[2014, MNAI 2.5+ / Eitb 9+] Who's the best elf leader?


Dec 2, 2012
Simple question, and I'm interested in hearing thoughts on other modmods if people play them. Either Ljos or Svarts, since the civs are pretty similar for the most part. Make whatever assumptions you want. Asking the question again since a lot of the strategy threads are very old, some even predating the inclusion of Sidar and Svarts in the game.

Overall I feel like I could play elves pretty well without any leader traits--it wouldn't make much difference in my strategy. Someone please convince me otherwise.

Ljos leaders

Overall, Dexterous < Sinister, but Gilden probably > Alazkan because he comes really early and can make the difference in a quick war, but Alazkan in my experience has not been a difference maker between winning and losing even though he's powerful. Good alignment > Evil, but Agriculture > Exploration. Probably a wash in the overall power between the two civs.

Arendel (Spi/Cre) - one strong economic trait and an average one. Spi's extra good because it buffs Priests of Leaves, probably the only tier 2 priest worth producing in mass numbers. Massing summons sort of compensates for the lack of siege. Cre is decent for most civs, but elves must beeline religion in order to get their economy set up, and Leaves provides culture anyway. I guess it's generically useful in that you have more flexibility with early city founding to get the right commerce boosters in the city radius.

Amelanchier (Def/Rai or Rai/Phi) - Def/Rai's overall a weak combo, but Ljos does have some synergy with Dexterous+Defender. His horse archers will have great withdrawal values and movement in enemy terrain, a feat that only Tasunke can pull off--but with a much stronger economy to support it. Using horse archers sort of compensates for the lack of siege.

The EitB version is definitely stronger, with the possibility of a priest bulb netting you an early Way of the Forests. Overall though I am not sure where the synergies are, it's just a couple of generically useful traits paired together. Also, Phi isn't a trait that's really synergistic with cottages.

Thessa (Arc/Exp) - My least favorite leader... but maybe I am missing something. Expansive's health bonus is lost on the elves, but faster mages is pretty good. And overall I don't like Expansive that much in FFH. Only problem is that elves lack any mana that is worth mass producing mages for... you just need 2-3 for maelstrom. Getting fire mana's important for her.


Faeryl (Arc/Rai) - Raider's good for hidden nationality shenanigans, using Esus and the recon line. Arcane much like Thessa--gives you collateral, but again without great mana. Everyone's favorite leaderhead, but her traits?

Volanna (Agg/Exp in EitB) - Broken with aggressive, sinister and 45 hammer fawns who then upgrade to Satyrs... proved over on Realms Beyond. I guess she wins just because of the ridiculous rush and choking potential.

Rivanna the Wraith Lord (Org/Sum) - I think she sucks, illusionary summons are pretty bad right? I guess you are harvesting more xp for your assassins, but you can still do that pretty effectively without Summoner.
Volanna -> Arendal Phaedra -> Thessa -> Faeryl -> Ameliancher -> Rivanna

Some provisos: Obviously written with EitB v9 in mind, but also a more MP mindset. I also know that I undervalue bulbs, non-FoL religions, and overvalue the arcane lines and the time one has available to setup an offensive.

I agree that traits a much a wash in my elf playstyle, though I know this is a weakness in mt game, especially for Arendal. I disagree, however that the civs are a wash - I consider the difference between Sinister and Dexterous, and Agriculture and Exploration to be much greater then the differences in worrldspell and hero, and would far rather play with the Svartalfar then the Ljolsofar.

Oh and imo EXP is the most powerful trait in the mod, ignoring pre EitB FIN,which probably affects my decision making.
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