A Brave New World Part 2

Global News Report

CO-AXIAL PACT EXPANDS. Paris, France. While not as impressive or large as the expansion of the United Nation States of America, the Co-Axial Pact has bolstered its ranks as well. Under the pressure of Georgia, the slave holding nation of Ovambia has been recognized by the Pact and brought in as a member nation. In Europe, the Pact has been enlarged as Scotland’s persistent requests for entry were acknowledged. Scotland has now pledged its support for the rising strength of the Axial powers.

ECONOMIC REPORT. Boston, Republic of New England. Strikes and unrest this year have brought about economic decline once again in some regions. Despite this the overall trend seems to still be prosperity. The reopening of the Suez Canal and the continuing global rise in new products and higher living conditions has been met with much hope for the world economy. The expansion of the East Atlantic Customs Union may soon also help lay the foundation for further economic growth, but most turn towards Russia and its increasingly growing cities for the world’s greatest successes. Below as before is a summary of economic changes this year.
Canada: -1 EP
Danish Empire: +1 EP
Egypt: +4 EP
Haiti: -1 EP
France: +3 EP
Germany: +1 EP
Iraq: +1 EP
Morocco: +1 EP
Ottoman Empire: +1 EP
Pennsylvania: -1 EP
Portugal: +1 EP
Rashid Arabia: +1 EP
Italy: +2 EP
New England: -2 EP
Russia: +3 EP
Swedish Empire: +1 EP
Tunisia: +1 EP

North American News Report

UNIONS ON STRIKE IN EACU. Boston, Republic of New England. A major strike was launched this year by the unions of the East Atlantic Customs Union. The American Transportation Union and the Union of American Factory Workers led the strike, demanding immediate reform. These strikers have barred people from working in the factories, nearly shutting down the internal economies of the northeast overnight. This has already begun to have major effects on the nations’ internal trade, and various governments have so far reacted different. In Virginia, the government has cracked down extensively, arresting union leaders and calling in the military to force people to return to work. The majority of the nation is anti-union, except for the large factories of the northwest. Reform is promised in upcoming years, but the military remains in place to prevent further trouble. In Canada and New England the strikes have turned into brutal riots and martial law may soon be declared, as barricades have been thrown up in some major cities. Some were more short-lived then others, but most disturbingly have been the raising of the red flag by the unions, which have caused many to label them as communist supporters. (-2 Stability for Canada, New England, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Texas)

NORTH AMERICAN FAIR. New Orleans, Empire of Louisiana. The Empire of Louisiana was host to a gala event this year, inviting all the nations of North America and the Caribbean to participate in a grand fair to reflect the region’s cultures. Visitors from as far away as Korea attended this event out of interest and curiosity. From New France, there was a number of exotic animals and skins, as well as incredibly trained seals. Their booth amazed many, being carved from a single great tree, including all the furniture inside. From the Iroquois Republic, a number of old native rituals were established, as well as several curiosities from Iroquois days on the other side of the Mississippi River. From the Metis Syndicate, a noted hockey team demonstrated some moves on a quickly melting demonstration stand, as well as airing a video on the sport of hockey for all visitors to see. The Algonquin Republic provided a lackluster display of the great progress the nation has made in westernization, showing the steel city of Fox Falls and the growth of the nation’s industry. The Deseret stand was equally underwhelming, consisting of a small number of Mormon preachers, handing out pamphlets to all passerbys. From Texas, a number of musicians performed, demonstrating a new “country sound” with guitars and strong rhythms, impressing many, who enjoyed the beat and tales. The Louisiana government, as host, provided one of the most impressive displays. A full “jazz orchestra” performed at the front of the Fair, as numerous displays of agriculture, and the mere stadium itself. The stadium was decorated with murals of scenes of American history, from the War of the Second Union, to the independence of Louisiana and the surrender of the French government after the Great War. From Florida, a pair of large alligators were brought out in demonstrations of alligator baiting and fighting to the awe of many. From Cuba, a display of cigars and pictures of the islands’ beautiful tropical life were put out. From Haiti, a pair of zeppelins flew into town (with proper warning of course) and the emperor himself stepped out and gave a speech to watching crowds. The Virginians provided a not as impressive display, merely showing a silent film about the great Monument Road in Richmond. Chicago had a demonstration of the city’s own jazz groups, which have become known to be slightly different and less formal than the Louisianan style. The Pennsylvanian booth was equally deficient, though it did possess several members of the Pittsburgh Football Club, who signed autographs for attending people. The sections for the Republic of New England astonished all, possessing treasures and splendor from every corner of the empire. Silks, dyes, performers, and people of all types surprised the anxious crowds, very nearly upstaging the effort of the Louisianans. Lastly from Canada came a demonstration of a flying aircraft, smaller than a zeppelin but faster in speed, if only for very short distances. The fair was truly a great event for all those privileged enough to attend.

CHICAGO ELECTIONS. Chicago, Free City of Chicago. The Conservative Party government, well established and firm within the Chicago nation, won the elections once again this year. They have continued to pledge to maintain Chicago’s place within the empire of New England and to protect the city against communism and socialism. The government has also continued to take a hard line against Klannist thought, arresting several more activists of those origins.

