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(7-08a) Polynesia Adjustments

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Sep 13, 2015
Counterproposal to (7-30) Polynesia UA and Carthage UA+UB rework

Also conflicts with proposals (7-30a) Carthage and Polynesia UA reworks and (7-08b/7-30d) Polynesia/Shoshone/Huns changes.

Related to (7-30c) Polynesia UA changes (...and Carthage), (7-08) Maori Warrior rework and (7-08a) Maori Warrior Scout replacement.

Previously part of counterproposal (7-30b) Alternative Carthage adjustments.

Spoiler Current Polynesia UA and UI :
UA (Wayfinding)
+1 Sight when Embarked, can always Embark and move over Oceans. +2 :c5food:Food from Fishing Boats and Atolls. Melee and Gunpowder Units can construct Fishing Boats. No :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Isolation.

UI (Moai)
Culture: +1 :c5culture:
Production: +1 :c5production:
Border Growth Points: +2

Engineering: +1 :c5production:
Astronomy: +1 :c5culture: Culture, -1 Border Growth Point
Architecture: +1 :c5culture: Culture, -1 Border Growth Point
Flight: +1 :c5gold: Gold

Can only be built on coastal tiles.
+1 :c5culture: Culture from adjacency with another Moai or City.
Can be built on Resources, but does not connect them.

  • Polynesia's UA gives 2 :c5culture: Culture to Fishing Boats, instead of :c5food: Food.
  • Polynesia's UI gains the following yield buffs from techs:
    • +2 :c5culture: Culture from Architecture, up from +1 :c5culture: Culture.
    • +3 :tourism: Tourism from Flight.
Spoiler How the UA and UI will look like, changes underlined :
UA (Wayfinding)
+1 Sight when Embarked, can always Embark and move over Oceans. +2 :c5culture: Culture from Fishing Boats and +2 :c5food: Food from Atolls. Melee and Gunpowder Units can construct Fishing Boats. No :c5unhappy: Unhappiness from Isolation.

UI (Moai)
Culture: +1 :c5culture:
Production: +1 :c5production:
Border Growth Points: +2

Engineering: +1 :c5production:
Astronomy: +1 :c5culture: Culture, -1 Border Growth Point
Architecture: +2 :c5culture: Culture, -1 Border Growth Point
Flight: +1 :c5gold: Gold, +3 :tourism: Tourism

Can only be built on coastal tiles.
+1 :c5culture: Culture from adjacency with another Moai or City.
Can be built on Resources, but does not connect them.


Polynesia's current winrate could be a consequence of cultural victories being harder after multiple VP Congress proposals tried to tone CVs down; there are a good number of other cultural civs that have lower winrates since patch 2.7 as well, such as Brazil, Arabia and Egypt. Since this is Polynesia's primary victory condition, they likely need some buffs on this end; both the :c5culture: Culture buffs to the Moai and UA are meant to address that. And in particular, the only reason why the current bonus to Fishing Boats gives 2 :c5food: Food, instead of the original 2 :c5culture: Culture when it was part of Japan's UA, is because Polynesia was considered overpowered at the time. Now that this civ needs help, it should be ok for it to give :c5culture: Culture instead.
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IMO Polynesia has plenty enough culture on tiles with the Moai. Adding more onto fish seems excessive.
They also have :c5production: on the moai, but not nearly as much, and coastal settle locations are always specifically :c5production: hammer-starved.
i've made this request on PD's and azum's poly proposals as well, but would OP consider tacking on some ocean transit for poly? my suggestion is flat double move in ocean for embarked melee, worker, settler, unlocked at sailing.

All 3 proposals have merit for poly yields -- at this point whichever adds on ocean transit of some kind will secure my vote.
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