[Vote] (6-32) Changes to God of Stars and Sky

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Jul 24, 2022
Proposal (6-32): God of the Stars and Sky - Nerf to Food

Remove the scaling food component from this tundra pantheon. Having tall tundra cities is counterintuitive, and the culture for a resource-heavy location is already strong. The capital maintains some of the food component to keep the early game flowing.

God of the Stars and Sky
  • +1 :c5faith: Faith, :c5food: Food and :c5culture: Culture from Tundra and Snow resources.
  • +1 :c5faith: Faith, :c5food: Food and :c5culture: Culture from Tundra and Snow resources.
  • +2 :c5food: in the Capital/Holy City.
Remove the food from the scaling portion of this pantheon to solidify it as the "exotic yields" option compared to Goddess of the Hunt.

Give the capital a little food boost so it can be more competitive, but still tune the pantheon down slightly.

Original thread: God of the Stars and Sky - Nerf to Food by @ma_kuh

Proposal (6-32a): God of the Stars and Sky - Remove Culture, Now Yields from Improved Tiles

God of the Stars and Sky
  • +1 :c5faith: Faith, :c5food: Food, and :c5culture: Culture from Tundra and Snow Tiles with Resources.
  • +1 :c5faith: Faith and +2 :c5food: Food from improved Tundra and Snow Tiles.
Usually tundra is bad for growth and specialist focus, but this pantheon makes it enticing to stay in tundra. Every improved tile becomes a workable tile, at the cost of lacking :c5culture: Culture, but has the bonus of almost always founding because of the high :c5faith: Faith output.
It's now also significantly different from Goddess of the Hunt.
Thematically it doesn't make much sense, but let's just say the pantheon god blesses the land with fertility.

Original thread: God of the Stars and Sky - Remove Culture, Now Yields from Improved Tiles by @azum4roll
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It's not for every tundra start. Really great for founding though.
it makes it worse for founding. you aren't going to work resourceless tundra tiles until you run out of tiles with resources, so early faith will be slower as you'll need to build improvements first. Faith won't be higher until a bit later.

Also for most tundra tiles it's not even possible to build no-resource improvements early on. Lumber mills aren't until late classical, and you can't build anything on flat no freshwater tundra until late classical also.
it makes it worse for founding. you aren't going to work resourceless tundra tiles until you run out of tiles with resources, so early faith will be slower as you'll need to build improvements first. Faith won't be higher until a bit later.

Also for most tundra tiles it's not even possible to build no-resource improvements early on. Lumber mills aren't until late classical, and you can't build anything on flat no freshwater tundra until late classical also.
We're nerfing Stars and Sky, so we aren't supposed to be comparing it with the current version.
Heavy opposition. I'm shocked. I also felt that this Pantheon can be powerful in right hands.
In my mind the problem is with civs spawning on tundra not having benefits for their spawn location. That shouldn't be solved by a pantheon, but since pantheons are the only lever we have right now to make tundra civs viable, the pantheon has to fill that role by providing enough food.

TBH I wonder if we could benefit from a new mechanic where some benefits are applied to a civ based on the tile type they settle their capital on.
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