RIOTS FOLLOW GEORGIA “ELECTION.” Savannah, Georgia. This year’s elections in Georgia were once more marked by phony voting and the reestablishment of Wright’s Klannist and military cronies into strong government office. The black community, angered at the disqualification of several of their candidates, were sparked into rioting, as some have been calling for revolution to restore the republic. This has been seconded by former Liberal Party members, who have also been shut out of the election process. A large number have gone into hiding, and some officials believe the nation is on the brink of rebellion. (-3 Stability)

TENNESSEE ELECTIONS. Nashville, Tennessee. The Tennessee government had elections this year, and foreign politics ruled the day. The Conservative Party’s controversial decision to become a Georgian protectorate outraged many of the former king’s supporters. Though it was argued that the protectorate status was a logical decision based on current alliance developments within North America, the people remained unconvinced. The Ku Klux Klan, arguing that if alliance should be made with Georgia it should be on equal terms, crushed the conservatives in proceedings. They have pledged to immediately dissolve the protectorate status with Georgia, though they will maintain strong relations within the Co-Axial Pact. (+1 Stability)

NEW ENGLAND ELECTION. Boston, Republic of New England. The New England government held extensive elections this year, calling for an end to the ongoing strike. The issue greatly divided the reigning Moderate Party coalition, which soon collapsed under the pressure. The Liberal Party argued for concessions to the strikers, while the conservatives called for harsher methods against them. The Conservatives won the elections in the end, showing that the majority of the population do not back the unions, which has greatly weakened the support for the strike, which many now view as an inconvenience, demanding that it be brought to and end immediately. (-1 Stability)

UNSA GROWS AND THRIVES. Toronto, Canada. In a grand public announcement, the governments of the United Nation States of America have established even greater influence over the continent of North America. Over a half dozen new nations entered the organization this year, which has begun to act as more of a cooperative enterprise than a full alliance. The members have also been granted probationary entry into the East Atlantic Customs Union, but have not officially been recognized as members. The first to be added to the roster this year was long awaited Chicago, which had been approved back in 1919, but never officially confirmed. Next came the Gulf Alliance, almost in its entirety. Only Deseret continues to stand aloof from the expanding force. Lastly, New France has been recognized as a member of the organization, appealing to the need for protection against a possibly aggressive United Collectives.

METIS ELECTIONS. Winnipeg, Metis Syndicate. The Metis Syndicate experienced their first full elections since the regime change from the republican government this year. The Parti Syndique won this year, securing socialist victory over all opposition. The dramatic rise in living standards and wonderful new technologies flowing in from the International Socialist Cooperative Group have led to this party’s victory in the whole process. The improved economy is also stated to have been a major factor. (+3 Stability)

PENNSYLVANIA OUTLAWS KLAN. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvanian government announced this year the illegalization of the Ku Klux Klan as a political organization within their borders. Though the Klan lacked the support it possessed within Virginia or Georgia, the organization did have a few minor positions within the nation’s government. Members of the Klan have been given some time to renounce their former positions or risk arrest. The majority have agreed to instead join one of the more mainstream parties, or have fled to safer refuge in Tennessee and Georgia.

INCIDENT ON THE MISSISSIPPI. New Orleans, Empire of Louisiana. The government of Louisiana detained three Tennessean ships this year at the mouth of the Mississippi River. Ordered to inspect all ships passing through the mouth of the Mississippi, Louisianan territorial waters, three unusual ships were spotted. Attempting to conceal themselves as freighters, three Tennessee destroyers were confiscated by the Louisianan government. The Empire of Louisiana has issued a public statement denouncing the subtle aggression of Klannist governments, and that they will remain alert for further treachery. The crews of the Tennessean ships were returned following the end of the Great North American Fair. (Louisiana acquires three destroyers)

ZEPPELIN FALLS EAST OF NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans, Empire of Louisiana. The Georgian government attempted a third propaganda run using zeppelins against the Empire of Louisiana during the Great North American Fair. The zeppelins, flying at higher altitudes, soon met with unexpected opposition. Virginian military forces, testing new weapons, fired at previously unreachable levels. One dreadnought was brought down, while the other retreated, dropping its papers into the Mississippi River. (-1 Zeppelin Dreadnought for Georgia)

Central/South American News Report

CHILE ELECTIONS. Santiago, Chile. The Chilean people voted in extreme force this year, trumping previous concerns of Socialist manipulation of the vote. Socialist Party promises to respect the existing constitution and private companies’ rights guaranteed within soon won the day, smashing Conservative attempts to oust the current leadership. The Socialist Party has promised to keep strong relations with the rest of South America and to continue groundbreaking worker reform projects, helping to keep the nation progressive domestically. The Chilean people marched in great support for the new regime, that almost all opponents have fallen silent. (+3 Stability)

HAITI ELECTIONS. Port-au-Prince, Empire of Haiti. To the surprise of many, the apparently faltering Liberal Party has managed to win this year’s elections in Haiti. Most surprisingly was the large majority of votes which came the way of the Liberals. The Liberal Party’s success has helped further unite the country, calling for further improved rights for the average working man as well as respect for businesses and Haiti’s continuing economic successes. (+2 Stability)

JAMAICA IN FLAMES. Kingston, Jamaica. The capital city of Jamaica rose in revolt this year as jobs continue to fail to materialize and the majority of the populace subsist on handouts from the former Gulf Alliance. The military was called in, leading to ugly bloodshed and shooting, as fighting ensued. Some of the people have fled to the hills, calling for a new socialist revolution to once more throw out the military dictatorship and establish a new people’s republic. (-1 Manpower)

RIOTS IN PARAGUAY. Asunción, Paraguay. The Paraguayan capital was sparked into riot by agitators denouncing the current government’s imperialist stance. People have called for the immediate liberation of Bolivia and the resignation of the conservative government. There have been demands among these people that the Paraguayan nation should rest within the larger Socialist Union of South America. The riots were sparked when equally angry conservatives began throwing rocks against the socialist protesters. Upon the arrival of law enforcement, the fight became a three way brawl which soon erupted into even greater violence.

