1400 BC: City Sites

Where should we place our next city? (see first post for pic)

  • City Site A

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • City Site B

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • City Site C

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • City Site D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • City Site E

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Octavian X

is not a pipe.
Jan 11, 2002
deceiving people with images
Well, please vote. This poll will close when we get the save game tomorrow, so that we may decide ASAP where to send the settler from Shen Ling (Note that the settler will be done next turn).

EDIT: Sorry for the bad quality. The green double-whale site is City Site B.

EDIT: Please note that site 'C' will should be one tile to the SW of the site marked on the map.


  • 1400bc-map.jpg
    57.9 KB · Views: 138
Site C should really be 1 tile SW of it's location in your map. Where you have it will end up crowding any city placed on the northern coastline too much.

Since the listed site in this poll differs from the site nominated in the discussion. I would consider this poll invalid. I would also suggest redoing the poll, including both this site C and the original site C (which we could call C'). Either that, or we could come up with some other means of resolving this.

Personally, I think C' should be the next city, despite my prior lobbying for site A. C' can be a productive city, provide access to the incense, and provide a link to the northern iron site as well. The difference between C and C' is that C' doesn't crowd the northern coastline and is not too far from home to properly defend.

Quoting 40J:
Since the listed site in this poll differs from the site nominated in the discussion. I would consider this poll invalid. I would also suggest redoing the poll, including both this site C and the original site C (which we could call C'). Either that, or we could come up with some other means of resolving this.

As Chief Justice, I would think that the Judge Advocate would be the first to weigh in on this issue. I will hold off giving any opinion until we hear from him.
The misplacement on the map would be my mistake. I intended to place site "c" on the location indicated by FortyJ above.

I ask that the polling continue with the understanding that city C would be moved one tile to the southwest (as shown above)
Formal Petition to the High Court of Fanatikou

In the interest of finding an expedient resolution to this situation and in light of the fact that the spot in question was mistakenly placed 1 tile NE of the spot nominated in the discussion thread, the Minister of the Interior has requested that this poll be used and considered official, but that site C be considered as being located 1 tile SW of it's location in the attached illustration.

I hereby petition the High Court to rule on this matter immediately, so that, if a new poll is required, we may take the appropriate action in time to resolve this issue before receiving the save game.
A ruling has been made by the Chief Justice in response to the above Petition. It has been posted in The Halls of Justice
Thank you for your most rapid ruling your honor.

I take it to mean then that barring significant objection, we shall rely on this poll to determine the location of our next city and that all votes for site C will actually be interpreted for the location 1 tile SW of C on the map in the first post.

Am I correct in my interpretation?
Yes, 40J. You are correct in your interpretation. The Judicial Dept. hereby states that Octavian X will post a narrative in the first post of this poll stating that the "C" location is actually 1 tile to the Southwest of where is shows on the poll's map.
Site C (well, the real site C) is what I have been thinking of for at least 500 years. Build the city there.

EDIT: Octavian - you discovered the fine art of trebuchet building! I'll pm you my plans/pictures, but thats for OT.

The city after this one should take the iron, then the next fill the gap south of the city. Afterwards, go for the inscence.
As it now seems that site C (or C' ;)) is destined to be the site of our next city. In fact, our settler is already en route to that destination.

We must now decide what to name this city. There's no real need to create a new thread for this, so please post your suggestions below.

I'll start us off with the following: Ma Shangu (Horse Valley)
Hmmm. What would be the Chinese (Fanatikou) translation of "River of Ponies" ?
Someone else may be able to do a better job, but here's what I could find...

I couldn't find a word for pony or ponies, so I decided to combine the words for young and horse (after all, it is Fanatikese :D). Young would be Nian and Horse would be Ma or Mapi for horses. Thus, Young Horses (or Ponies) would be Nianmapi.

There were a few choices for River, but I chose the one that seemed to flow best with Nianmapi, which was He.

So, River of Ponies would become "He de Nianmapi", or we could do "He Nianma" for short.

btw, here's the site I've been using to come up with the names. Feel free to experiment.
Using your site, I came up with a slight variation. You're right, no ponies translation. So I went with Horses - Mapi. As far as River for a name, I found Jiang. So we have -

Jiang Mapi - River of Horses.

My thought being that a river and horses showed up on the same tile, and there would be a constant "flow" of horses. Anyway, there it is.
Yeah... I wanted to use Jiang too, but Jiang Nianmapi was a bit of a tongue twister. I like Jiang Mapi the best so far....
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