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2 Questions about maps


Sep 28, 2005
Sorry if this has been asked before. I used the search option and coulnd't find it. Will there be a Earth Map and willt here be a Europe map standard with Civ4?
First of all: Welcome to civfanatics :band: [party] !!!

Second: It hasn't been mentioned yet wether there will or there won't, AFAIK. I think earth will be very likely included (or be here as a download within a few hours after the release ;) ), whereas I doubt they will provide us with a Europe-map...
There might be a World Map in one of the scenarios offered, if not I'm sure there will be one in some of the expansion paks. And if all else fails, it is a garantee that somebody will create a custom made Earth Map mod
I wouldn't be too suprised if we see a few different senarios and such (which could include europe). We know about Rhye's earth map, their could be others too.
Just loaded Rhye's mod onto my civ... and I must say... It's UGLY

First of all... Europe is waaay too big and the texture is too cartoonish. I hope Marla Singer will be making a map for Civ 4. Otherwise I have to do it myself.
In Rhye's, Europe is big because of gameplay reasons... it is intentional and serves a purpose...
I've read in one of the interviews that there is a WW2 European scenario in the game, so I suspect that it may include a Europe Map.... though specifically the mention of the scenario was about short games, and the example was something like " a ww2 scenario where your goal was defending Paris". So the map involved could be smaller than all of Europe.
toft said:
Just loaded Rhye's mod onto my civ... and I must say... It's UGLY

First of all... Europe is waaay too big and the texture is too cartoonish. I hope Marla Singer will be making a map for Civ 4. Otherwise I have to do it myself.
It's the Mercator projection used which is to blame for the oversized Europe, and it was used precisely because of that. The biggest concentration of civilization is in Europe, it's normal and wise (in a gameplay meaning) to use the projection which makes the most crowded area the biggest.
Of course its big because of that, but that doesnt make it right. Just my opinion. If you play with all European civs then this scaling of Europe aint even big enough. I usually only play with 2 or 3 European civs anyway, so Marla's map would def. be my choice :)
Henk_Glimlach said:
Maybe a stupid question but who is Rye.

Obviously you are new, so this time we will forgive you.

Rye is basically like a Sacred Cow, our very own Temple of Worship, our role model (OK, that's enough :cool: ).

Rye has done some great work in terms of map-making, alongside Marla Singer. I think Rye will be doing the earth map to be included with CivIV.

As for the Europe map, just log on to this website a few hours after the game is released and you'll find it.
i would assume that terra would not just be land with spase water and since firaxis said huge amounts of cities is a large handicap.pangea, arid, with small ocean coverage would be about as dry as they would make..why would they make a map that would remain largely empty?..hasnt every version of civ vanilla shiped with at least the world map? i think terra is earth....there just trying to sound smart.
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