NEW LEADER IN THE UCNA. Mexico City, United Collectives of North America. The Party leaders of the United Collectives of North America met early in the year to discuss the debated issue of the next leader of one of the world’s most powerful communist countries. There were a multitude of possible candidates, but ultimately the one who emerged the most successful was the ever popular Pedro Kaplaz. Kaplaz is the mastermind behind the largest and most successful Party economic development projects. He has pledged to push the Collectives away from militarist agendas and to instead focus on internal development.

PARAGUAY DROPS PROJECT. Sucre, Paraguay. The hopeful Bolivian Reconstruction Project was dropped this year by the Paraguayan government, citing the prohibitive cost of full reconstruction. This has been met by riots among the Bolivian people, claiming that Paraguay’s government has betrayed them for the wolves. The Congress of Paraguay has attempted to respond by passing new labor laws, limiting the amount of working hours and time for the average Paraguayan worker. This has met with much support within Paraguay proper, but in Bolivia, many still hope for the reconstruction of a Bolivian nation.

FIGHTING IN CENTRAL AMERICA. San Salvador, El Salvador. War continued between El Salvador and Guatemala and Honduras this year as allied forces began pushing in on San Salvador. The people of San Salvador have been fighting tooth and nail against the invaders, but only the city remains under a state of siege. The United Alliance forces have demanded the surrender of Martin Juarez to the allied armies. They have stated regime change in El Salvador as their main goal for the ongoing war effort. Both Guatemala and Honduras have promised to the global community as a whole that no border changes will take place as a result of this war.
Casualty List
El Salvador: 10 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
Honduras: 10 Infantry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
Guatemala: 7 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades

European News Report

HOODED JUSTICE UNMASKED. Hamburg, German Republic. Monarchist sympathizer and masked vigilante Hooded Justice was caught in costume in the streets of Hamburg this year by police. Ordered to arrest the vigilante on sight, the police have detained him and he awaits trial for multiple counts of murder and assault. The vigilante, though his name has not been officially released, is stated to have originally come from the town of Braunau in southern Germany. He has also stated to have been an artist of some note, though investigations are continuing.

PHANTOM CRIMINAL STRIKES BANKS. St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. With the rise of costumed heroes, comes a newer, more disturbing trend. A man dressed in operatic clothing, wearing a white mask, has struck at three major banks in the city of St. Petersburg. He has maintained great success in his operations, eluding the city’s law enforcement’s best efforts to apprehend him. Some have called upon the Silver Horseman to strike back at this Phantom.

ASSASSINATION IN ENGLAND. London, England. The head of the Moderate Party coalition was shot and killed this year, leaving the Party without a nominated leader. The killer was caught and revealed to be a Irish Catholic who blamed the troubles of southern Ireland on the English. He was promptly tried and executed by the English government, as a struggle began for control. With the collapse of the coalition the Conservatives soon won out in power, convincing several seats to switch from the Liberal Party to the Conservative. Therefore a Conservative Prime Minister has been put into power, promising English strength and the integration of Ulster into a new English Empire as well as swift retaliation to anyone involved in the recent murder. (-2 Stability)

DANISH ELECTIONS. Copenhagen, Danish Empire. This election has shown further outrage for some within the Danish Empire. The Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn continues to dominate the seats of Iceland, loudly demanding independence. However, this has caused a split and arguments within the Dansk Fremskridtspartiet who have allowed the Dansk Konservative Folkeparti to seize a majority in Parliament this year. The conservatives leaders have vowed to keep control of the Danish empire, maintaining security in Iceland and beyond. Needless to say, this development has not pleased the people of Iceland and an ugly riot occurred in Reykjavik as a result. (-2 Stability)

DEATH OF THE FRENCH KING. Paris, France. The French king, Louis XXI died this year of a heart failure and the French crown has been passed down to his son, now Louis XXII. This coronation has been met with some confusion however, as no one is sure of the King’s place in the new France. Louis XXI never disputed Lisist control, but his son has been making gestures at reestablishing a monarchial influence in the French government once again. (-1 Stability)

GERMAN ELECTIONS. Munich, German Republic. The German government has had its first full elections this year as the coalition government stepped down from power. In the spirit of the rebellion, the Liberale Partei has trounced the Konservative Partei, securing their control over the government. The liberals have clearly called for the development of greater rights for the worker, and further restrictions upon the military to prevent meddling in politics. The conservatives were easily portrayed as reactionaries and military dupes, attempting to bring back the reign of the Kaiser.

