1000 ways you know you've played Civ2 too much when...

5198) When haggling somewhere in Asia you start off by reminding the shopkeeper that your words are "backed up by nuclear weapons" if you come from a country which is part of the nuclear club.

(Might not be exactly right as it's been so long since I played civ2.)
5197) You are of Iranian descent, playing CivII on a flight to Washington, and the "our words are backed with nuclear weapons" warning comes up. There is some whispering behind your seat, and next thing you know an air marshal is wrestling you to the floor...
5198 - civ2 is over ten years old yet you start playing it again and fifa 2007 which was aquired at xmas hasn't been touched
5197) You are of Iranian descent, playing CivII on a flight to Washington, and the "our words are backed with nuclear weapons" warning comes up. There is some whispering behind your seat, and next thing you know an air marshal is wrestling you to the floor...

:lol: :lol: :lol:
5197) You are of Iranian descent, playing CivII on a flight to Washington, and the "our words are backed with nuclear weapons" warning comes up. There is some whispering behind your seat, and next thing you know an air marshal is wrestling you to the floor...
This is not as far off as some may think. The following actually happenned:
This young Iranian with an overstuffed briefcase gets on an airliner. He is told to put his briefcase in the overhead comparment rather than holding on to it. He refuses saying it may 'explode'. What he really meant was that it could burst open since it was overstuffed; but his English was not good enough to know the difference between the two. He was not only wrestled to the floor but also ended up in jail despite the fact that his briefcase was filled with ordinary paper documents.
#n where n is a rather larger number...

Playing a very serious succession game as the Romans, and then playing your turn as Nero... who promptly fiddles a million population down to only 130K (which is a low number to distribute among nine cities!) :lol:
5201) You go to Egypt and stare at the Pyrimids and say "It took me 25 turns to build that!"

5202) You actually did something like that before.
5203 - you wonder how america can afford their military/space exploration etc etc when the max amount of money you can have is 30,000 gold
5204 You wonder why we're still playing Civ II
5205 You avoid going to large groups, because if one is destroyed, you're all destroyed
5206. Visiting an old city like Paris or Munich that has remnants of it's former city wall makes you wonder why they ever knocked it down because it would keep the population from decreasing under attack.
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