1900 Scenario Discussion

Julius Americus

Dec 3, 2014
United States
Hi fellow DoCers.

In the 1.13 development thread I mentioned the idea of a 1900 start. What I subsequently learned was that creating new scenarios for the mod mod is a much larger investment than I had initially thought. That said, I think a thread discussing the 1900 scenario would at the very least be an interesting historical thought exercise, and at the very most be a workable foundation to build on later.

Here are some initial thoughts I've had:

1) The goal of the 1900 start would be to focus on DoC endgame, which seems to be the most lacking.
2) The scenario would capture geopolitical changes that are not often simulated in the 1700 start: the decline of the Ottomon Empire (Turks always seem to be a super power well into the 20th century), the expansion of the Japanese Empire etc.
3) It would be a great chance to simulate the Cold War through revised nuclear behavior on the part of the AI, and a sharper global division between 2 to 3 hostile political camps: Democratic-Capitalist, Fascist, Communist. This could go as far as training units similar to missionaries that could go to countries that do not have a theocracy-like prohibitive civic and spread the influence of an ideology across the globe.

I'm not 100% sure yet on where the world stood at 1900 exactly - more research to come. For example, I am not certain how the European alliance system looked at that point. I know how it ended up looking in 1914, but was that the case in 1900?

I think a productive use of this thread would be if interested and knowledgeable people could share their basic understanding of the world as it stood in 1900 with clear titles referring to a single civ and its position and its relation to other civs. Maybe something like this:

Controls x cities
Defensive pact with x civs
Has x civics
controls x colonies
Military consists of x stationed x
techs are x
has x relationship with the following civs xxx

Then we could tweak and discuss whether we agree with the distribution, and I will keep a master list of where the various civs stand, compiling everyone's collective contributions.
It's the first scenario I know that would do that. Scenarii are often used to start with a late spawning civ with less waiting time. Besides, lots of UHVs would be already obsolete.
No civs have UHV's currently that you would be able to do with a 1900 AD scenario right now. Scenarios increase the overhead for the mod anyway, so it might be a good idea to focus on other things for the time being...

If you want a look at what the world looked like in 1900 though, check this out. http://geacron.com/home-en/?&sid=GeaCron246861
Okay, fair point on the no new civs. But just because something is different doesn't make it bad. And there is the precedent of the rebirth of Persia and Aztecs as Iran and Mexico respectively. Decolonization could provide some similar opportunities to see an old civ in a modern context.

As far as the UHVs go, yes. That's true. I suppose it would require an overhaul of UHVs as well. Again, a fun thought exercise at the very least.
Some more.

Spoiler :

Things to note: Tibet, Korea, Mongolia.

Spoiler :

Tibet and Mongolia, contrary to this map, were entities at this time, although the former was unrecognized by China.
It will lag like hell with current build. Let's wait a few SVN later, or you start a different RFC mod.
1900 would be very interesting though. I quite like the thought.
It's a really good idea, but it might be worth waiting until Leoreth has made the late game more playable (I think this is one of the current goals of the project).
No civs have UHV's currently that you would be able to do with a 1900 AD scenario right now. Scenarios increase the overhead for the mod anyway, so it might be a good idea to focus on other things for the time being...

If you want a look at what the world looked like in 1900 though, check this out. http://geacron.com/home-en/?&sid=GeaCron246861

no civs?

America, Prussia, Russia, Japan, Italy, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico?,Columbia?
No civs have UHV's currently that you would be able to do with a 1900 AD scenario right now. Scenarios increase the overhead for the mod anyway, so it might be a good idea to focus on other things for the time being...

If you want a look at what the world looked like in 1900 though, check this out. http://geacron.com/home-en/?&sid=GeaCron246861


That could have been honestly the most useful website for my massive amount of Civ 3 world maps I habitually make. But not without bleeding labels...

EDIT: Woah, never mind, you can zoom in and it tells you. This changes everything.
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