RIOTS WITH ROMANIAN ELECTIONS. Bucharest, Romania. The Romanian government faced crisis with this year’s elections, nearly throwing the nation once more into a state of civil war. The Orthodox Party, promising a surge in the nation’s military and power, attempted to retain control of their office past their term. The victory of the Conservative Party was not well received by the reigning powers, and the president was arrested after attempting to use the military to crush the rising force. The Orthodox Party has been greatly discredited with this action and have lost the bulk of their support, though some say they have only gone underground. (-2 Stability)

PORTUGAL ELECTIONS. Lisbon, Portugal. The Portuguese government held elections this year, and two distinct sides emerged. With last year’s development of the Brussels Death Train and the atrocities of Tennessee towards it black population, the people have become unsure whether they wish to remain associated with those powers. Therefore the Liberal Party has won based on anti-French messages, calling for a closure of trade and the borders until the “atrocious actions of the Lisist government” come to a close. The Portuguese people rallied around for this message, hopeful that change could soon come to their neighbors. (+2 Stability)

TRANSYVLANIA ELECTIONS. Blaj, Transylvania. The elections in Transylvania this year became much more heated with the collapse of the moderate coalition party. The party found itself incapable of withstanding intense criticism from both left and right over recent laws passed to improve the worker’s plight. The Liberals believed that the government didn’t go far enough, while the conservatives believed they went too far. The Liberal Party won out in the end, pledging a new era for workers’ rights in Transylvania. (+1 Stability)

UNREST CONTINUES IN SOUTHERN IRELAND. Belfast, Ulster. The government of Ulster has continued to fail to maintain order throughout southern Ireland. The Catholics of the region have continued their protests against the Protestant government. They have continued attacks on Ulster’s military bases throughout the region and are believed to have even secured control of some of the towns and villages. Whether or not this is true, there are indeed some regions that not even the best armed of Ulster’s forces dare to tread. There have been rumors that with the failure to control the populace, the forces of Ulster have turned to the government of England for further assistance.

ITALY ANNOUNCES REFORM PLANS. Roma, Republic of Italy. The Italian Liberal Party has announced popular plans for reform and change within the nation’s financial structure. The people have become greatly excited with the promise of better provisioning for unemployed people and possible reform within working laws and conditions. Several strikes were called off by the nation’s largest unions as many hope for a brighter dawn for the average Italian in the near future. (+1 Stability)

ELECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. Amsterdam, Republic of the Netherlands. This year’s elections have once again led to the Moderate Party maintaining its control over the nation’s Congress. However, within the government, the Socialist Party has begun wielding increasing influence over the rest of the moderate coalition. They have achieved more seats than ever before and several bills have been proposed. Some hope to soon pass new citizenship laws which may well allow even the colored or Asian people of the empire to vote, a prospect which has caused even some socialists to balk. Many propose a more limited scheme allowing the white denizens of New Holland and New Zeeland a vote and seats within Congress, but the majority clearly state that the dark man is not yet ready to rule himself. (-1 Stability)

COMMUNISTS OUTLAWED IN SWEDEN. Stockholm, Swedish Empire. The Swedish government passed a controversial bill this year outlawing the nation’s Communist Party. The act was also passed both in Hawaii and Alaska, dismantling the party’s infrastructure. This was mostly to contain the rising threat of leftism, and the possibility of revolution. Sweden has also cited aggressive acts of communists in both China and South America for the illegalization of the political movement.
African/Middle Eastern News Report

LIBERIA ELECTIONS. Forsythville, Liberia. The government of Liberia has had a tumultuous year of elections. The Conservative Party has once again defeated its opponents to restore their government over the region. The government has vowed to maintain the status quo and to continue to help build up the nation’s economy and military, against any “imperialist excursions” by other countries. (+2 Stability)

DEATH OF THE KING OF ARABIA. Riyadh, Rashid Arabia. The Dutch installed king of Arabia, Rashid I, died this year, leaving his first born son of his first wife to the throne. The new king has pledged to build up the power of the Arabian peninsula. As a devout member of the Sunni faith of Islam, the king has promised his own personal wealth to develop the area around Mecca and has pledged to be the protector of the region and the Islamic faith. Some observers believe he may be attempting to build support for a new united Arab and Islamic empire. (+1 Stability)

ARABISTAN FREE. Ahvaz, Arabistan. The government of Arabistan was declared to be successfully established by Virginian military forces this year who began an immediate pull out. The Virginian government has used the treasury of the region to compensate Virginian business which had been established in the country, bankrupting the new government. The government now faces economic crisis as the first elections in 1926 loom close in the minds of those in power. The nation has begun to turn towards Persia and the Ottoman Empire in the hopes of lifting the current trouble from their backs through trade and commerce. (-2 EP, -2 Stability)

WAR OVER OVAMBIA AVERTED. Leesburg, Ovambia. War for control over Ovambia has seemed to have been averted as the nation’s entry into the Co-Axial Pact with Georgia and France has forced Haiti to back down. The deployment of major Co-Axial naval and army forces has been a key factor in the success of the organization, as a massive fleet and army provided by Georgia, France, and Italy, now stands between the Haitians and their alleged colony. This has been met with much protest from within the Haitian empire and abroad, calling for sanctions against Ovambia for their practice of slavery, an institution extant only within isolated parts of the Virginian Empire.

