A case against Chungsu Colors/Logo - send this to Firaxis! :)

Moderator Action: Moved to Ideas & Suggestions
I'll upload these tomorrow:


Spoiler :

I also did a different scheme for Lena, since I wasn't a fan of the original.


EDIT: Some more fun images I've created while working on these...

Spoiler :

Neat, I like that a lot. Taking cues from the leaders' attire is a good call and works well. INTEGR's logo still needs a slightly stronger glow, though, and could do with being a little bit brighter, a little bit more saturated (same for Al-Falah's, but that's a stock issue).
Here's Chungsu:


Redid the icon and added a little more light to the symbol and shadow to the background to make it more sexy.

Also, there's an annoying bug in the game which will not display new icons for existing factions at times. Well... I guess it can't be called a "bug". But, anyway, to avoid it, I had to override the existing atlas instead of creating a new single-index, uniquely-named atlas to point the game towards for Chungsu. Not so great for modularity; I'm going to create another "Faction Colors Mod" which will, so far, include Chungsu and INTEGR together since I'll be overriding the existing atlas. But, I figured Chungsu deserves their very own mod, for users that are only interested in that and are satisfied with the others, since their existing colors are so ridiculous.

What happens with the "bug" is that if Chungsu was your last used faction and is the currently active one when you go to create a new game or something, right before the mod activates, the game must cache the old atlas name and index location of the currently active faction before it knows that it has to look in a different location. So, the correct icon will display in some areas, and in others, such as the advanced setup or load/save menu, it will not. This isn't a problem with new factions added to the game, only with the existing ones if their icons are changed.
Thank you mate;

Would you kindly explain how you did to create the mod (if it's not too complex!)

I would like to give it a go one of these days! :)
It's pretty simple.

You can find all the factions' color combinations in:

The XML table is "Colors".

The percent is based off of 255. So, that will give you your RGB numbers. That's how I created the "globes" diagram of all the factions colors -- they're exact. It gives a good overview while designing so you can walk the fine lines between each faction's hue. I originally wanted more orange mixed in with Chungsu's color, but when putting them alongside the African Union, they started to blend together more than I wanted.

With a little googling, you can find a handy website that can do the work for you. :) I used this one (thank you, Hew) to quickly generate the decimal numbers, because I tested a ton of different colors to see what they would look like in the game. I mainly worked off of the hex color labels between that and Photoshop, and copied the decimals into the mod.

The existing icons can be found in:


You can unpack the DDS files with Dragon UnPACKer. The six files you're looking for when modifying an existing leader start with "civsymbolscolorxp1_" and end with the icon size number. You then have to unscramble the DDS files you've extracted with the amazing, handy-dandy DDS unpacker.

Note, if you're making your own atlas, just make sure you either match the index number with the existing one, or copy all the other atlas symbol types: "gradient", "glow", and "atlas" (which is the alpha version). You'll have to do that latter step anyway if you're not only changing the colors, but the shape of the image itself. (I'm not sure if the game really even uses the "gradient" and "glow" atlases, since the existing Chungsu ones aren't even the correct image -- the wave has a different shape to it. Post #10 above shows these inaccurate images.)

Use Photoshop or any similar application to modify the PNG file you've created and then save it as a DDS file again; I use ARGB.

Plop your atlas files into the mod and make sure to import them into the VFS by setting it to "true".

If you kept the names the same and are overriding the original ones, that's it. Otherwise, you'll have to enter your new atlases into the XML under the IconTextureAtlases table. Then, in the Civilizations table, enter the XML names of the atlases, and change the index location if needed, so the faction utilizes them.

I think that's about it. Above, I said it was simple and it seems like I wound up writing a whole lot, haha. But, it really is, once you try it.
It looks fine to me. I an understand that it might be difficult to distinguish between the colors if you where one of the 1 in 30 males that are colorblind.
Good for you! :) I wish I had eyes like yours; I always get the bad rolls. Even in Risk, I often roll 1's when attacking. :cry:
Barathor proving once again his skills. P.S when are we getting PANDORUS for BERT? (hint hint :D)

Haha, thanks, I try -- love these games.

I'll jump back into that soon, especially the Lite version which shouldn't be too much trouble to update. I think Firaxis may have even implemented a way to retrieve the biome type too (saw it in MapGenerator), so I can do exactly what I've been wanting to do.

Right now, I have some really cool projects I'm working on to hopefully make the game more challenging and enjoyable. I figure that it makes more sense to enhance a good chunk of the gameplay first, before the "game board". Otherwise, a better map to play on won't have as much of an effect on things.
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