What Video Games Have You Been Playing VI: Because There Are No Elections In Video Games

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High Quality Person
Nov 29, 2006
With the election reaching a fever pitch, what games are you playing to avoid having to deal with it?

What Video Games have you been playing I: My Muffintop Expands!
What Video Games have you been playing II: Have you finished that backlog?
What Video Games have you been playing III: You're gonna need a bigger boat.
What video games have you been playing? 4
What video games have you been playing V: the return of the subtitle

I've been playing Skyrim Special Edition; marveling how despite running on an underwhelming game 5 years ago the game still looks quite pretty.

League of Legends on Eu West server. Don't have time for anything else, really.
So Fallout 4 has like not the greatest writing and whatnot but stumbling across varied locations and making mods and going pew pew with your guns is pretty great
Shadowverse aka WaifuStone
So Fallout 4 has like not the greatest writing and whatnot but stumbling across varied locations and making mods and going pew pew with your guns is pretty great
It's a fun game. I definitely got my money's worth from it. I wish Sony hadn't killed PlayStation support for mods though. :(
Well, Steam had a Halloween sale, so I bought Common Sense, Art of War and El Dorado for around 18 dollars. With the new institutions mechanic, not having common sense will be rough for the RotW. It still is. Anyways, I took on the nations of the Bahmanis and went on to own most of the Indian continent, and establish a small colonial empire in the Pacific and California. I also got a mod that broke the limits on the custom nations designer and replaced Granada with an OP nation with like +100% army morale and 50% discipline. I was going to name it something like "In Soviet Iberia, the Muslims Screw You!" but that didn't sound right and nothing else I came with did either, so I just called it Grannada. Now, I've restored Andalusia and have become the prime colonial power in the Caribbean and Central America. I just finished beating up Portugal to take their Brazilian and West African holdings. From there, I'm going to make it to the Cape of Good Hope and then who knows? If the EU4 to Victoria2 converter version for this patch gets released, I might try to colonize Africa until I get 1000 development and so become an empire, and then conquer the rest of Iberia to take this game to the industrial age. Or I might just get bored.
It's a fun game. I definitely got my money's worth from it. I wish Sony hadn't killed PlayStation support for mods though. :(

Truly baffling what Sony is doing. The launch of the next-gen really hurt Xbox and allowed Sony to jump ahead. And then they do stuff like this. y tho.

I finished Awakening, and I enjoyed it. I did not play the smaller DLCs for Origins, though. Just wasn't feelin' it. Soooo, I've moved onto Dragon Age 2 which uses ME2's engine it looks like. I'm a huge fan of that one, so I've been enjoying myself quite a bit. The constant references to the events from DA:O are also nice.
I've played a bit of Stellaris and some Star Wars: The Old Republic, but I really need to get back to playing through my backlog of point-and-click games.
I play three games now:

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura - the beginning was annoying, but now I am enjoying this. There are still things which I hate (damaging armor and weapons). I play ugly but charismatical character (beauty and charisma are two attributes), melee and stealing half-elf.

Chaser - this old FPS suprised me. Long missions, good locations and atmosphere, large arsenal. Stupid AI sometimes spawning behind back and shooting sometimes through walls. Still good fun.

The Crew - I like just driving through USA without folowing story or challenges, it is good game for relax.
Civ6. Starting to get a little more in to it now.
I built my first computer to play Civ V. I'm probably going to build another computer to play Civ 6, lol. But it's going to be a year or so.

I tried Adrift and it was boring as hell. I liked the gameplay, the visuals and premise. But there was nothing to do but float from room to room and try not to suffocate. They could have added a lot of side-tasks and relaxed the oxygen drain a lot and it would have been a lot more fun.

I got some game called Star Hammer (strategy game on PS4) and it's ok. Nothing ground breaking but it was cheap and on console so I got it.

The Binding of Isaac is just too hard. I'm pretty good at that kind of game but it's too unforgiving and that saps the fun out of it. I would like to progress past the 3 basement level without having to spend hours trying.

Or is that the whole game? Does it end at the 5th level?
The Binding of Isaac is just too hard. I'm pretty good at that kind of game but it's too unforgiving and that saps the fun out of it. I would like to progress past the 3 basement level without having to spend hours trying.

Or is that the whole game? Does it end at the 5th level?

It does not end there. :)

It's... an unforgiving game. However, it is likely my favourite rogue-like because it has a very clear connection between skill/knowledge and success. Many rogue-likes I feel as though getting better is an arbitrary percentage chance, while with BoI you noticeably get better and better as time goes by.

You also start to learn which runs are worth it and which aren't. If you don't get a good item in the first two treasure rooms, the run is likely a wash and you can just start over unless you're achievement hunting (something that is specifically useful for future progress in the game). It feels dishonest but I'd rather restart than try and pull off a win as ??? with a Mr. Kamikaze and Ipecac.
My favorite roguelike is still Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Pokemon mechanics actually translate really well to dungeon crawling mechanics, and the universe is actually a fresh take (Humans extinct, Pokemon build their own society).

I do wish the plots between the games werent so formulaic however. Not only are they rooed with cliches, but they follow the same general outline. Especially since the main character and their partner makes some really stupid choices.
I tried the Frost mod for Fallout 4 this weekend. I got killed a whole lot. I need to completely recalibrate how I play. It's a whole new game.
Civ 6, good thing there are no elections in Civ 6.

Of course I would get elected every time. As I always lead my nation to paths of greatness. To the expense of those who oppose me- usually Scythia. And Brazil who has the misfortune of starting next to me several games.
I've been playing Mafia 2. The radio played an update on the election beteween Eisenhower and Stevenson. Sigh.
So I literally just bought Obsidian's new game Tyranny. I was going to anyway, but today seemed appropriate.
Yes I'll be playing Tyranny as well. Coincidence that this game was release 2 days after the election? Who knows. But I'm looking forward to an authentic role playing experience. i''m really enjoying civ6, but that's on hold for now. I will return to it, it's a great game.
It's downloading now for me as we type. :)

Humble Bundle has DiRT 3 totally for free right now, as well as some really good deals. I just picked up Deus Ex (the classic), Human Revolution and The Fall, as well as the original Thief I & II for just £6.70 ($8.39/€7.71 at time of typing).
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