SUEZ CANAL REOPENED. Alexandria, Egypt. In a massive gala and celebration sponsored by the Ottoman Empire, the Egyptian owned Suez Canal has been reopened. The canal, destroyed over a decade ago during the Suez War, is once more free to begin shipping commerce from the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean. The Canal’s reopening has sparked a revitalization of trade in the region, providing much needed growth to the nations in the area. This has been a project lasting almost a decade and five nations have sponsored the rebuilding effort. Money and workers from Rashid Arabia, Egypt, the Ottoman Empire, Germany, and the Netherlands have all provided aid, showing a hope that the animosities from the war may one day be put aside.

Asian/Pacific News Report

REPUBLIC OF CHINA PUTS FORTH CONSTITUTION AND VIOLENCE ERUPTS. Lanzhou, Republic of China. The Republic of China made further progress in demonstrating its will to the people by not only demobilizing from a stance of total war, but by bringing forward the nation’s new constitution. The military has been forced to swear allegiance to the President and the republic, which immediate sparked opposition. Several various warlords attempted to withdraw their own personal forces following this announcement, only to be quickly crushed by the forces of Dong Feng Rong, the nation’s president. The various provinces of the republic have been granted their own localized rights, as elections are promised for every six years for the new office of President. With the 1924 elections establishing the current regime, the next elections are set for 1930. Many hope that by then the war may well be over. (+3 Stability, -10 Manpower, -14 Infantry Brigades)

REVOLT IN SINKIANG. Urumqi, Sinkiang. The warlord of Sinkiang faced a brutal threat this year, which has sparked extensive retaliation. The Islamic population rose up against major attacks against Muslim villages by the army over the past year. The Muslims have been threatened, exiled, or otherwise assaulted by the warlord’s forces. The revolt proved to be difficult to crush, but ultimately the armies of Sinkiang’s government came out victorious by the end of the year. The warlord has proclaimed Islam to be an illegal religion within the boundaries of his control and has sworn to rid the nation of it. (-44 Manpower, -13 Infantry Brigades)

FIGHTING AT SEA. Manila, Republic of New England. The International Socialist Cooperative Group continues to send aid to their besieged friends of the United Chinese Collectives. These convoys continue to fall under attack by a number of sources. Though the majority have made it through, a large number meet their demise south of the Philippines. This year the identity of the submariner attacks was revealed, when transports using depth charges brought up and sunk two identified New Englander submarines. The SUSA ships responsible brought back the floating debris of a conning tower, proving New Englander responsibility. The next gauntlet for the ships was attempting to make it past the Korean blockade. The blockade tightened this year, though later communist offensives helped the situation dramatically. Several light Korean ships were once again sunk, but to little avail.
Casualty List
Korean Empire: 3 Destroyers
Republic of New England: 2 MR Submarines

WAR IN CHINA. Yancheng, Union of Chinese Collectives. The communist forces within China made a major bid for control this year, launching two major offensives into republican territory. This was combined with an attack by Guangxi in the south, taking advantage of the republic’s distraction by the communists. In the north, the communists met with extensive disaster, running into an army nearly twice their size, well equipped with artillery and tanks. The communists were soundly defeated, and forced to retreat toward Peking. By the end of the year, the city was under siege, but setbacks in the south forced a withdrawal of a large amount of the republican forces. The southern crossing into republican territory was met with success as the communist forces used artillery to keep the republic’s destroyers away from the bridgehead. With little to no military forces throughout the Fujian region, the communists easily swept across the land. They were soon brought into conflict against Guangxi, who indiscriminately fired upon both communists and republicans. The forces of Guangxi also managed to seize some territory from the republicans, advancing further north. This may well be the bloodiest year of the war to date.
Casualty List
Republican China: 156 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 8 Artillery Brigades, 5 Tank Brigades, 6 Destroyers
Communist China: 191 Infantry Brigades, 23 Artillery Brigades
Guangxi: 55 Infantry Brigades, 16 Artillery Brigades

Acting in Review: The Arts of the World

Love and Freedom
Type: Stage Performance
Genre: Romance
Location: Urquizaville, Argentine Collectives Federation
Summary: This is a romance featuring two runaway slaves in Ovambia. The slaves, one male and one female, decide to flee together when the white owners start to rebel against Haiti. They fall in love and enjoy romance till a revolutionary Ovambian unit captures them and tries them for treason. The story ends with the two lovers executed together.

Fifty Kilometers from Moscow
Type: Moving Picture
Genre: Horror
Film Length: 89 minutes
Producer: Beria Incorporated
Summary: The first film completely produced and directed by Kinograd’s leading actor, Lavrentiy Beria, as well as starring him, this film is the first designed solely to scare the viewer. Stated to give the viewers a chill or fright, this movie has been banned in some areas of the country. The film revolves around an anarchist psychopath who terrorizes the people of a Siberian town, killing them one by one. With only a few people left alive, the villagers manage to trap and kill the murderer.

The Sports Page

AMERICAN CUP. Providence, Republic of New England. The Providence Football Club won a devastating victory this year over the newly entered Texan team, the Houston Football Club. The teams had a long year, struggling for success, but both eventually made it to the top. The season was marred by accusations of gambling and corruption within the Manhattan Football Club, who started the season as the main favorite. The team was disqualified from the organization when the team was shown to have thrown a few of their starting games to win bets.

