A few questions


Aug 4, 2009
1) Running a game with Khad in a jungle zone, going against Deirdre. One of her Hunters was sitting a full space away from my territory, showed a movement of two, only Woodsman I, didn't show Double Movement in Jungles. Ran through the jungle tile (no movement improvements on tile) and then attacked my two unprotected Workers on the next tile, in one turn's movement. Do Austrin Hunters get DM in Forest/Jungle and it just doesn't pop up when you mouse over them?

2) Seen it several times this way: I attack a stack composed of a Worker defended by a combat unit. I defeat the combat unit, bounce back, and the Worker is still waiting to be attacked (and is a bugger to finish off). However, other Civs (or even barbarians) attack my Worker with his bodyguard, and the defeat of the bodyguard automatically defeats any Worker underneath. Do all Workers defend (against anything), or only those that have a specific promotion? Should defeat of the combat unit automatically auto-defeat any and all Worker/Settler units on the same attack action? The attack in #1 above was kind of like this, but with two Workers (one a captured Svart, who I had to fight to capture BTW) who both did a hands-up surrender rather than even fight, and no other defender.

3) What is the current mechanic for determining whether a defeated Worker- or Settler-type unit gets captured, and as what type of ending unit? Several games recently (both patch B and C), I've had difficulty getting Workers out of those kinds of successful attacks. I'm almost positive I got mostly Slaves from the Cualli, going against them with Elohim (without WOTW/Slavery), and I think the only actual Lizardman Worker I got was with Chalid (sp?) and his Command promotions. Are Liz Workers/Shapers not able to come across as is, and can't be a regular Worker, so default to Slave?

4) Been noticing that a lot of the Civs are building defenders for each of their Workers in the territory -- a new feature?

4) Same game with Khadi vs. Austrin: Austrin had their nearest city have a volcano erupt nearby, check back later there's now three volcanoes in a row, later still there's a fourth. Is this sort of propagation a new feature?

5) Bug: Thades sometimes go invisible, especially if they're the active unit coming out of a load. Movement or combat usually brings them out of it.

6) Bug?: Workers now have weapons out at the same time as they have tools out -- unavoidable if we want Workers to defend themselves with weapons?

7) Captured unit types that are not native to owning Civ (e.g., Cualli Javelin Throwers captured by Elohim) don't always come across correctly (e.g., use Doviello(?) art, but listed with Lizardman race, even though Lizardman art is available)

Using 51C right now
1) I believe Austrin Hunters ignore terrain movement costs, in the same way that Explorers do in vanilla civ.

2) This is the result of the worker having the "Hardy" worker promotion, giving it defensive strength.

3) When defeating workers/settlers with no defensive strength, you get a worker. If they have defensive strength, you won't get a worker, but you might get a slave if you're running slavery. Command will get the workers, though.

4a) A result of some work on the AI, yes

4b) A result of the inherent randomness of events. You'll see some clumping.
2: the AI tends to take the Hardy Promotion adding a defensive strength and withdraw % to their workers. Since they have defensive strength they get to defend themselves like any other unit. Apparently you did not chose that same promotion for your workers, thus they have no defensive rating hence they are auto captured when their defending unit is destroyed.

Personally i don't really like the Hardy promotions because the AI handles my worker unit differently. With no defense if an enemy gets close they stop working and become "active" so I know to move them away. If they Have a defensive strength they keep working and then get attacked and typically die. Also if you automate your workers when an enemy gets close they run away and work areas away from the invader. If they have a defensive strength they don't run away and tend to die.
1. Austrin explorers and trackers ignore terrain movement cost.
2. Already explained
3. already explained
4. They have always build defenders for their workers (i think). They'll even do it in regular BTS
4. no idea - same event a few times maybe?
5,6,&7 no idea

As a follow-on to my question about captured units not always coming across with the right unit art: The same Elohim game as before I had Guild of Nine and got an event to hire some units that were tired of the Summer/Winter Courts war. One was a Ljol Ranger, a Ljol mercenary, and a Svart Longbowman, but the Svart bowman had non-Svart artwork.

As an aside, for the standard Go9 mercs, could we get racial variant artwork, as long as they're going to have racial promotions applied?
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