3 Anonymous)

574 - You are actually the founding member of the above support group.
Originally posted by Fr8monkey
I think I win. You have more posts. That makes you a Modern Tank. I, with fewer posts am a Spearman.

Everyone knows the Spearman will win. :crazyeye: So, I declare a general truce & I'll meet you at the pub and we will toast to the glorious battle that would have been. :beer: [/B]

OK, fair does. Definitely your round, though. ;)
575 - You create a formula to approximate, at the current run rate for each thread, the exact date that this thread will overtake Killer's FAQ in total views:

November 12.

Any bets on the over/under?
576 - Your daily routine consists of waking up and reading all your Civfanatics email, then clicking on inbox and going to the top of the new list that has shown up while you dealt with the last one, and repeating this process for about three hours until you finally don't have any new messages. Then you quickly close your email and play Civ3 till you fall asleep...
577 You fail your History thesis because you state that Rome couldn't have fallen in the 2nd century because the barbarian hoards can't destroy cities, just pillage your gold.
578 - Three words: Civ3 vanity plates. Mine says: "IPLA129"
Originally posted by billindenver
567) You have ever opened your Inbox and seen at least one entire page full of nothing but mail from 'Civilization Fanatics Forum', especially if it's your Inbox at work:).

Guilty: I have 1059 emails from CFC In my inbox!

580- You forget to clean up your bathroom and after a while the sink becomes a cabinet...

581- You start to get anxious because this thread has only grown by half of a page in the last day

582- So you sit down to think of what you should do and you ask your Domestic Advisor who by this time has taken on an actual illusory presence in your mind...

583- She says "Build More Cities!" and incidentally that is what you make your wife/girlfriend say to you in bed...

584- You go out dinner with seven friends and connect everyone who regularly hang out with each other with green strings and the two people who are mad at each other with red string.

585- You are working on a Civ3 rap song called "Bust Another Patch" with sampled music from the Modern Era...

586- You buy diapers so you don't have to run upstairs and wake everyone up in the middle of the night when that coffee catches up with you during a long war...

587- You actually mobilize for war in the game.

588- You actually build catapults in the game.

589- You know how to move stacks, automate workers to build improvements but not change existing improvements, irrigate to the nearest town, and take screen shots...

590- You negotiate your peace treaties to the nearest 1 gold piece.

591- You look at what your wife bought your inlaws for Xmas and say "The Bhargashes will be Insulted by this deal!"

592- You watch this thread constantly waiting to be the poster of the 666th, 777th, or 911th joke (actually just a sign you are insane)

593- when you found that that sniper dropped a tarot card that said "I am God" you wondered if you should call the FBI and tell them about the Civfanatic forum member God...

594- instead you call the white house and remind them that citizens of a democracy are immune to propaganda

595- you sit around the office of firaxis dreaming up new ways to take perfectly good workers and turn them into perfectly useless improvements like outposts and radar towers...

596- your inability to do well at the GOTM despite months of playing civ leads you to spitefully stop your posts short at 596 so that some other chump has to do the next three...
597- u know when u have played civ 3 to much when u think that when italy invaded ethiopia in 1932 italy lost cuss ethiopia had spears and italy had tanks, infantry, bombers, and artilery!!!!

598-when u ride a war chaiot,panzer tank,war elaphant ect. to work.

599- u think that battle ships can be sunk by frigets
600- you know the top 100 CFC posters in order

601- you have multiple jobs in the civ3 demogame.

602- you have beat diety by the end of the ancient era.
604: If you have ever said to anyone (or typed) "I do not respond well to demands"

605: You have hosted a succession game on CFC.

606: You host a training successionist game on CFC.

607: You are still interested in this thread

608: You know and can explain the differences between: ICS, OCS, OCP and 5CC and OCC.

609: You tell your neighbor to remove their kids fom your yard or you will declare war.

610: You no londer care about your alma matter on saturdays, because you are busy kicking Bizmarks ass.

611: You wonder why The US is still researching as future tech adds NOTHING to our final score!!!! (and SDI is only 2 turns away
:eek: )
I don't know if this has already been put but....

612: You actually finish a SG by aHistograph victory.
612 - You ask the army to nuke your local river thinking that it will turn into flood plains and yield more food.

613 - You figure out the exact resoures each unit would need in real life.

614 - You complain that you can't recycle because you don't have any rubber nearby

615 - You actually make up an alphabet for your own civ

616 - You modify that alphabet when trading to other civs to simulate their use of the alphabet

617 - You create a fake language for your civ

618 - You create a history book about your civ

619 - You claim your civ actually existed (history-wise)

620 - You wonder why there isn't more culture flipping in real life

621 - You wonder why there aren't more spearmen in real life
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