EUROPEAN CUP. Munich, German Republic. This year heralded the return of German teams to the European Cup, and the Munich Football Club did well to demonstrate the teams’ strength. The Munich Football Club was the only German team to make it into the final rounds of the competition. They beat the Paris Football Club in the final game, winning five points to four. This victory has helped rally German spirits in the wake of the civil war, showing that there is still some power for the German nation.

SOCIALIST FOOTBALL LEAGUE ESTABLISHED. Merida, United Collectives of North America. The United Collectives have spearheaded an effort among the American members of the International Socialist Cooperative Group to establish a football league. The various collectives or cities of the socialist league have assembled their best athletes to compete. The first championship game of this league was held this year in the city of Merida in the Yucatan Collective. The Yucatan Collective team played the Santiago Football Club from Chile for the league trophy. They won, bringing much glory to their home town and the United Collectives.

Political Cartoon From Hamburg, Germany

Diplomatic Pouch

To: England
From: Ulster

We cry out for aid across the Irish Sea. The Catholics make a strong showing against us, but the righteous must prevail for all the souls of Ireland. We therefore ask to once again, as we did almost a hundred years ago, to be recognized as a part of the English nation and empire.


@human-slaughter: Please reread the requirements for the Special Forces tech.

@Haseri: though I appreciate your enthusiasm for domestic development, 12 EC is a tad bit much for a stadium, unless you want a city-sized stadium. 11 EC of that has been banked.

I apologize for the mixup with the Atlantic battleships, the tech has been provided to the European Alliance of Nations (defunct as it may be) who should have received it before.

@Emperorbao: You don’t need to spend anything on stability if you’re not spending the full amount to upkeep or increase it. Therefore the eight EP has been banked.

For this update I received orders from thirty-three different players, making this the largest player base for an NES that I have ever had.

@HMS Vanguard: Alaska has given some money for research into commercial domestic products.

World Map


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To Ulster
From England:

We will gladly welcome our brothers from across the sea into our nation and promise to ensure the survival of the righteous citizens of ireland in the face of such violent catholic barbarians. Rest assured they will pay for the lives they have stolen.
Bravo, Bravo, Monsieur EQ.


Top notch as always!!
Love and Freedom
Type: Stage Performance
Genre: Romance
Location: Urquizaville, Argentine Collectives Federation
Summary: This is a romance featuring two runaway slaves in Ovambia. The slaves, one male and one female, decide to flee together when the white owners start to rebel against Haiti. They fall in love and enjoy romance till a revolutionary Ovambian unit captures them and tries them for treason. The story ends with the two lovers executed together.

Ovambia bans this play from being preformed in our nation and we call upon our allies in the Co-Axial Pact to do the same.
Damned Iceland independentists... Why can't they see that their presence within the Empire is the one that provides them with all those great products?

From: Folketing
To: Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn and Iceland

If you really want to be independent, you will have to realise that one must reap what they sow. Meaning, if you actually manage to get independence (which we doubt, considering the current laws) all of the Danish Empire economic support will vanish, leaving you with the industry you currently have in there, which, if I am not mistaken, hardly reaches a 5%-10% of the Danish Empire economical output. You would be in a ruin and most likely you would have to ask to be back into the Empire.

Please, think on the consequences of what you want to happen before actually wishing them to happen.
@Lord Iggy, please do not post, I prefer submissions via PM as you have already done. I am saving your cartoon for the update following the upcoming one, though considering that flyingchicken has already posted his, we may just leave it on the thread for all to see and use yours for the update.
despite the low support for the option, and the recent imposition by Sweden, a Pro-UNCA option will remain on the plebiscite ballot out of respect for the time we were part of Mexico.
after several poles, the final version of the ballot is as follows:

Full Merger with Sweden
Constutional monarchy, with swedish the swidish king, but no merger.
a republic, with hawaii remaining a swidish protectorate
A republic, but not remaining a swedish protectorate.
Return and merger with Mexico. (now the UCNA)

for the second through 4th options, the exact details of the goverment will be determined by a constitutional convention after the plebiscite.
options will be listed twice. voters are asked to vote for their primary preference on the first listing, and their second most preferable option on the second.
to: Nations of North America
from: Louisiana

We would like to thank you for attending the fair.

to: Tennessee
from: Louisiana

Due to recent actions by Georgia, we instituted a policy of inspecting ships that entered the Mississippi for our safety and the safety of the participants of the fair. However your 3 destroyers for some reason disguised as another ship, which made them very suspicious in their actions. Therefore, we seized them for our safety. We will return them when our investigation is complete.

However, we demand that you explain why your destroyers were disguised as freighters, or we will just assume that they were up to no good and continue these inspections. Perhaps they were on a mission to fire upon the participants of the fair to cause chaos much like Georgia has tried?

to: Georgia
from: Louisiana

For the third time you attempted to cause panic in New Orleans, it is now costing Georgian lives and ruining our shrimping nets as our sailors are catching chunks of Zeppelins which are tearing the nets.
to: Tennessee
from: Louisiana

Due to recent actions by Georgia, we instituted a policy of inspecting ships that entered the Mississippi for our safety and the safety of the participants of the fair. However your 3 destroyers for some reason disguised as another ship, which made them very suspicious in their actions. Therefore, we seized them for our safety. We will return them when our investigation is complete.

