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60 Day Patch

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Yeah, they're really shooting themselves in the foot here not releasing something for Deluxe edition people before christmas. My fault absolutely for assuming, but I did trust that I'd get my money's worth from the company, they seemed very dedicated to delivering a good product. If I had to guess they got to release day overwhelmed with the number of problems that still needed to be fixed in terms of missing features, bad bugs, uniquely bad AI, not to mention the expected swath of balance adjustments they knew they'd be working on. I think its a distinct possibility they intended to deliver the first of four DLC packs before the holidays/by now, but ran out of time because the release day product was so...unfinished that its knocked everything back.

Don't get me wrong I think the 30 day patch was a good indicator that they are listening and working hard. I'm enjoying the product despite its many flaws...for now. But Firaxis has lost any trust I had that I was making a good investment getting the Deluxe edition and preordering for the Aztec bonus. Two months in and I'm still waiting on the additional content I've paid for. Again, my fault for being willing to do so without seeing a calendar or schedule. I think they could do a lot of good simply by releasing a 6 monthish road map and development plan to show that they actually intend to deliver the product within a particular time frame. I know that reopens a can of worms in terms of arguing over communicating with fans and working on the game as if the two are in a mutually exclusive zero-sum death match with each other, but it is what it is. Really, really bad public relations and I'm sorry I allowed myself to be taken :/
Getting patch so close near Chrismas is really bad idea. If soneting big breaks there will be no time to fix it until next year.

And no, games are not that important to pay developers and QA for overtime during holidays.
Don't get worked up yet. There's still tomorrow and Thursday, and the Fall Patch came out at 9pm Eastern. So that may be their thing now.
I really thought that they would release the sdk, workshop with dlc and patch before christmas. its getting close now and i dont think we will get all this.
Yeah, they're really shooting themselves in the foot here not releasing something for Deluxe edition people before christmas. My fault absolutely for assuming, but I did trust that I'd get my money's worth from the company, they seemed very dedicated to delivering a good product. If I had to guess they got to release day overwhelmed with the number of problems that still needed to be fixed in terms of missing features, bad bugs, uniquely bad AI, not to mention the expected swath of balance adjustments they knew they'd be working on. I think its a distinct possibility they intended to deliver the first of four DLC packs before the holidays/by now, but ran out of time because the release day product was so...unfinished that its knocked everything back.

Don't get me wrong I think the 30 day patch was a good indicator that they are listening and working hard. I'm enjoying the product despite its many flaws...for now. But Firaxis has lost any trust I had that I was making a good investment getting the Deluxe edition and preordering for the Aztec bonus. Two months in and I'm still waiting on the additional content I've paid for. Again, my fault for being willing to do so without seeing a calendar or schedule. I think they could do a lot of good simply by releasing a 6 monthish road map and development plan to show that they actually intend to deliver the product within a particular time frame. I know that reopens a can of worms in terms of arguing over communicating with fans and working on the game as if the two are in a mutually exclusive zero-sum death match with each other, but it is what it is. Really, really bad public relations and I'm sorry I allowed myself to be taken :/

This is 110 percent how I feel. Two months and nothing I paid my extra $20.00 bucks worth. I will be quite upset if the only DLC is the Aztecs in January. Especially since I already got it by PRE-ordering.

To be honest, I would be happy now atleast with a timeline or a plan for my dlc I paid for. If they say, hey it will start in January and everything will be done by March. Okay, sucks I have to wait but ATLEAST I know whats going on. I check this damn board each day hoping for my DLC.
I thought we were close but Firaxis just up and walked out of my life. I can't bring myself to trust another games company ever again.
Keep your cool guys, you are getting your DLCs and I'm pretty sure that will be soon. Geez, I can't believe one can be such a crybaby over this. <.<

For me its not about being a "crybaby." Its about a certain level of expectations from Civ 5. If you look at the previous games, We had one DLC, Babylon and in a week later we had a map pack and another DLC came shortly after that. Also, we knew about a week in advance when it was coming. Now, people say we still have time but it seems doubtful to me. If we had DLC we would have an announcement by now. TBH, I think its going to be January with the holidays. But, again for me its the Lack of communication.
If I had to guess they got to release day overwhelmed with the number of problems that still needed to be fixed in terms of missing features, bad bugs, uniquely bad AI, not to mention the expected swath of balance adjustments they knew they'd be working on. I think its a distinct possibility they intended to deliver the first of four DLC packs before the holidays/by now, but ran out of time because the release day product was so...unfinished that its knocked everything back.

This is my guess too. I've been amazed at the silence from Firaxis and can only dream of them actually communicating their goals and vision. They must have bugs and issues that aren't easy to fix or just a function of how many hours they spend on them.
Or they simply follow a standard patch time line? They can't just randomly put out patches each few weeks. I assume they would be testing any patch before it goes out. I think patch is 3-4 weeks off here.
Oh wow, just chill dudes. You'll get your free DLC... no one promised you exactly when.
Are you guys serious??

In Asia time zone it's morning here now I have to wait till evening to play... At least I have all day at work to read this forum and see what is posted :)
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