[BNW] Claiming tiles far away at sea


Jan 12, 2006
Hi all,

Often you want to claim resources or strategic points on the map - with out having to build cities.

For the land masses there are interesting mod around forts, citadels and outposts: Fortress Borders (by preffect, on steam). I have originally seen it by conan.morris - sorry if I get the attribution wrong.

But for sea tiles there didn't seem to be just what I was looking for. There's the Aquatic Fortress, that allows admirals to build citadels. Which is nice, but a rare occurrence to me.

So I combined the two in one simple mod: Sea fortress with borders (attached).

The only challenge with the LUA from conan.morris is that with 10 or so sea forts, there's a performance drain just before my turn. So I have disabled those, now the fort just culture bombs, and the resources default based on the game. It has the no adjacent tag but also a price pr turn tag.

Just recently the mod
Arendelle's Components - Island Claim and Oversea Claim
was posted on steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2367809697
Which after some updates now seem to do the trick even better, and probably a little more balanced. Also, it has a nifty reuse of the feotoria graphics.

  • Island Claim - Build adjacent to coast to claim small islands -5 GPT (Useful for grabbing resources and preventing the AI from settling cities in places you don't want them to)
  • Oversea Claim - Build on top of resources in the ocean -8 GPT (Useful for grabbing Oil and Luxury Resources no cities can reach)
Go check it out. How would you solve claiming sea tiles far away

BTW: for both this and the pontoon mod the sea improvements doesn't show up - any tricks?


you might want to take a loog at my overhaul of it. The code is still "from a lua beginner", but I'm sure it is much much better then the original mod regarding multiplayer and performance
thank you @Serp - will do!
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