However, we demand that you explain why your destroyers were disguised as freighters, or we will just assume that they were up to no good and continue these inspections. Perhaps they were on a mission to fire upon the participants of the fair to cause chaos much like Georgia has tried?

We apologize for the confusion, but we disguised our ships as to not cause the riots and problems we feared would occur should we sail warships openly through New Orleans.

A return of the ships would be most appreciated.
Unter der Haube
The book to read for those who wish to learn more about the vigilante phenomenon of the early 1920s, written by sociologist and psychologist Professor Hollis Maurer. Published 1930, Buchmacher Publishing, Frankfurt.

Chapter 1: The Hooded Justice

Where better than to start a book detailing the rise of vigilantes in Europe than the first one himself: The Hooded Justice? Of all the vigilantes I have spoken to and researched, he was, by far, the most enjoyable.

The man that the public came to know as the Hooded Justice was born Branau in southern Germany in April 1889. When I interviewed the man in his cell in Munich Municipal Jail, he told me his father would beat him frequently. He told me: "I then resolved never again to cry when my father whipped me. A few days later I had the opportunity of putting my will to the test. My mother, frightened, took refuge in front of the door. As for me, I counted silently the blows of the stick which lashed my rear end."

According to himself, and his schoolteachers whom I managed to track down, he was a poor student, as an apparent rebellion against his father. But he did have two saving graces: he loved art and was a spectacular sportsman. And, although he rarely spoke, when he did, his teachers told me he could have charmed the birds out of the trees.

At the age of 16, he tried to get into the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. However, he found the atmosphere stifling, and was found to be “unfit for painting” and should try architecture. He found the subject fascinating, but it was not what he wanted.

After that, his life becomes vague. He refuses to talk about it, but I found he led a normal, unassuming life.

At the age of 28, in 1917, he joined the Imperial army. His unit was one of the first casualties in the South American war. By chance a kind family found him, where they eked out an existence on the Brazil/La Plata border. He stayed there for many months, learning the ways they survive there. Before 1918 rolled around, he made his way to Buenos Aries, to get a boat home to Germany.

He quit the army as soon as he got home. Over the following months, he trained. He would train night and day, never telling anyone why. He would occasionally go along to speeches and plays that stirred his anti-communism side. All throughout 1919, he stayed bellow the radar.

I asked him about the first crime he ever stopped. “It was a mugging, or assault I think. It was New Year’s Eve 1919. I was celebrating just like everybody else in Hamburg. I was walking towards the celebration in the Town Square. Then I saw this guy in an alleyway, standing over another guy. So I went over to investigate. The guy on the ground was screaming for help, but kept getting punched for it.

“Anyway, I went over to help. I punched the attacker in the jaw, making him fly into a wall. I then picked the attacker up and carried him to the nearest police station, scrawled something like ‘I am a criminal: arrest me’ on it and left for the celebrations. Very amateur.”

Apparently, he never wanted a name. His costume was “merely a symbol. Something for the criminals to fear.” The noose was supposed to represent how justice never dies. The press attributed the name to him. In particular the Hamburg Press*, who regularly criticised him for making a mockery of the police.

But that did not deter him. He had massive public approval, and there was talk in Hamburg of having a national holiday for him, where children would leave treats for their neighbourhood protector. In August 1921 however, opinion of him outside Hamburg took a turn for the worst, as the Hamburg Press found that he tended to get more violent with Jews and those he believed to be communist or republican sympathisers.
Luckily for him, the week they were to publish their findings, civil war broke out. He managed to keep republican forces from gaining a significant hold in Hamburg thanks to disrupting army camps and making sure the poor were well fed. He even went as far to attack the president of the Hamburg Press in his own house, as the paper had instantly supported the republican movement.

However, his Golden Age came to an end in October 1922. The Republicans has taken the city and had restored order. The people he once helped were now hunting the Hooded Justice. This did not stop his war on crime however. But it did make him more violent. Criminals were more likely to end up in the mortuary or the hospital than the police office.

Despite all this, he managed to remain below the radar, beyond capture, January 1925, where he was seen caught beating up a local Jewish businessman who he believed was extorting the neighbourhood. It didn’t help said business man had a republican flag hanging in his shop window.

The following investigation and trial was one of the most documented in German history. Not a month went by without either the Hamburg Press or Neuer Grenzmann having some front-page news story about him.

So important was this trial to the people, according to both papers, that they pushed for the judge’s verdict to be recorded, something never done before. That recording is now stored at the Nationale Archive at a location I am not allowed to disclose. Here is a little excerpt:

“…you proclaim that what you did, you did it for all the right reasons. You wanted to protect the German people. I am sure that is very commendable. But. The end never justifies the means. Especially when you use the means of those you were trying to stop. You were not above law. Nobody is above the law. For the crimes laid out against you, and those you have been found guilty of, I sentence you to life in prison, with a chance to parole after 30 years. Consider this merciful, for, despite your unlawful methods, you did attempt to fight crime.” (Judge Richter, 1926)

The judge also said, orbiter dicta, that those vigilantes that have ‘codes of honour’ can not use that as a defence for illegal vigilantism, as even the strongest codes of honour can be broken. And that helping a person in need is no problem, “but only the police may make a career of it.”

