2015 NCAA Football Thread

I'm also ready for a great season of Buckeye football!

I gave out my first O-H! of the new football season to a guy passing on the street who said "Go Bucks" after seeing my hoodie. I have to think this is one of those traditions that grates on everyone's nerves but ours.
AP is out. Ohio State is the first ever unanimous #1 . . .

Also the first time ever that Nebraska, Florida and Texas are all unranked in the preseason . . .

Alabama with its lowest preseason ranking since 2009 . . .

Five of the seven SEC West teams are ranked, with the other two at 26 & 27 . . .

Three of Alabama's other opponents are also ranked, which is why I don't see us doing much this year, even more so than the fact that we haven't picked a QB yet . . .
Interesting graphic here from @Aggiefblife where everyone on the offense was on an NFL roster at some point, A few guys are training camp guys that didn't get to see the regular season field but more than half have started for an NFL team in the regular season. Still interesting to me.
I gave out my first O-H! of the new football season to a guy passing on the street who said "Go Bucks" after seeing my hoodie. I have to think this is one of those traditions that grates on everyone's nerves but ours.

I-O!!! Being in Texas this year, I haven't run into any other Buckeyes. I'm just waiting for the opportunity.
It's game week everybody :bounce:

Alabama's depth chart is out, and there are more true freshmen listed on the offensive line than there are on the entire defensive chart. See? This is why I worry about things . . .

That is one of the things I want to watch this year though. I think our defensive front is going to be very very good, maybe epic good, maybe even good enough to account for our weakness in the defensive backfield. But it makes me curious about whether even an epic good defense can still control a game like it could a few years ago, before we went all offense-first with the rules-making. With our schedule and all our uncertainty on offense I imagine we'll still lose some games either way, but watching how effective our defense can be is one of the things I'm looking forward to finding out about this season . . .
If Wisconsin wins Saturday they'll be the first team to beat Auburn and Alabama in back-to-back games since 2011 LSU . . .
It's Football Day :D

Happy football everybody :bounce:
Too bad there are still far too many Ga Tech - Alcorn State, Clemson - Wofford, Georgia - Louisana-Monroe, Ole Miss- UT Martin, and Oklahoma - Akron fiascos.

Kudos to the top-tier teams that scheduled real games this weekend.
Hey now. Alcorn State and Tulane (week 2) are perfectly legitimate top tier opponents
Too bad there are still far too many Ga Tech - Alcorn State, Clemson - Wofford, Georgia - Louisana-Monroe, Ole Miss- UT Martin, and Oklahoma - Akron fiascos.

Kudos to the top-tier teams that scheduled real games this weekend.
You're welcome. It's what we do :)

And now that regular season losses don't affect your chance for postseason success, maybe more teams will start doing it . . .

EDITS: I hate hate hate ESPN's new scoreboard page btw . . .

Still nobody looking really impressive. But I guess maybe that's to be expected in week one . . .

Odd end for Auburn/Louisville here . . .
They've been asked. I've personally talked to two B12 Presidents about it, and they currently have a standing expansion committee, featuring Prezs from Oklahoma, WVU and Baylor.

I don't think there is a financial appetite to do it immediately, especially since nobody else cares THAT MUCH about WVU's travel problems, and they don't want to overreact to last year. My thinking is that at least four of the presidents right now favor expansion, but Texas does not, and that drags everything to a halt.

There's also not a slam dunk team out there. Or at least, a team that the presidents would think is a slam dunk.

I think Boise State could be a quality addition to the Big 12. The biggest problem with that though is WVU is already having travel problems and I don't think they'd want to have to travel all the way out to Idaho every other season.

As a Big 10 fan I also think Nebraska needs to go back to the Big 12. They haven't panned out as the quality addition to the Big 10 everyone thought they'd be and they are actually starting to drag the conference down now.

And now that regular season losses don't affect your chance for postseason success, maybe more teams will start doing it.

It won't be happening in the Big 10. The conference has a ban on scheduling FCS schools for non-conference games. Personally, I think there should be a ban forbidding any FBS school from scheduling FCS schools. Either that, or institute a rule that says scheduling an FCS school automatically forfeits your eligibility for the playoffs.
There ya go A&M. But honestly, who didn't see this coming . . ?

EDITS: Aight, we have a QB. Progress . . .

And the back of his neck is clean. Good grooming is very important . . .

Ah, football. It's so good to have you back . . .

Coker looks really confused, but I imagine he'll settle down . . .

Henry is so strong . . .

JK Scott, hero of the Sugar Bowl . . .

Wisconsin into enemy territory . . .

And so we trade first downs, game 1/8 over . . .

Caputo out. Always hate to see an injury . . .

Run run run to start first drive, pass pass pass to start second drive . . .

That corner really did not look like he wanted to catch up to Henry very badly :lol:

That was a pretty chintzy call there, but I guess that's where we are with football these days. Not saying I disagree, but it does make me a little nostalgic . . .

Nice defensive play from Wisconsin . . .

Tied up . . .

One bad call each way now, so that's even too . . .

But we overcome it, retake the lead . . .

Aight! Score one for the civil engineering dept . . .

Go for it Wisky! Man up ! ! ! :mischief:

Shanked punt and a short FG bounces off the upright. I always hate it when bad things happen to kickers/punters . . .

Wisconsin averaging 1.7 yards/carry . . .

Finally, some breathing room . . .

I know it's still the first game and all, but while I think our defensive front may be as good as advertised I don't think they're going to be good enough to make up for our weaknesses in the secondary as the competition ramps up in conference play . . .

I'm still predicting two or three regular season losses. Three would hurt . . .

Still no Bateman . . .

And again, WOW, Henry is big. It really shows up in pass protection . . .

Derrick Henry is averaging 13.1 yards on ten carries, Wisconsin has 17 yards on the ground . . .

3rd & 27. This has not been a strong series . . .

Cooper Bateman finally comes in late in the third, up 28-10, and literally every Alabama reporter I follow on twitter mentioned it within two seconds of each other . . .

Nine penalties on Alabama now . . .

Now we've scored rushing TDs on 4th & 1 and 3rd & 26 . . .

Well, there we go. 35-17, see ya next week :p
The weekly top 25 is no fun anymore now that they've taken away the importance of regular season performance :pout:
The weekly top 25 is no fun anymore now that they've taken away the importance of regular season performance :pout:

You keep saying this, but it's just not true. The regular season still matters very much, it's just more like professional sports now where one loss isn't the end of your season. That was the worst part about the old BCS system.
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