And so, 5 years later, is the Hooded Justice repentant? “No. I did what I did, and I did it well. I will get out of here in 25 years, and I will go to England, and track down the Kaiser’s family. I hope, one day, they will return to their rightful place, ruling this once great nation.”

But what is the legacy of the Hooded Justice and his alter-ego Adolf Schicklgruber (or, to use his step-fathers name, Hiedler)? No doubt the other vigilantes that have popped up around Europe and even in America. But there is something else. But the rise in the Superhero comiv phenomenon is to be saved for another chapter.

*Translator’s note: The Hamburg Press was one of the biggest newspapers at the time. It was well known for its liberal leanings. After the civil war, it had only one, conservative, rival, the Neuer Grenzmann. Most other big papers were shut down for being too imperialist.
OOC: I tried not to speculate on future events, but yeah.

If anyone can spot the three Watchmen references, have a gold medal.
OOC: Hehe, I knew it was ol' Schicklgruber. How amusing!

Great update, EQ! Always a fun read.
I thought it was clear from the 'Branau' comment onwards- but yeah, it's an interesting story.
French Weapons Manufacture Dossier

incl. Notes by lead designer Jean Laude of Hotchkiss Arms & Munitions.

"Hotchkiss"-class Turret-equipped Armored Fighting Vehicle
12 metric tonnes
40 mm armored turret, 35 mm armored hull
32 mm "Lachois" SA 22 gun
7.5 mm co-axial "Lebel" M-18 automatic gun
3480 cc six-cylinder, 78 HP
Fuel capacity: 240 litres
Operational range: 200 km
Speed: 20 km/h
Notes: They say it's a groundbreaking tank and I must agree, there are unique elements it possesses that surely put previous tank models in their place. The turreted feature I believe is what makes it unique on the outside, but it also boasts a tougher armament than those hexagonal deathtraps... The 32mm was tricky to implement, and it won't penetrate another hotchkiss in a single shot (except, perhaps, in the rear hull) but it is more than enough for the Great War-era tanks and armored cars. I am experimenting with implementing specialized anti-tank armaments, but research has been slowed mostly due to a lack of funds - the talking heads say something about chemistry research which I don't understand nor care about. At any rate, this tank should pay the bills for some time. I wish we could contract it out like we could in the pre-Lisist days, but alas, alas.


"Hotchkiss II"-class Lightweight Armored Fighting Vehicle
11 metric tonnes
40 mm armored turret, 33 mm armored hull
37 mm main gun, make unknown - PROJECTED
7.5 mm co-axial "Lebel" M-18 automatic gun
3480 cc six-cylinder 78 HP
Fuel capacity: 180 litres
Operational range: 138 km
Speed: 27 km/h
Notes: We've got some drawn-up plans of a line of "light tanks" built identical to the original Hotchkiss chassis but different in some main ways. The main idea is to increase speed, which blueprints indicate possible by 7 km/h, and maintain an acceptable thickness of armor. We can transpose the old engine over but some engineers down in the department say that to reach the goals - especially the bigger gun and the higher speed - we may need a stronger, and therefore BIGGER, engine. If only the New Englanders would share their damn combustion techniques with us. I'm sure I can outsource it somewhere, hell maybe there are some Russian engineers who can manage it. This is definitely a WIP.

"Char"-class Armored Fighting Vehicle
22 metric tonnes
54mm uniform
52mm UNKNOWN make
2x 7.5mm 1 co-axial 1 hull "Lebel" M-18 automatic gun OR new make...
needs new engine, possibly a V-4 improved over the Great War-era tanks
Fuel capacity unknown
Operational range unknown
Speed unknown
Notes: These blueprints are barely off the drawing board, in fact its weight combined with the turret requires an entirely new method of putting the damn thing together. Valjean down in engineering suggested putting up stronger, steel suspensions with coils because there's no way in hell the hull and the wheels are going to keep together with all this on top of it. Completely different from the Hotchkiss, too, we need to build it from scratch - apparently the Hotchkiss is "too light" for command's tastes. Ideally, of course, this tank would be speedy in its own right - depending on the engine it could be between 18 km off-road and 20 to 22 km on-road, an improvement over the Hotchkiss which still has some off-road speed difficulties. To say nothing of the huge gun which the turret team says they can stick on it... 52 mm! They'll never make a bigger mobile field gun.

"Verc"-class Heavy Armored Fighting Vehicle
Notes: Hell due to clearance issues I shouldn't even be allowed to put its name down here. Orders from the top, said "it's big" and gave no other specifications. The boys down in the engine department are going to love this one.

But what is the legacy of the Hooded Justice and his alter-ego Adolf Schicklgruber (or, to use his step-fathers name, Hiedler)?

I highly doubt that Adolf Schicklgruber ;) really would have supported the kaiser. Well, maybe in this TL, but he didn't in ours.

But I still think it's hilarious that he found a more glorious legacy in this TL than OTL. Nice!
Ovambia bans this play from being preformed in our nation and we call upon our allies in the Co-Axial Pact to do the same.

Don't ban it! You'll just make it even more popular (Uncle Tom's Cabin, To Kill a Mockingbird, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Huckleberry Finn, even Captain Underpants, were all banned books, and became immensely popular. Heck, when my high school magazine Chasms was banned, when it was released finally, it sold like hot cakes).
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